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Reviewer: DelphinaCarter Signed [Report This]
Date: 08/31/13 02:50 am Title: Chapter 18

I was starting to feel sorry for him dealing with a psycho father but that last paragraph reminded me how nuts he is. He's gonna kill the others and basically kill nick with the aspirin. I want to smack him every time aspirin is mentioned, its probably making Nick worse :(

Great chapter as always.....I feel so bad for poor Howie too.

Author's Response: I know! On the one hand you want to feel for the guy and he is trying to help Nick but on the other hand he's planning to kill three people in cold blood and by trying to help Nick, he's really doing nothing more than slowly killing him too! LOL Oh Tim, why must you be so crazy? Thanks, Tracy!

Reviewer: emily_michele Signed [Report This]
Date: 08/31/13 02:38 am Title: Chapter 19

I'm really liking the little interludes. They really add an element to the story that would be otherwise lost. I like the cop already for noticing the rope around Nicks wrists.

Author's Response: Thanks, Emily that's really great to hear because I'm kind of on the fence about the interludes lol I know I need them, I am just hoping I'm not breaking the flow of the story.

Reviewer: Jujube Signed [Report This]
Date: 08/31/13 02:32 am Title: Chapter 19

I'm loving this story!! Can't wait for the next update!

Author's Response: Aw, thanks for reading and letting me know! :O)

Reviewer: Carter-Orange Signed [Report This]
Date: 08/30/13 06:49 pm Title: Chapter 18

I know I always say it, but Tim really has got a split personality! I feel sorry for him with the childhood he had, that must've been awful, but you'd think he'd want to be different to his dad. I wonder what his dad told him at the campsite on his 19th birthday?

I just hope Kevin, AJ and Brian get away from the car before Tim comes back to finish them off.

Great chapter, looking forward to more.

Author's Response: Hrmm that question shall be answered at one point in this story! Thanks, Steph!! :O)

Reviewer: mamogirl Signed [Report This]
Date: 08/30/13 06:30 pm Title: Chapter 18

Poor Tim. ç_ç I know he's crazy, unstable and really really messed up but I have to admit that I feel for him. He just wants to be loved and have someone there with him. (Okay, it's not really right to go and kidnap people but we already stated that he isn't quite right. lol).

Mh... now, which death would be better for the other guys? Getting eaten by the wolves or killed by Tim? LOL

Author's Response: I know, he's got issues but you gotta love him in a weird, kind of distorted way. LOL Maybe some will be eaten and some will be shot. Or maybe the wolves will eat Tim and problem solved! ;O)

Reviewer: Nijntje Signed [Report This]
Date: 08/30/13 11:26 am Title: Chapter 18

Wow, even though I know Tim is completely nuts, that last bit sure is unexpected, and yet it is not. It sucks though. Let's hope A.J. and Brian can do something to stop him, without getting themselves or Kevin hurt. Great chapter, Mare, but how did you come up with this storyline?? Do we need to worry? ;)

Author's Response: I usually consult with the two guys I have locked in my basement before I come up with any major plot twists and turns. But other than that, I would say you don't have to worry about me! LOL :O)

Reviewer: emily_michele Signed [Report This]
Date: 08/30/13 07:18 am Title: Chapter 1

Hmmm..... I'm of course hoping that the other guys will have found some way to be gone when Tim goes after them. And the pharmacist in me says, "Stop giving the man who is bleeding internally aspirin, Tim! Especially if you want him to be your living new brother!"

Author's Response: lmao I know, right? That's why I chose aspirin. I think the pharmacist in you will love the chapter I am in the process of writing now. :O) And no worries about the guys, I'm sure by the Tim gets there, they will have already been eaten! hehe Thanks, Emily!

Reviewer: Carter-Orange Signed [Report This]
Date: 08/29/13 03:25 am Title: Chapter 17

You are the queen of the cliffy!

Wow, what an exciting chapter. I knew Howie wouldn't have got far enough away, poor Howie :( And Tim is just nuts, the way he was calling out to him, like he's his friend or something!

Can't wait for more, I'm curious what the complication with Nick is.

Author's Response: I know! I thought that was the creepiest part of this chapter, was how he didn't get that Howie was running away from him. What a looney tune! I don't even sound like I wrote this! LOL Thanks, Steph! As far as the complication, remember we all know more about what's happened than Howie. ;O)

Reviewer: mamogirl Signed [Report This]
Date: 08/28/13 11:56 pm Title: Chapter 17

Oh Howie, you really aren't that lucky, right? lol

I loved the last part, the chase combined with the music description. Really, really cool.

Author's Response: Thanks, Cinzia! I'm glad you enjoyed that! :O)

Reviewer: emily_michele Signed [Report This]
Date: 08/28/13 06:10 pm Title: Chapter 17

My favorite part of this chapter was definitely the movie soundtrack/orchestra analogies. I'm thinking a few readers may have to look up some of the terminology, but to me it was great! Very dramatic last two lines!

Author's Response: Aww thanks! I loved to be able to tie in some film composer music jargon! LOL At least I didn't do the Dun Dun Dunnnn like I kind of wanted to! hehe thanks, Emily!

Reviewer: Alexsgirl_ritz Signed [Report This]
Date: 08/28/13 04:00 pm Title: Chapter 2

Now, I understand this chapter. I really thought the last parts of the chapter were from the van's scene. lol. I'm glad Howie escaped, but poor Timmy he lost one friend. lol. Go, Howie! Find the other three... :)

Author's Response: okay, good! Glad you got it the second time through! Yes Tim will not be happy. lol Thanks, Ritz!

Reviewer: Alexsgirl_ritz Signed [Report This]
Date: 08/28/13 03:39 pm Title: Chapter 1

Hello, Mare. *waves*

I am officially starting to read the story again. lol. Where should I start? They say chapter 1 is important because it will tell the reader if they still want to pursue reading the story or not. I clicked the story because it's your story, and I know how awesome it would be. But after reading the first chapter, I am hooked because it has this factor that will make you want to read more, make you want to find out the answers to so many unanswered question: Why did they left the city and ran to the woods, who is visior no. 1 and 2 (as it's obvious that Candice, visitor no. 4 and 5 were just lost in the woods, or were they?), Was the $150,000 was the only reason why they ran, would we and Tim ever find out the real reason? These are the things that would make me hit the 'Next' button.

Poor Timothy, my heart aches for all those children whose childhood were taken away from them. Even though little timmy was already 10 years old, it was still a big change for him especially that his favorite toys and his dog weren't brought with him. I just hope his Mommy made everything so little Timmy was happy and loved.

Author's Response: *waves back* first of all, thank you for taking the time to not only read, but apparently reread. I was really worried about starting a story with a guy who no one knows or cares about so I'm glad that you found him interesting enough to want to know more about him as well as about what was going on within the story. A lot of those questions you posed will be answered as you go along. I agree, Tim has had it rough. Even though he is no doubt the villain in this story, I wanted people to like him and understand that maybe he's that way for a reason. Again as you go along, I think that image gets painted a little clearer. Thanks again, Ritz! :O) Your review rocked! lol

Reviewer: Jenna Signed [Report This]
Date: 08/28/13 11:36 am Title: Chapter 17

Well that sucks. Here I was hoping Howie could have avoided psycho Tim. That was cool how you had Howie's Dad coaching him, telling him to keep quiet or when to run. Sad about the low self esteem part with Howie, he needs to realize that God doesn't make junk; we all have a purpose. Poor Howie is going to have the truck ride in hell now that Tim has planted guilt in his head saying that 'there's been a complication.' I hate your cliffhangers lol.

Author's Response: I feel like out of all of them, I have been the meanest to poor Howie! Luckily for him, because he does suck at directions, he isn't that far from the cabin so the ride will be pretty short. LOL Thanks, Carrie!

Reviewer: Sam_noelle Signed [Report This]
Date: 08/28/13 08:55 am Title: Chapter 17

Stupid Howie. Really, really stupid. UGH! Why would he run?!?!? Well that was short lived, hopefully he can make it out of there again...for good. On a side note, it looks like that Strings seminar paid off some, huh? lol

Author's Response: Maybe a little ;O) Poor Howie! I'm not sure what I would have done but he really hasn't made the best decisions since leaving that cabin. LOL THanks, Sam!

Reviewer: DelphinaCarter Signed [Report This]
Date: 08/28/13 05:11 am Title: Chapter 17

Oh Howie :( i love that little music was perfect. I really felt for Howie when he started thinking about Kevin and how Kevin wouldn't have ran. Then about how his dad would have yelled. I am kind of relieved he will be with Nick again so at least Nick won't be alone. Great chapter!

Author's Response: Thanks for mentioning the music descriptions! It is interesting that Howie said Kevin would never leave Nick when he actually did let Nick leave. lol Howie just doesn't know it yet! And yes,I wanted Howie and Nick back together. Sorry Howie! :O( Thanks, Tracy!