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Reviewer: Anita Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/28/05 07:45 pm Title: 18

excellent job it was a very cute chapter and i could so picture nick falling over laughing like a little kid. please update soon

Author's Response: lol aww me too!

Reviewer: felikia2009 Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/28/05 06:39 pm Title: 18

lol, i love this story. so happy that kev found the fishing rod. need an udpate! heh

Author's Response: Aww thanks :)

Reviewer: LenniluvsBrian Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/28/05 04:02 am Title: 18

LMAO!!!!! These two are just *SO* frickin' hilarious!!! OMG!!! I can just imagine Kevin telling that frog & chicken joke! Lol. If I ever told that joke, people would insult me - good thing it's Kev telling it & not anybody else. And poor Nicky - all's he got left is the other fellas - it's good they're there for him, but sucks 'cause I know how much he loves his family. Also, I'm *SO* happy Kevin got his rod back! I figured it'd show up eventually! Yay! UPDATE!!!!!!!!!! ~Lenni~

Author's Response: Aww there's a whole page of those corny nature jokes lol too cute. I had to go with the frog one because the thought of Kevin clucking like a chicken just about made me pee myself lol

Reviewer: Maggie Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/28/05 02:57 am Title: 18

Oh I love this chapter! I told Kevin's chicken joke to my sibs and they laughed. I loved Nick's final comment in this chapter; Kev's dad pushing the rod down the river to them as a reward for telling his joke.

Author's Response: YAY you told the chicken joke! I love that joke! Thanks for the feedback Maggie :)

Reviewer: mers Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/28/05 01:31 am Title: 18

here's ur cookie and a gold star and just cause i rock, a glass of milk! we might want to ask chaos if there's anything he could do about having smilies in our review box cause i'd like one that is clapping right about now! I love this one but you already know this! I love all the jokes, esp. the horse one! lmao...and it's sad nick cant think of anything to say about his dad or his family :( now im going to sit in a corner and have a mental image of Kevin telling the buuukk buuukk buukkkoookk joke to the other guys when they're back in the studio...lmao!!

Author's Response: woohoo cookies AND milk! YAY can I also have some cake? I love me some cake! lol

Reviewer: swenglish Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/27/05 09:03 pm Title: 1

Another great chapter and more bonding between my two favorite men LOL...They are like brothers and I thought it was awesome that you let Kevin show another side of him, a more joking side. He shows it on and off in reality lol

Author's Response: Aww thanks for the feedback Kris! I'm sure Kevin isn't always so serious :D

Reviewer: Anita Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/21/05 01:42 am Title: 17

awesome chapter but i didnt expect it not to be. i love my kevvy and nicky they never cease to amaze me AND NICK YOU ARE NOT A LOSER I WOULD NOT HAVE MARRIED YOU IF YOU WERE....,LOVE YOU TOO KEVIN! update soon!

Author's Response: LMAO you crack me up you know that? ;)

Reviewer: LenniluvsBrian Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/20/05 11:32 pm Title: 17

As per usual, LOVED IT!!!!! lol. I'ma on a Backstreet High right now too - they were on Much On Demand tonight & were SO funny! Lol. A.J. even shook his ass RIGHT in front of a camera! And Brian tackled Nick soem for a hug! Lol. It was TOO funny! Wished y'all coulda seen it! Though, I *was* SO jealous of al lthe fans there - they got autographs & hugs & stuff-lol.
Anyways, BACK to my review - sidetracked there, like Kev did in this chapter-lol. Lovely chapter - Nick thinks he's a loser - Carter, join me in the Club of people who think that of themselves - we can work together on our esteem. And Kev - I can SO picture him bench pressing Nicky! Lmao! UPDATE!!!!!!!!!!!! ~Lenni~

Author's Response: I LOVED that interview on MOD lol that was awesome!

Reviewer: mers Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/20/05 03:26 am Title: 17

i love your defence and i accepted it, lmao. That was such a heart warming chapter always with this story, a very good balance between drama and humor, my favorite! And i have to admit, i got distracted with Nick pilling up grass, lmao! my favorite line in this chappie is 'Kevin placed his hand on Nick?s heart, ?They don?t know the kid I know and you have to realize that as well.?' Brought tears to my eyes!

Author's Response: Aww as always thanks a bunch Mers in fact thanks ten bunches! lol

Reviewer: scarlett Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 05/30/05 11:46 pm Title: 16

still enjoying it..reading it this time zone me out from my own solar system for the meanwhile... :D

Author's Response: glad I could help with that lol ;)

Reviewer: Anita Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 05/29/05 03:25 am Title: 16

*crying* that was so emotional but so great i love you mare you rock my world

Author's Response: Aww thanks Anita! :)

Reviewer: LenniluvsBrian Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 05/29/05 02:33 am Title: 16

Dude - before I review - did you get one of your fics published?!?!?! If so, HOW!?!?!?! I'd LOVE to have that happen to me!!!! Now, my review: LMAO!!! This chapter started off funny & ended funny! lol. And I liked the A.J. flashbacks they had - it shows they cared. And I don't blame Nicky for hating change, as I hate change too-lol. UPDATE!!!!!!!!!! ~Lenni~

Author's Response: Actually Mel's wasn't always a fanfic the one that is being published is the non BSB version lol I sent some into the publishing house they asked for the rest then they said they'd publish it lol :D it's very exciting! and thanks for the review! I wanted to tell anyone who might want to review Mel's at the website not too because they don't know it was also a fanfic lol

Reviewer: scarlett Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 05/24/05 04:40 am Title: 15

whoa! how did you know that i'm going to catch up with the stories?! this is a nice one. very touching. i just had the same experience last night when i felt that i have to do something to console a sad friend, but i don't knwo what to do or what to say to let her know that i care and i also worry about's frustrating..mostly for things that i am hoping would turn out fine but a little more complicated than i thought. i hope you're getting what i mean. i can feel Kevin, and his desire to reach out to Nick but Nick seems like he is alright, putting on a strong face and anything similar to that. It's frustrating. It's a good thing that Kevin decided on this fishing trip. It doesn't only strengthens his relationship with NIck, but it's a learning journey for both of them as well. geez..i said a lot. byers for now. i'm waiting for the updates...i'll be patient, don't worry. :D :D

Author's Response: it's so hard sometimes to try to find the right words to say to someone who is having a hard time. I hope your friend worked everything out. :)

Reviewer: scarlett Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 05/24/05 04:22 am Title: 14

it's a feel-good chapter! i'm listening to BSB's Memories right now and suddenly had this craving to hear Nick's album. damn, i don't know much about how his album turned out to be and i can say that he still had more talent than Justin Timberlake. I hate that other guy and the way he sings falsetto (? let me correct that since you're a music teacher) i just don't like the way he sings. anyway...i also heard about that Paris movie that they are promoting it "IF THEY WANT TO SEE PARIS DIE, THIS IS THE CHANCE" lol. poor Paris, still i don't pity her. Have you already heard about Kevin and Nick's interview about Paris? all in all, i'm still loving this. i avtually am not expecting for ending anytime soon. the bonding between the two is truly enjoying.. now, go to the next chapter......

Author's Response: LOL yes that whole Paris thing is just blech! and i'm not sure why is album wasn't successful either. I loved it!

Reviewer: scarlett Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 05/24/05 04:04 am Title: 13

muted! hahaha. love it.. i'll read the next one...

Author's Response: LOL wouldn't it be nice if we could really mute people?