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Reviewer: RokofAges75 Signed [Report This]
Date: 07/18/14 10:07 am Title: Chapter 20: Kevin

I loved this chapter! Kevin and Nick bickering at the beginning, the argument over who would go grocery shopping at the end... I love scenes like that of just the guys interacting with each other, being guys. You do such a great job writing all of them! I'm surprised they're allowed to leave for something like groceries; even in a small town, they could be recognized. I wonder if anything will happen at the grocery store. Reading on!

Author's Response: Thanks so much! I enjoy writing "normal/everyday" scenes probably more than anything else. There's just something so endearing about the thought of them all hanging out together and goofing off.

Reviewer: RokofAges75 Signed [Report This]
Date: 07/18/14 09:58 am Title: Chapter 19: AJ

THANK YOU, Boys!!! I'm so glad they called one of the wives! I still feel horrible for Lauren, who's going to think Nick is dead, but at least the others will know that their husbands are okay. I enjoyed the banter at the beginning of this chapter about where they were going - a dry county that's known for producing Jack Daniels, hilarious! I also laughed when Brian threatened to start singing One Phone Call because I was about to do the same thing! That is my favorite track off IAWLT! I'm still loving this story!

Author's Response: I also LOVE One Phone Call. I always turn it up in the car and sing along at full volume (but only when I'm alone, because I am a TERRIBLE singer). Seriously, it took them long enough to call someone. Come on boys, get it together!!

Reviewer: DelphinaCarter Signed [Report This]
Date: 07/18/14 08:45 am Title: Chapter 41: Brian

This actually made me cry. I am a mess right now... What else can this sicko do to them. I am afraid to ask!!!

Author's Response: Sorry for making you cry. *Offers box of tissues* It's probably better if you don't ask ...

Reviewer: DelphinaCarter Signed [Report This]
Date: 07/18/14 08:36 am Title: Chapter 40: Nick

Brian haven't you heard the song Billy Dont Be A Hero? My goodness. Poor Howie :( I liked how you threw in a comment about how Howie would have been mad about his hair getting messed up while all this anguish is going on.

Author's Response: Oh man, now that song is in my head! I'm glad you liked that bit about Howie's hair. I figured that I would stick that in and see if anyone noticed. :P

Reviewer: mandelyn78753 Signed [Report This]
Date: 07/17/14 09:21 pm Title: Chapter 41: Brian

Oh man, Brian's instinct sure kicked in right on time. 2 more down. Lots of chaos ensuing there at the end. I just wish the playing field would be a bit more even. Can't Joey or Vinny get shot down next? Haha. One of the guys needs to get a hold of a gun and at least get one of the bad guys out of the game. Hehe.... I know easier said then done right. I'm excited for what's next though.

Author's Response: It took Brian long enough to make that decision. Sheesh! It wouldn't be very entertaining if I were to even the playing field. Just sayin' - LOL

Reviewer: Lucie Signed [Report This]
Date: 07/17/14 03:03 pm Title: Chapter 1: AJ

OMG, don't let him die plz ))) he is my fav. backstreet boy :)))

Author's Response: Oops! Sorry for putting your favourite boy in such an unfortunate position. Haha! You will have to keep reading to see if he makes it. Thanks for taking the time to comment!

Reviewer: silver knife Signed [Report This]
Date: 07/17/14 03:54 am Title: Chapter 40: Nick

OH MY CRAZINESS!!! This is one hell of a world gone wrong! Oh Brian is really one trouble maker. Though I know he didn't mean it. He just wants to help and protect good ol' Kev. But disaster is bound to happen. This is nuts! Now Howie's in terrible condition to be of any help to anyone or himself. and i can so feel a guilt trip coming Brian's way, I just hope he gets to calm himself and not brood over it, but i have a feeling its far from happening based on his character. Darn this sarah girl! She drives me crazy! You got her character way of the charts for a fan and a villain. She's sooo delusional! what's wrong with her? is she some crazy girl from a mental institution or something cause her way of thinking is far from normal. Nick finally found the nerve to answer her! ha! I can definitely feel the evolvement of this story, and i am incredibly excited for the chapters to come! more twists and turns, more trouble and tests for the group. Its only my prayer they all come out alive... though i am pretty sure they will be all harmed. Gosh!! You got me stuck on this story far to long dear, and i can't stop! so you can't stop. hehe. :) please update soon. im looking forward to it. One storm of hell is coming their way. ;) Oh, and greetings from my country the Philippines, that was just hit by a storm, so im sorry that i wasn't able to review the previous story about Kevin. hehe. Till your next chapter! :D

Author's Response: Wow - you're reading this all the way from the Philippines! I heard about the storm on the news. I hope that you and your family are all doing okay! Thanks for such an intense review. It's nice to know that you are so hooked on the story. Don't worry, I have no intentions of stopping until it is finished. So, you will get to find out what happens in the end. The boys sure are in a bad place at the moment and there are definitely some more twists to come. :D

Reviewer: Mare Signed [Report This]
Date: 07/16/14 09:24 am Title: Chapter 40: Nick

Oy! You had a room full of goons who could have been accidentally shot but yet you chose poor Howie? *sigh* I thought this was the big climactic the boys were going to win and only Howie gets hurt in the end, chapter. I'm not sure if I'm a huge fan if this only being the beginning. LOL

Nicely written action sequence and at least you didn't kill Kevin. But yes, Brian it was your fault!

Author's Response: What fun would it have been to have one of the meat-heads get shot? In my ind, it was between Howie and Kevin. Unfortunately for him, Howie was the winner. Although, you should be happy with the fact that he's still alive and breathing. I get brownie points for that, right? As much as I hate to throw Brian under the bus, it was totally his fault!

Reviewer: mandelyn78753 Signed [Report This]
Date: 07/16/14 04:21 am Title: Chapter 40: Nick

Omg omg! Where do I even start? Man down. Uh oh. Poor Howie. And this is only the beginning according to Sarah? What else does she have in store for them? Shooting one of them wasn't enough. I hope he survives though. How long could he really stay like that? Especially if they've got them all bound, no one to help slow the blood loss. We dont even know if the bullet is through and through. I am thinking into the future too, blood Loss and infection. Ay yi yi. Ok, just gonna sit here patiently for the next update. Hehehe

Author's Response: Good to know that you're waiting patiently. LOL Realistically, I'm not sure how long Howie would be able to survive in his current state. I guess that would depend, like you said, on the amount of blood loss and the potential for infection. Hopefully, someone will come and save them before anything even more disastrous happens to poor Howie.

Reviewer: Anita Signed [Report This]
Date: 07/14/14 05:28 am Title: Chapter 39: Kevin

Another cliff hanger:( You mean authors love doing that to me! lol and just so you know, if I weren't harassing you that would mean I don't care. You KNOW I love you stories:D

Author's Response: Us mean authors take great joy in making you all wait to see what happens. Will Kevin make it out alive or won't he?? Should I be nice or shouldn't I??

Reviewer: DelphinaCarter Signed [Report This]
Date: 07/12/14 09:53 am Title: Chapter 39: Kevin

I loved how you wrote without Nick they'd
fall apart, I feel that is true sometimes. Lots of drama in this chapter, loved the buildup. Sarah is cuckoo for cocoa puffs..For real. Yikes!

Author's Response: I really do believe that they all couldn't function without Nick. I love how everyone has a different saying to describe Sarah's craziness ... I haven't heard the term "cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs" since elementary school! - Love it!

Reviewer: Carter Signed [Report This]
Date: 07/12/14 06:12 am Title: Chapter 39: Kevin

I only have three words to say about this chapter oh my god!!!!!

Author's Response: Those are three excellent words to use. :P

Reviewer: Mare Signed [Report This]
Date: 07/10/14 10:33 pm Title: Chapter 39: Kevin

I loved this little passage because I feel like it's so accurate: Regardless of the other relationships that had formed between the five of us, it was Nick who held us together. Each of us had a bond with Nick that couldn’t be duplicated; albeit some of those bonds were noticeably stronger than others. Without Nick, the four of us wouldn’t be able to carry on, and we had all just acknowledged that fact loud and clear.

Poor Nick is going to need some heavy duty therapy after this! SO Kevin actually heard the bullet and not just a click? It had to have been a click because there's no way you would have things come to an end so quickly and besides, you wouldn't kill Kevin! He'd never forgive you! She's all kinds of batshit bonkers. lol

Ooh, I also loved Kevin's whole wanting to put the pieces of the puzzle together too because that's what I was feeling as well. Why do these goons care especially because they have to realize she's one creme filling short of a twinkie!

Author's Response: I also feel as though that passage is accurate. Let's face it, without Nick there is no BSB. He's the "glue" as my husband would say. He's going to need a ton of therapy ... if he makes it out alive. Bahahahahaha! *kidding* "One creme filling short of a Twinkie" may just be my new favourite expression!

Reviewer: mandelyn78753 Signed [Report This]
Date: 07/10/14 09:25 pm Title: Chapter 39: Kevin

I feel like I am watching an episode of criminal minds. Someone save the guys! Wah, where's the bau when you need them. Btw, total compliment. That's one of my favorite shows. I'm hoping Kevin just got ahead of himself and there was no bullet dislodging from the chamber. Someone tackle that meathead please. Girl, you got me nervous though. I need a margarita now. Haha. Excited to see what's next.

Author's Response: I also enjoy Criminal Minds. I should have written the BAU into this story, just so that Morgan could show up (gorgeous!!). Anyways, I got sidetracked there for a minute. Poor Kevin - he's in quite the predicament at the moment. Perhaps you're right and he just got ahead of himself. You'll have to wait for the next chapter to find out.

Reviewer: emeraldbecca1991 Signed [Report This]
Date: 07/10/14 08:10 pm Title: Chapter 39: Kevin

noooo nooo NOOOO!!!!

Author's Response: Yes, Yesss, YESSSS! :P