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Reviewer: Alexsgirl_ritz Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/18/13 10:29 am Title: Chapter 20

Howie and Nick cuddling... I'd like to see that. Poor Nicky... at least Howie is stronger than him and he could make sure Tim won't do anything bad to Nick.

Author's Response: Yes, I'm sure Howie will try to do his best....and fail! lol poor Howie!

Reviewer: Alexsgirl_ritz Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/18/13 10:18 am Title: Chapter 19

Yay! Jennie saved the day! Hopefully, she'd get a kiss from Nick or something after all of this are done... If Nick is alive, that is. lol.

I think I Like Pat... he seemed gorgeous to me, and I love his attention to small things. lol

Author's Response: Aww you find him gorgeous? That's awesome. This is why I didn't really describe him. lol I love Pat as well!

Reviewer: Alexsgirl_ritz Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/17/13 10:59 am Title: Chapter 18

I'm afraid to know the secrets Tim and his father shared in the camping ground. Poor Timmy. And I thought he had a good life before they ran away, I am just glad his mother made him feel loved. Kids don't deserve physical or emotional abuse. :(

Author's Response: You will learn those and it's not the happiest thing on earth! I agree, it's awful! Thanks for all the reviews, Ritz!

Reviewer: Alexsgirl_ritz Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/17/13 10:49 am Title: Chapter 17

At least you tried, Howie. I'm so proud of you. You were so brave. *wink*

I loved the movie soundtrack description. Made me smile. :)

Author's Response: Thanks, Ritz! :O)

Reviewer: Alexsgirl_ritz Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/17/13 10:42 am Title: Chapter 16

Poor, poor Nicky. :(

Author's Response: :O(

Reviewer: Alexsgirl_ritz Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/17/13 10:34 am Title: Chapter 15

I love how patient Kevin is... lol Ooops the wolves are closer now, should we call the Cullens? lol Please don't let the wolves get any closer. :)

Author's Response: Oh God no, please keep the crappy Cullens out of my story they might dumb it down! lol

Reviewer: Alexsgirl_ritz Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/17/13 10:28 am Title: Chapter 14

Oh my God! The teenager at target parking lot! And I thought she tweeted about it... lol

Is this finally the reason why Tim kinda looked like Nick? if yes, then I'm relieved Tim was not a half brother or something. lol

Author's Response: Yup! I needed a reason for her to take our her phone and take a picture lol

Reviewer: Alexsgirl_ritz Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/17/13 10:22 am Title: Chapter 13

a Tim backstory... poor Timmy. I don't know why but the old pair of pajama being thrown away had a big impact on me. My heart broke for Tim. And I hope the reason why his mother commit suicide and left him all alone would be reveal on the next chapters. If she cannot take that kind of life anymore, why didn't she just escaped, and of course bringing Tim along with her.

I just hope no one is hurtas Nick and Tim fight. I also hope Howie is far, far away from the cabin. lol

Author's Response: I know, it's kind of heartbreaking to see what his life used to be like and how it has made him who he is today. There will be more about him to come, obviously lol

Reviewer: DelphinaCarter Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/16/13 07:52 pm Title: Chapter 28

Saturday is too far away LOL I am so relieved they found help and got to the hospital. I loved AJ yelling at the nurse and poor brian feeling guilty although I don't blame him. I also still think nick won't make it to the hospital :(

Author's Response: LOL, I loved writing AJ's little rant to the nurse! Thanks, Tracy! Saturday will be here soon1 (I hope!)

Reviewer: DelphinaCarter Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/16/13 07:41 pm Title: Chapter 27

sorry for being late in catching Up. I am so glad Kevin is with them and didn't eat the cake. Way to go Nick for saving the day. Tim is just bonkers thinking he is faking being really injured for attention and acting like nothing is wrong, but at least Kevin convinced him to bring Nick to the hospital. However the cynic in me doesn't think that will be so easy and something else will go wrong, this is your story after all ;)

Author's Response: No problem Tracy. The story isn't going anywhere lol Well, you do know me a little so.... ;O)

Reviewer: Alexsgirl_ritz Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/16/13 11:02 am Title: Chapter 12

Awww that thing Kevin said to Nick almost made me cry. 'almost' because I am in the office and there are other people around me, but had I been reading at home, I would have shed tears by now. Poor Nicky... he wanted his friends to save him but he wanted them to be safe as well. Mixed emotions are not good. Sending you some love, Nicky. :)

Author's Response: aww lol see? There ya go! Now you know what Kevin whispered to Nick. :O) I'm glad it almost made you weepy. It's always a nice thing to hear. Thanks for all the reviews, Ritz!

Reviewer: Alexsgirl_ritz Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/16/13 10:53 am Title: Chapter 11

This is the kind of chapter that can be compared when watching horror/suspense story that you keep on anticipating that something bad will happen. It's like expecting a wolf or Tim to find Howie when I should have been wishing that he will be kept safe. Hope you understand what I am trying to say, Mare. lol

Author's Response: I do get what you mean! I'm glad it comes off that way. There's something about the dark, creepy woods that is just scary all on its own. Never mind a maniac potentially waiting to kill you! LOL

Reviewer: Alexsgirl_ritz Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/16/13 10:46 am Title: Chapter 10

That was a very intense chapter! I'm so glad that it is an AJ chapter when the van drama happened, just a little disappointed I didn't know what Kevin whispered to Nick. AJ should have listened closely and paid more attention. lol Great job, Mare. I think I was nervous as AJ. lol

Author's Response: I know, AJ needs bionic ears, but rest assured when something like that is mentioned, it will usually be resolved maybe from someone else's POV! ;O) Thanks, Ritz!

Reviewer: Alexsgirl_ritz Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/16/13 10:35 am Title: Chapter 9

Oh, Nick. I bet that teenager tweeted something like she saw a Nick Carter look alike at target parking lot. well, I hope eveything will turn out fine, and no one will die in the next chapter. lol

Author's Response: LOL I don't kill people that easily, Ritz and this story would be very short if I did! :O) Thanks for the reviews!

Reviewer: Alexsgirl_ritz Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/16/13 10:28 am Title: Chapter 8

Yay Kevin! Now, go free AJ... :)

Author's Response: LOL