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Reviewer: emily_michele Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/04/13 02:11 am Title: Chapter 22

Have I mentioned how much I love Kevin? I worry about Kevin trying to overtake him and not being able to, and hurting himself further somehow. Oh, and I love this line "No you don't. This was incredibly stupid." ha!

Author's Response: You gotta love self aware, Kevin lol he knows it's stupid but he's going with it anyway! Thanks, Emily!

Reviewer: KimberlyCan Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/04/13 01:36 am Title: Chapter 22

So glad to read the update bc that cliffhanger was a killer!
I think Kevin's plan was good bc they now know what direction the truck drove in and the license plate number will help, if it is registered.
Can't wait to read more and the kevin/nick moments to come:)

Author's Response: Kevin is one smart cookie! And yay to Kevin and Nick bonding! I told you it was coming! :O) lol Thanks, Kim!

Reviewer: Kyrie Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/03/13 11:43 pm Title: Chapter 22

Kevin is a genius (I hope)! AJ and Brian better move their butts!

Author's Response: Kevin is a genius! :O) And I'm sure their little tiny butts are moving! LOL Thanks, Kyrie!

Reviewer: DelphinaCarter Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/03/13 11:05 pm Title: Chapter 22

Whew!!! I was cheering.Kevin on when he was tricking Tim. Thank god he agreed with Kevin and took him. poor AJ wanting to do drugs simply out of stress, I can understand that need he is feeling. He and Brian better get some help soon! amazing update, Mare!

Author's Response: Thanks, Tracy! Yay Kevin to the rescue! :O)

Reviewer: Nijntje Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/03/13 08:55 pm Title: Chapter 22

Yay for Kevin being this smart and brave! Now let's hope Brian and A.J. will run into someone soon that isn't crazy ;) Tim isn't that smart, believing Kevin that easily, but hey, you won't hear me complaining. I can see why he does though, he simply hasn't learned about the importance and strength of loving relationships and how people lie to protect the people they love.

Author's Response: You are right, Tim just isn't used to being around people for one and definitely not people who care about each other. But maybe one of the main reasons he believed Kevin is because he's just batshit crazy? LOL Thanks, Nijntje!

Reviewer: mandelyn78753 Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/03/13 08:37 pm Title: Chapter 22

Kevin, you brave fool! lol

I loved it. What more can I say? Was a great plan there. I hope all goes well, with a pinch more drama of course! mwhahhaha :)

Author's Response: Oh no worries, there will be more drama to come! Thanks, Mandy! LOL

Reviewer: DelphinaCarter Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/03/13 09:57 am Title: Chapter 21

WHAT THE HELL MARE??? You are killing me. first you make me want to cry with Brian, and then I feel horrible for Kevin...the boys are about to be puppy chow and now I am pissed cause psycho Tim shows up....where does that leave Nick and Howie? :( I want a van chapter next I guess. UGH!!!

Author's Response: Yeah, that sounds about right. LOL Since you are the only one that has voted and based on the reviews, I probably will go with a van chapter next. Maybe at least something will be resolved? Maybe lol Thanks, Tracy!

Reviewer: Sam_noelle Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/03/13 08:46 am Title: Chapter 21

What the hell?? He was just back at the cabin torturing Nick and Howie, now he's already there to kill them? Damnit! I was hoping he would drive up to do the deed and there would be a ton of cop cars there rescuing the guys. Now what are they going to do? They're sitting ducks with that psychopath. And if Tim's out there, where does that leave poor Nick and Howie? By they way, I don't like to see Nick fading so fast, not cool Mare...not cool. But other than that, can't wait for more. lol

Author's Response: That's the one thing that can be a little confusing about this story. Because they each have their own POV's most of the time they overlap which means the Howie POV chapter was taking place just around the same time Brian was losing faith but by the time the wolves show up, Tim was way on his way to see them. Not a lot of time has actually gone by in the context of the story, but because of all the POV's it may seem like days have gone by while actually it's only been hours. I did that just to add another surprise element like Tim seeming to just show up as fast as he did. LOL Thanks, Sam! :O)

Reviewer: KimberlyCan Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/03/13 01:16 am Title: Chapter 21

Seriously, update now!!!! you can't leave us hanging at that. Tim saves them from the wolves only to say he has three bullets left to kill them too?????
We need to know how they are going to get out of this!

Author's Response: OMG I know, I'm seriously really mean, sorry about that! What's worse is the next update isn't even at the van. It's back at the cabin, but hey, shows do it all the time, right? And you usually have to wait an entire week for those! LOL Thanks, Kim!

Reviewer: emily_michele Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/03/13 12:27 am Title: Chapter 21

Ooh! Tim could be eaten by wolves!

Author's Response: maybe?

Reviewer: Nijntje Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/02/13 10:34 pm Title: Chapter 21

Uh-oh... I'm not sure what is the better option.. being attacked by wolves or shot by Tim. If he's any good at it, at least it'd be quick and sorta painless, something that can't be said of a wolf attack.
But you'll better come up with something way better for our boys that doesn't involve death! Not even Tims' otherwise they are never gonna find Nowie!!
Very tense chapter, Mare!

Author's Response: Hrmm lol We shall see! The next chapter is another Nowie one, so maybe they're concocting their own plans! ;O) Thanks!

Reviewer: Kyrie Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/02/13 10:15 pm Title: Chapter 21

Oh crap! Please let the wolves come back and drag Tim away with them!

Author's Response: LMAO! I loved this!

Reviewer: Carter-Orange Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/02/13 09:41 pm Title: Chapter 21

Arghhhhhhhhh now that is one mean cliffy Mare! I think I'd rather take my chance with the wolves than with Tim!

I think if I was Brian, I'd have lost faith too, not much is going their way at the moment :(

Can't wait for more, I was literally on the edge of my seat reading this chapter :)

Author's Response: Aww excellent about the edge of your seat comment and sorry about the cliffy but as you know when we get close to the end cliffies will be coming. LOL Thanks, Steph!

Reviewer: JennayHeartsNick Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/02/13 08:50 pm Title: Chapter 21

OMG!! You're worse than Hannah with these dang cliffhangers!!!! Where are the damn police?!?!!

Author's Response: I've had quite a bit of practice with writing cliffies! Police might be on their way or mightn't be. LOL! Thanks, Jennay!

Reviewer: mamogirl Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/02/13 08:36 pm Title: Chapter 21

Are they battling for winning the first place of who is the most unlucky? LOL Saved from the wolves just so to fall between the hands of crazy Tim. I don't know which fate is the worst, though. The wolves? LOL

Aside that, and I guess you already know, I loved this chapter. And I loved your Brian. He's the only one who can actually win against Kevin. LOL #TeamKentuckyCousins

Author's Response: Yeah, I figured being stubborn is in the genes. I know they are a pretty unlucky bunch, huh? AJ touches on that a little later, if he doesn't get killed first lol ;O) Thanks, Cinzia, I figured you'd enjoy this chapter.