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Reviewer: rebellious_one Signed [Report This]
Date: 08/04/07 11:47 am Title: Chapter 54

OoO... update!! =D Great chapter, as always!! Have I told you... lately... that I love the way you display the interation between the fellas?! Lol. I'm serious, it's like so... real-like, ya know?!? Like I can actually picture being right in front of them, interacting that way, I love it!! But, now that you've updated this story, doesn't it mean that you get to update "The Thirteenth Step" now?! Lol. Jus keeding!! Keep up the good work Mare, you got us wanting more!!! =)

Author's Response: Aww thanks for saying that. I feel like that's so important so i'm glad you think the dialogue is realistic. That means alot to me. :O)

Reviewer: felikia2009 Signed [Report This]
Date: 08/04/07 04:47 am Title: Chapter 54

really liked it :) im sleepy, otherwise id give you a longer review lol.

Author's Response: lmao thanks!

Reviewer: LenniluvsBrian Signed [Report This]
Date: 08/04/07 02:00 am Title: Chapter 54

Wow. Lots of stuff goin' on in one day! No wonder Nicky's exhausted! Lol. They're all still nuts though - haha!

I don't see what's so wrong with Leighanne & Baylee showing up - especially not if it makes Brian happy - but I am a Brian fan, so maybe I'm biased - lol.



Author's Response: LOL THey are annoyed because she wasn't supposed to be there and okay I admit I am not a fan hehe she just seemed to tag along a lot.

Reviewer: Reemo Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 08/03/07 11:54 pm Title: Chapter 54

“Hi, I’m Howie D and I have no control over the VOLUME OF MY VOICE!!”
Kevin became the Incomplete Nazi
hehehehehehehehe no one but you can come up with such things and I love u for that
and in the chapter b4 this u said there will be 2 more chapters so with this on out then 2-1=1 if I did my calculating right then there is only one more chapter to go which is NOT ACCEPTABLE its a crime to end this story :( you should go into trial and punished and I will seek to that unless you promise to make a sequel ;)

Author's Response: Aww yes there's most likely only one chapter left. I'm glad you enjoyed this one but after the album being released i don't think there's too much more to tell lol

Reviewer: Nijntje Signed [Report This]
Date: 08/03/07 10:32 pm Title: Chapter 54

Great job! Gotta love happy Nicky mode ;)

Author's Response: lol yes I guess you do

Reviewer: QueenOfConfusion98 Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/19/07 04:42 am Title: Chapter 53

YAY we got an update! I have really enjoyed this story, I'm kinda sad to see it end but it's all good!

Chuckleheads,LOL! Good one! I can picture Kevin using that,heheh!

Author's Response: LOL thanks :O) yes i can see him us9ing chuckleheads as well.

Reviewer: swenglish Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/13/07 12:27 am Title: Chapter 53

This story is sooo amazing and I never want it to end...honestly. You really got the gift in getting to the boys head ( especially Nick) and you do it wonderful with lots of humour. Mare you're a real writer and dont you ever think otherwise. I hope to get to hear more from you and you know you can always mail me :) Okay now I am off to read the next story that I have missed to read for so long :) Hugs, Swenglish

Author's Response: AWw hello Kris! It's been a long time. Thanks so much for saying all of that. I really appreciate it. Nice ot see oyu back! Hopefully that means you're writing again too! *hugs*

Reviewer: mersey Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/12/07 08:47 am Title: Chapter 53

i honestly dont know where to begin with this chapter. it's so beautiful, it left me feeling melancholic, i want to squish and kick these boys at the same time! i love the convo between Nick and AJ, how random Nick was going and how AJ knew Nick so well. both POVs weave so effortlessly, i kept reminding myself that we're done with AJ's POV and are now at Nick, lol.

I hate to think this was how Kevin felt during NG, i kept telling myself no mare, kevin wouldn't do that! and then of course i mentally kicked myself cause guess what? this IS a fic! why the heck was i stressing over a fic? But you know what? A part of me do feel maybe, just maybe, this was exactly how Kevin felt. *is sad*

so even though Howie has a million family members, i still feel sorry for him because AJ and Nick ended up not going to his little bowling thingy...although i glad Brian showed up...i think because Brian is more in touch with Howie about such events because of HHC. and i'm sure AJ and Nick called him to say they're not coming.

Why am I blabbering in my review? Typical.

so yeah, i LOVED it and i hope this summer brings you a lot of inspiration to keep on writing :D

Author's Response: Mersey, once again you leave the nicest reviews. I'm glad you loved AJ and Nick and how you think one melded into the other so well. And I know what you mean, it's hard to think KEvin was feeling that way, but like i've said a few times now in answering reviews, I do have a feeling that he knew way back then, he was going to call it quits. I'm not syre the other guys knew yet but I think in his mind he was done. I wish AJ and Nick had showed up for that HHC event. It would have made my whole year! lol

Reviewer: Sam Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/12/07 02:55 am Title: Chapter 53

Aww this was such a sad chapter, I got hella depressed, which was only made worse when I read that you're not writing long fanfics anymore?!?! Then we'll never see you because you won't HAVE TO finish a story...I'm crushed, I Ioved reading your stuff all the time...what happened? = ( Now I guess I'll just have to go mug someone, look what you've done Mare! Shame! lmao
(that line had me crackin' up by the way!)

Author's Response: lmao yay i'm glad you liked the mugging line. Believe it or not that was my favorite line in this chapter for some strange reason. Woot that someone mentioned it! and yes most likely no more longer stories for now anyway. I just am losing my fanfic writing umph! Doesn't mean forever though. But better you guys know than me just disappear into fanfic oblivion like so many other authors do. lol

Reviewer: Anita Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/12/07 01:00 am Title: Chapter 53

hey mare (sighs) well what can i say but great chapter i loved how kevin and brian came through and they kept tradition. but we all know this is where kevin is gonna leave and how you are gonna stop writting fan fic:'(. dont update too soon cuz i dont want these stories to ever end

Author's Response: Aw Anita stop that! The story isn't actually going to end with Kevin leaving the group at all, but I do think he knew he was going to be leaving when he embarked on the NG tour. Just a gut feeling i have about that one. And for the last time, i'm not totaly soptping with the fanfic. Just the long stories. I'll still write some shorts here and there and who knows maybe the guys will spark me to write more about them somewhere along the line. *hugs you* thanks for always being so supportive!

Reviewer: Moony44 Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/11/07 08:19 pm Title: Chapter 53

I was totally emulating Debbie Downer when reading this chapter..knowing what we know now about Kevin. The ending changed that I definitely felt all warm and gooey inside when I read, "Leave it to Kevin to make everything alright with the world. I’m not sure how he always manages to do that but today I was glad." Lovely chapter like always. Can't wait for the next update.

Author's Response: Aww thank you! Yes I was taking on all the Debbie Downer traits as well when writing this one. lol

Reviewer: Reemo Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/11/07 02:01 pm Title: Chapter 53

Yebeee lets all eat pizza & listen to Never Gone hehehe... thank you mare for the update it was perfect timing , I started reading this story again last week and just yesterday I finished it so its an excellent timing... just if you could post the next chapter tomorrow then am gonna love u forever ;)

Author's Response: You're welcome and yay to you getting all caught up again. lol I don't know about another chapter today though :OP

Reviewer: Nijntje Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/11/07 01:52 pm Title: Chapter 53

Awwwwwwwwww.. gotta love the brotherly love-thing..

Author's Response: lol

Reviewer: LenniluvsBrian Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/11/07 07:45 am Title: Chapter 53

Aww. It's cute how they all wanted to be together, though Nick was so sure the KFC's wouldn't show. I was almost afraid Brian wasn't gonna show - then I would've had to kick his butt to Tim-buck-two & back again. So, yeah, he's lucky! VERY lucky! Lol.



P.S. Maybe Kevin knew all along he was gonna quit, so that's why he smiled so much more during the last tour.... ^_^

Author's Response: I have a feeling you may be right about the P.S. I think he knew from the start of that tour that it was going to be his last. :O(

Reviewer: felikia2009 Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/11/07 05:48 am Title: Chapter 53

aww...this chapter was sorta sad....good, but sad still....*sniffles about kev*

Author's Response: Aww I know :O(