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Reviewer: JennayHeartsNick Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/21/13 10:19 pm Title: Chapter 29

Geeeez!!! No wonder Tim is batshit crazy!! Who wouldn't be after that effed up childhood (and we thought Nick's childhood was bad! :P) I'll have to read tomorrow's update on the way to Nick's book Can't wait for it tho!!!

P.S. Cliffys still SUCK!!!

Author's Response: Well that's weird to know you're going to see the real Nick while I'm making my fake Nick suffer. LOL! Tell him I said hello! And thanks, Jennay!

Reviewer: Nijntje Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/21/13 10:03 pm Title: Chapter 29

I knew I should have waited until tomorrow, hoping to find out things would not be so bad, but nooooo, I just had to read it immediately. :(

Author's Response: I warned you it would be a bad cliffy. That should have been the first clue! LOL I'm glad you didn't wait! :O)

Reviewer: Kyrie Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/21/13 08:27 pm Title: Chapter 29

No!!!!!!!!!! Tim is a nut job and Nick needs to get away fast. Someone needs to help!

Author's Response: That would be nice and I'm sure Nick agrees with you. LOL Thanks, Kyrie!

Reviewer: mamogirl Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/21/13 07:50 pm Title: Chapter 29

I know I should be sorry for Nick (actually, I'm not... LOL) but... Tim ç_ç Poor Tim. #TeamTim
Did Howie shared his bad luck with Nick? LOL

Author's Response: I admit, I have no clue why anyone wouldn't feel sorry for Nick in this situation, but I am happy you do feel sorry for Tim because like he mentioned in the story, he's a victim too. Poor crazy guy. Thanks, Cinzia

Reviewer: Alexsgirl_ritz Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/21/13 11:09 am Title: Chapter 28

A-rok chapters overload! lol. Aside from Tim and the brilliant, creative way of writing, having so many A-rok moments make this story one of my favorites now. lol

I love AJ's outburst. It was sooo AJ. lol. Now, is the impatient wife already in the hospital or still impatient while waiting for news about her husband? :)

I'm all caught up now, Mare. I miss the 'next' button. It's saturday now, 2:06 pm here, 6:06 pm in the Philippines, but I am not sure what time for you over there. Guess, I'll wait for your update tonight. :)

Author's Response: Aww, glad to hear it! I'm sad you're caught up! Boo to you and your fast reading! I will be updating later on today. We are about 12 hours apart when it comes to the Philipines. I'll most likely be updating around 3 in the afternoon here which means late night for you! But you'll have something to read when you wake up in the morning! :O) Thanks for all the reviews and insight as you read this, Ritz!

Reviewer: Alexsgirl_ritz Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/21/13 11:04 am Title: Chapter 27

I don't think it would be that easy, that Tim would bring Nick to the hospital. He is Tim's new favorite person, right? lol

I hope Captain Blake and Special agent Pagano would hurry up. Talk to AJ and Brian already, and start searching for the cabin. :)

Author's Response: You never know, the guy is nuts. LOL This weekend they will be talking to the police! ;O)

Reviewer: Alexsgirl_ritz Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/21/13 10:59 am Title: Chapter 26

wait, wait, wait... two band members are in the hospital? Aj and Brian got help. Yay!

The impatient wife makes me giggle. I assume this is Leighanne but at the same time I have little doubt. You might go with different wife and smile while we assume it is Leighanne. lol

Author's Response: Perhaps? LOL well yeah you know already so... but a lot of people thought it was Kevin and Nick. As far as Leighanne... lol

Reviewer: Alexsgirl_ritz Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/21/13 10:51 am Title: Chapter 25

An A-rok chapter! I loved it, Mare. I almost cried with Brian as he broke down but laughed instead when they said I love yous to each other. lol. That was so cheesy, but I liked it! I love how Brian's anger and frustration brought out the side of him that he doesn't know yet. :)

Author's Response: Glad you're enjoying the Brian and AJ chapters. They are hard for me to write for some reason but I love pairing them together.

Reviewer: emily_michele Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/18/13 01:34 pm Title: Chapter 28

I love the uplifting tone of the last line here. I know we're not there yet, but a little glimpse of them getting out of this is nice!

Author's Response: I admit, it was kind of nice writing a chapter with a happy ending. lol It's kind of rare in this one. :O)

Reviewer: emily_michele Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/18/13 01:33 pm Title: Chapter 27

Oh, I don't like Nick being alone with Tim again. And I loved this line. "Nothing like a nice, strong crazy person." ha! I think it's lines like this that make you better at writing this kind of story than most. Breaking up the intensity with the little humorous one-liners makes the intense parts even more intense!

Author's Response: LOL I enjoy throwing humor in there. It kind of helps me as well with the more serious stuff. Thanks for the compliment! :O)

Reviewer: emily_michele Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/18/13 01:23 pm Title: Chapter 26

Well, I did manage to skim over these chapters on my phone while on vacation, but now I'm re-reading and catching up with reviews. I still really like the interludes that give a look into what's going on on the other side, so to speak. I like that this one gives a little more info on Tim in that there basically is no more info on him. Makes him even more creepy.

Author's Response: Thanks, Emily! I think his creepy factor will just really start to escalate now the closer we get to the end!

Reviewer: Alexsgirl_ritz Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/18/13 11:04 am Title: Chapter 24

I just hope you won't be caught, Howie.

And Tim's mother was taking a lot of psych meds? and I thought his father was the crazy one...

Author's Response: Yup, she has issues too. You'll see... Thanks, Ritz! I'll be sad when you're all caught up lol I am enjoying waking up to these emails!

Reviewer: Alexsgirl_ritz Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/18/13 10:56 am Title: Chapter 23

Awww... Why do Kevin and Howie's love for Nick make me so emotional. Nice dramatic chapter there, Mare. :)

Author's Response: Because it's beyond cute and real? LOL I love how they are with Nick. It gives me warm fuzzies!

Reviewer: Alexsgirl_ritz Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/18/13 10:48 am Title: Chapter 22

Kevin is so brilliant! Yay for him coming back... It's a good thing Kevin is touring with them, or else Brian and AJ might have been dead by now. lol

Author's Response: I know! They'd all be dead! But then again, they all probably wouldn't have been taking that car ride either. hrmm... lol

Reviewer: Alexsgirl_ritz Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/18/13 10:37 am Title: Chapter 21

Oh, damn! you wouldn't let the guys be saved that easily, would you, Mare? lol

Good story about Brian's faith... and I think I enjoyed them being scared to death. lol

Author's Response: Nope, why would I do that? lmao