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Reviewer: Jujube Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/16/13 03:59 am Title: Chapter 28

So glad Brian and AJ got to the hospital!! I have a feeling something is going to go wrong with Tim taking Nick to the hospital!! Can't wait until the next update!

Saturday is a long way away! LOL

Author's Response: Uh-oh we'll have to wait and see and you're right! Saturday is too far away especially on a Monday morning! :O( lol thanks for the review!

Reviewer: Julilly Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/16/13 02:45 am Title: Chapter 28

Finally caught up again! If I could make a prediction, I suspect that when Tim brings Nick to the hospital he's going to discover Brian and AJ are there and not in the van and he's gonna be mighty angry...

Author's Response: You could make that prediction! And I could say it is either right or wrong lol

Reviewer: RokofAges75 Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/16/13 12:40 am Title: Chapter 1

LOL To answer your question, I've been reading 4 of 5 chapters at a time on my Kindle and then coming over to my computer to review them all at once because it's too slow on my Kindle. I knew that was the only way I was going to get caught up, though, cause I would not have been able to sit here and read that many chapters in a row on my computer!

Author's Response: I thought it was something like that because I would be answering a review you had just posted when another one would suddenly show up! lmao

Reviewer: RokofAges75 Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/16/13 12:37 am Title: Chapter 28

I'm glad at least Brian and AJ made it safely to the hospital! This is good news for the rest of the guys, though I doubt Nick will make it there so easily. I'm glad I'm all caught up, and hopefully I won't fall so far behind again. You're awesome for managing to write and update so often even now that school has started!

Author's Response: I can't believe you caught up! You're a rock star!! I figured you'd just be behind until I was finished. I've been doing good writing ahead but I am catching up to myself though because I can barely write a sentence during the week! LOL Thanks for taking the time to read and give feedback. Julie! :O)

Reviewer: RokofAges75 Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/16/13 12:35 am Title: Chapter 27

Ahh, I knew Kevin was going to be offered that piece of cake! I'm glad Howie was able to communicate to him not to eat it, and yay Nick for knocking it off the table without Tim suspecting anything. I'm surprised they were able to talk Tim into taking Nick to the hospital so easily! I wonder if Nick will actually make it there anytime soon.

Author's Response: Maybe yes, maybe no? Of course Kevin was going to get the cake because this was a Howie plan! How well have Howie plans gone in this story so far? LMAO

Reviewer: RokofAges75 Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/16/13 12:25 am Title: Chapter 26

I bet Leighanne was the impatient wife who went to the news station. I'm glad the FBI is involved now and that they were able to ID Tim with a first name, at least. They're getting somewhere!

Author's Response: Why does everyone think it's Leighanne? Oh right!! lol Do you have these reviews done and are just hitting send or do you just read freakishly fast?

Reviewer: RokofAges75 Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/16/13 12:25 am Title: Chapter 25

I liked the beginning scene between Brian and AJ. It was interesting to see Brian break down in front of AJ because, as you said, it's usually the other way around. Brian tends to mask his feelings with humor rather than open up about them. I liked AJ's comic relief, talking about how Nick is a magnet for crazy people and how it's just their luck for a flat tire to turn into this horror movie situation. It's like they're living in a fanfic or something! Oh wait... LOL Well, I hope Tim doesn't find out Kevin's been lying to him and trying to trick him anytime soon! LOL Oh, Tim...

Author's Response: Wow I thought you would have stopped by now! LOL You are almost caught up! Go you!! I thought it would be interesting to do a role reversal with the two of them and I could see AJ ranting about how crazy this whole entire situation was. And yes, oh crazy Tim trying to catch Kevin in a lie!

Reviewer: RokofAges75 Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/16/13 12:23 am Title: Chapter 24

Again, love the chapter title! LMAO So now we know Tim's mother was on lots of antidepressants back in the day - not surprising, given the life she was living! I'd be depressed too! I'm not so sure about Howie's plan to poison Tim with expired antidepressants, but we shall see. I just hope Tim doesn't offer the coffee and cake to Kevin instead!

Author's Response: I consulted our resident pharmacist about the meds while writing this chapter because I wasn't sure either. LOL Hrmm... maybe?

Reviewer: RokofAges75 Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/16/13 12:00 am Title: Chapter 23

It's so sad to see Nick giving up, but I love that his goal now is just to save Howie. I think the fire poker idea sounds more promising than using poison, though. This reminds me of Breaking Bad and all the ricin schemes LOL. That was cute how Howie just wanted to carry Nick around his pocket and protect him. I'm loving all the Nowie love in this story!

Author's Response: You and Steph! You would rather see Howie bludgeon Tim to death! LOL You will get a huge kick out of the title of the next Howie chapter! I named it with you in mind! :O)

Reviewer: RokofAges75 Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/15/13 11:58 pm Title: Chapter 22

I love the title of this chapter - so true! LOL Kevin did a great job "reasoning" with irrational Tim and convincing him to take him with him and leave Brian and AJ behind. Go Kevin! This is not a good situation for him, but he left Brian and AJ in a much more hopeful situation, especially with the police starting to look for them. I hope they find help or help finds them! Unless they get eaten by wolves... I kind of hope that happens too!

Author's Response: LMAO you never know! I mean these guys really haven't been very lucky thus far! I was worried this chapter was going to be too over the top but then I thought, in relation to what exactly? So I went for it! LOL

Reviewer: RokofAges75 Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/15/13 11:57 pm Title: Chapter 21

I love me some wolves, but Tim is definitely the real threat here! I think I'd rather face a whole pack of wolves than him. Still, I'm a little disappointed that no one has had their leg ripped off by a wolf yet!

Author's Response: LMAO I knew you wouldn't be happy that no one was mauled. It's me though!! No gore!!

Reviewer: RokofAges75 Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/15/13 11:31 pm Title: Chapter 20

I loved this tender moment between Howie and Nick, especially the part where they were "cuddling," not that Howie would ever admit it! LOL There were some more great Tim lines, too. Just give him some more aspirin; that'll cure him! He is so the male Annie Wilkes! I love him!

Author's Response: These two are like one scene away from a slash in this one! LOL Tim and Annie could have a contest to see who is crazier! She's probably win though :O(

Reviewer: RokofAges75 Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/15/13 11:29 pm Title: Chapter 19

I like these little interludes; it's nice to know things are happening behind the scenes and that help might eventually be on its way.

Author's Response: Aww thanks! I enjoy them too. They are like a little break for me. LOL

Reviewer: RokofAges75 Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/15/13 11:28 pm Title: Chapter 18

I love these Tim chapters! I was glad to get some more back story and a clue as to why they ran into the woods. It would make sense that his dad was a fugitive. I wonder what he did and if that's what the secret was that he confessed to Tim during their camping trip. I laughed so much throughout this chapter at Tim's dialogue and the things he would think, like, "He thought he’d at least wish him a happy birthday but he probably just felt bad because he didn’t get him a present or anything. “Don’t worry Howie, I didn’t expect you to get me anything!”" Sometimes I just had to read them out loud to myself and laugh so more. Tim is so delusional, he's almost loveable in a way... a crazy, twisted, frightening way! Your Best Villain win at the DRATW Awards was well deserved!

Author's Response: LMAO!! I can see you saying those lines out loud! I enjoyed writing him being so overly obsessed with his birthday. I drew from some people for that one! ;O) And thank you! :O)

Reviewer: RokofAges75 Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/15/13 11:24 pm Title: Chapter 17

This chapter started out slow and then became very suspenseful and downright scary. I could picture the scene of Howie trying to hide from Tim among the trees like a scene in a movie, and your descriptions of what the score would sound like made it even easier to imagine. I loved that thread you wove through the action at the end. I just wish Howie had been a little faster on his feet; he could have gotten away or possibly at least stolen the truck, if the keys were in the ignition - not sure if they were though. I'm still finding Howie the easiest to relate to, though, because he's the flawed hero, the hero who keeps trying to save the day and keeps messing up LOL. That would probably be me!

Author's Response: I would be him too! The guy can't cut a break at all! Glad you enjoyed the music references I described it how I heard it in my head as the action was going on although I did want to just add a Dun Dun the end. LMAO Poor Howie!