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Reviewer: sweet18_2003 Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 10/26/05 06:38 pm Title: 39

awww...such a great ending. I'm glad that everybody is okay in the Richardson family. I'm so sad that the story is over, but there is definitely room for a sequel at some point *hint* lol. Anyways, amazing story. I'm so happy that I read it....and kicking myself for not starting it sooner! I cant wait to read more from yo. You rock!!! *whisperes in ear* get this published

Author's Response: Aww thanks! and i'm really glad you found this story and enjoyed it as much as you did. As far as the sequel i'm siure i'm goign to be yelled at in a minute so *whistles and waits* lol

Reviewer: felicia Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 10/26/05 06:29 pm Title: Author's Note

:o......WHAT DID YOU DO??!?!?!?!?!

Author's Response: ...and after she reads the author's note lol aww I told you not to read! I'm glad you liked the 'ending' lol sorry you weren't quite as crazy about the real one lol

Reviewer: felicia Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 10/26/05 06:28 pm Title: 39

nick IS a con artist sad its over, but its a great ending!

Author's Response: before she reads the author's note ...

Reviewer: Scottishgirl Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 10/24/05 09:55 am Title: 38

yeah 2 more days intill the new part ;) i know am sad but it the last part ;( pls pls pls pls and even pls can you make a sequel to the story like coupe of moths after it happen or something and again pls

Author's Response: Hrmm... lol we'll find out today I suppose. Thanks for the review :O)

Reviewer: Azaleia Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 10/24/05 04:57 am Title: 38

OHH NNOO the END is coming noooo how am I going to live without this FF???, Maybe with a sequel ha? ha? i will give you millions of cookies ha ha? please pretty please with sugar on the top

Author's Response: A million cookies? Wow that's a lot of cookies and a lot of chocolate milk to go along with those cookies! :O)

Reviewer: waj Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 10/22/05 11:14 am Title: 38

Heya! I've been having a great 2 days, went to my first ever and my second BSB concerts this week at wembley, so reading your update today was a great way to return to normality of sorts! lol Still high as a kite!! Abt the fic, hope u dnt mind but I'm going to start begging for a sequel, when Nick's all grown he coped with all this (maybe in his p.o.v.), and that John guy (I hope that's the right name) did say that it was a family business for that Scott dude.... And, can I say I totally fell for it when the doctor's pronounced the death (with the whole air bubble thing) and THANK GOD it wasn't Kevin's dad!!!!! I can't wait to see how the final parts of the fic pan out...Hoping for a happy ending! KTBSPA!!!!

Author's Response: YAY to BSB concerts! I am going through withdrawl after mine :O( lol Feel like forever ago. I'm glad I could help bring you back down to earth although why would you want to come down from a BSB high? lol Sequel huh? we shall see ;o)

Reviewer: Roxy Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 10/20/05 01:02 pm Title: 38

Grrr... how dare you scare me and everyone else like that!!! I can't believe you almost killed off Sr.! He's part of the family now! He can't die! I'm super anxious to read the last chapter! Can't wait for Wednesday!

Author's Response: LOL I know but I HAD to so something like that! :O) Thanks for reading Roxy!

Reviewer: LenniluvsBrian Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 10/20/05 01:41 am Title: 38

OMG!!! FOr am oment there I thought it was Kevin Sr. who'd died!!!! DON'T SCARE ME LIKE THAT!!!!!!!!!!!! DAMN!!!!!! UPDATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SOOOOOOOO GLAD NICKY'S SAFE!!!!! THEIR MOM TOO!!!!!! AND KEVIN SR.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ~Lenni~

Author's Response: LOL yay and sorry about the scare you know me hehehe

Reviewer: ALM Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 10/19/05 08:23 pm Title: 38

next wednesday oh man , so happy their ok but i hope the dad ok

Author's Response: Aww we shall see lol

Reviewer: felicia Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 10/19/05 07:09 pm Title: 38

wow....i got very confusedtoward the end, i thought kev sr was the one whos machines were going off....but now that he is still alive (barely), yay for the family being reunited :D

Author's Response: YAY that's what was supposed to happen lol :O) thanks

Reviewer: sweet18_2003 Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 10/19/05 07:06 pm Title: 38

omg....I started to cry in that chapter! It sounds like everyone is doing okay least, hopefully. The chapte rwas amazing and I hope that Kevin Sr. makes it. Im glad that John is dead but what did he mean that there are others and the killing will start again. I mean, I know what he meant but that freaked me out. I have a feeling next week I will be crying a lot at the end of the story because it will be over and....its so amazing. I mean that. :) Cant wait for the chapter though.

Author's Response: Thank you so much :O) I have loved reading your reviews. I hope you enjoy the last chapter.

Reviewer: A.W. Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 10/15/05 04:38 am Title: 37

Love it update when you can, can't wait!!!!

Author's Response: Thanks :O)

Reviewer: ALM Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 10/14/05 12:11 pm Title: 37

WOW am just started to read the story and it only took me three hours in to days to read, that how good your story is.

Author's Response: Wow! I don't know what to say to that. Thank you so much :O) that's awesome!

Reviewer: Azaleia Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 10/13/05 02:23 am Title: 37

*Crying person here* i Cant belive its almost over how am i gonna live *sobs* i hope ita have a happy ending no more dead please see nicky is not that blond great chapter mare you deserve a cookie

Author's Response: YAY another cookie! woohoo!

Reviewer: scarlett Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 10/13/05 02:09 am Title: 37

please, after all that we've been through, let this be a happy ending. thanx! this is great. :D ~crislyn~

Author's Response: :O) We shall see lol