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Reviewer: Roxy Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/16/05 01:47 am Title: 21

OMG! I can't believe you just did that! I'm not shocked about the fact that Nicky was kidnapped. That was inevitable. It's just the manner in which you did it! Did you have to go and hurt Aje? Poor kid! I can't believe the catastrophic amount of guilt that your creating around Kevin! He's gonna go nuts. He's already contemplated suicide once during this little fiasco! You should really really watch this new show called the Inside on Fox Wednesday nights at 7/8. It's really awesome and it ties together well with the whole FBI senarios. Anyways, have a great week and take care of Nicky. Don't let him get hurt!

Author's Response: Aww well i'm glad it surprised you lol you should be very happy I didn't do what I orginally was going to do. Now that would have been I have heard about that show I will check it out thanks :D

Reviewer: LenniluvsBrian Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/15/05 05:16 pm Title: 1

Btw, using Nick's *OLD* code from Millennium, I wound up getting "I Sheot so hi" for his new message-lol. But we *ALL* know just how *GREAT* (*carcastic tone*) I am with codes! Lmao! Did you figure it out yet? I'm *SO* lost! lol. UPDATE!!!!!! ~Lenni~

Author's Response: LOL! It's I didn't do it ;)

Reviewer: LenniluvsBrian Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/15/05 05:05 pm Title: 21

Holy f*ck!!!!!!!!!!!!! That f*cking low-down, no-good pieceo f shit better keep his f*cking grimy hands *OFF* poor lil' Nicky!!!!!!! I *MEAN* IT!!!!! I'm *NOT* in a good mood today (can't find dual disc 4 Never Gone-*pissed look*) & he has *NO* f*cking right to HARMK lil' Nicky in ANY f*cking way!!!!!!! I'ma f*cking *HELP* Kevin *KILL* the f*cking bastard!!!!!!!!! UPDATE!!!!!!!!!! Do *NOT* let him hurt Nicky!!!!!!!! ~Lenni~ P.S. Hope you got Never Gone & are enjoying it - hope you found the *dual disc* - i'll need luck finding one-lol.

Author's Response: Aww I hope you find it! Actually the only thing I was able to find was the dual disc here but I also ordered it fomr Amazon just in case. It's an amazing CD! :D you'll love it!

Reviewer: mers Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/15/05 03:35 pm Title: 21

i hear A LOT of readers going 'FINALLY' mare! and we can all sleep well tonight, lmao! well, not we're worried for Nick, sorry for kevin, just DANG for howie [he's running around much!]...awwww & phew! for AJ and running the other direction from Brian cause he's pissed off! lol...a lot of emotions! and i can only imagine what momma R was going through :( the poor lady! And thank you for updating even in the midst of all these bsb madness! 5 stars for you!

Author's Response: Aww wow 5 stars? YAY!! Muah!

Reviewer: Chaos Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/12/05 01:16 am Title: 20

LOL. Mare, Mare, Mare. Another great fic. I was so far behind reading this one, but I finally sat down to read it today. Very clever. Meanie with the code and all (cracked! woot!) Anyhoo, really enjoying this one. Every time I think I have a favorite story from you, you top it. :) (Congrats on Mel's Tree by the way!!!)

Author's Response: AWw hello Chaos welcome back! I'm glad you are enjoying it. LOL you had to see me making the code very comical aww and thanks for the congrats! :D

Reviewer: Just Marina Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/10/05 12:11 am Title: 20

I cracked the code! I cracked the code! LOL Yes, I know it took me forever and I was soo close to not doing it (I'm not mersey!) but I hate numbers, which is okay if you are an M (so mers if you are reading are fire! lol). Other than that...GREAT CHAPTER! and I can't believe this is the first time I'm okay with one of your cliffhangers (and what a cliffhanger it is). This story rocks!

Author's Response: LOL you cheated you got help!

Reviewer: alana Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/09/05 11:47 pm Title: 20 that's like the worst cliffhanger I have ever read. Worst as in best,by the way. If you haven't realized I mean you are a really good writer and I loved this chapter, that's what I mean. lol. I'm about to re-read everything and crack the code.

Author's Response: hehehe thanks Alana! I know that was pretty mean but now all is resolved. Did you crack it?

Reviewer: Roxy Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/09/05 12:00 pm Title: 20

I hate numbers (Not the TV show)! You're mean Mare! This isn't fair, but I think it has something to do with Nicky. I'm hoping I'm wrong. Anyways, obviously another great chapter! Can't wait for more!

Author's Response: Aww thanks and i'm not a fan of numbers either. Yu should have seen me MAKING this code lol it was quite comical actually.

Reviewer: Waj Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/09/05 10:53 am Title: 20

ARGH!! U'd be the death of me...I'm so desperate to read the next chap...I cracked the code though lol String bean??? Plz plz update soon....Poor Nicky..Poor Kev! NEED UPDATE!!

Author's Response: Whoa good job Waj! :D

Reviewer: mers Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/09/05 02:54 am Title: 20

you're not mean, you're EVIL! haha...awesome ending mare! and since i've cracked the code, it's all good, lmao. well, enjoy your weekend [heh, you know you so would!] and then get back to this one okay??? i wanna know what happened next!!

Author's Response: LOL that was evil Mersey!

Reviewer: LenniluvsBrian Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/09/05 02:51 am Title: 1

You're *VERY* welcome for the banner! *grins* ~Lenni~ P.S. As always, UPDATE!!!!! I can *NOT* wait a *WEEK* to know if I'm even *CLOSE* to cracking the code! Ahhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!! lol.

Author's Response: LOL sorry t make you wait it was Backstreet week!

Reviewer: Anita Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/09/05 02:51 am Title: 20


Author's Response: LOL aww Anita no more waiting. Sorry about that!

Reviewer: LenniluvsBrian Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/09/05 02:41 am Title: 20

*YOU* are gonna drive me *INSANE* with this frigin' code!!!!!!!!!! Here is what I've come up with so far:
(according 2 nick's code 7=s; 8=v; 7=s; - 4=i & h; 6=o; 4=i & h; - 2=a & c; 3=e; 2=a & c; 6=o)
787-464-2326 = HIS VOICE IS AAACHO (thatz if u use the 2 & 4 twice [2 stands for a&c; 4 stands for h&i-use 'em twice]- using both a&c and the h&i) *OR* voice cash ochia (using the 4 & 2 each once [only one h or i for the '4' & only one a or c for the '2']).
Did *ANY* of my scirbbles make *ANY* sense whatsoever!?!?! Am I even *CLOSE* to cracking the damn thing!?!?!?!
New answer, but is diirected at you for driving me insane (jokingly): YOU ARE TOAST!!!!! (lol)

Author's Response: LOL hey! Did you figure out what Nick's said in his liner notes? ;) Oh and thanks so much for the Mel's review :D

Reviewer: LenniluvsBrian Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/09/05 02:07 am Title: 20

7=stu; 8=vwx; 7=stu; - 4=jkl; 6=pqr; 4=jkl; - 2=def; 3=ghi; 2=def; 6=pqr
The above, is all I can come up with for cracking the frigin' code. I *CAN'T* get *PAST* that!!! ARGH!!!!! *evil growls* I *WANT* to *CRACK* the code!!!!!!!! Am I even on the right track? C'n I have a *hint*!?!?! Please!?!?!?!
P.S. My guess thus far as to what the code is, would be: YOU ARE NEXT!

Author's Response: LMAO Lenni

Reviewer: LenniluvsBrian Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/03/05 05:59 am Title: 1

Hope yah don't mind, but I made yah a lil' something. The pic is at the bottom of my story. Here's the link:
Hope it's okay Howie's bigger 'en Kev. But they least look like the FBI-lol.
P.S. UPDATE!!!!!!!!!!