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Reviewer: Reemo Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 04/09/07 04:11 am Title: Chapter 51

a BIG hug for you b4 i read this because I've been waiting for along time for this one to be updated :)

Author's Response: Aww thanks Reemo *hugs back* I really hope you like it. Sorry I made you wait so long.

Reviewer: QueenOfConfusion98 Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 04/09/07 01:51 am Title: Chapter 51

WOOOOO! Loved this one! Poor Howie, freaking out and having a dream about tamales? LMAO!

Nick...Nick...Nick...what will we do with you,lol.

Rarrrrr Kevin.....hehehe!

Author's Response: LOL yes for some reason when I wrote tamale I thought about one chasing Howie. I have no idea why.`

Reviewer: Nijntje Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 03/06/07 05:17 pm Title: Chapter 50

Sweet chapter.. Great job, Mare!

Author's Response: Thanks :O)

Reviewer: mersey Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 03/06/07 02:25 pm Title: Chapter 50

oh one more thing, lol...i dont care what anybody said, i really think Kevin hustled AJ's ass and made himself $1000 richer! lmao that was too funny!

Author's Response: LMAO why yes he did!

Reviewer: mersey Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 03/06/07 02:22 pm Title: Chapter 50

i dont know why but the first time Brian said 'my cousin' my brain started rewinding and wondering if i missed a chapter. i didnt know brian brought his cousin along! lmao...of course then DUH it's Kevin! i dont know why i had a relapse of that...but it's kind of funny that i hardly ever associate them as cousins although kevin loves to remind us of that gabillions times before. i love the ending though, it's so heartwarming all of them in the elevator and kevin going 'that's for us' to stupid Carson, he's such a tool! lmao. and i love all the carson dissing, heehee. and because it's necessary, i'd like to squish Nick (and i love your Brian to death).

Author's Response: LMAO *whispers* Brian and Kevin are cousins.` And I would like one squishy Nick too please, with fries on the side :O)

Reviewer: QueenOfConfusion98 Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 03/05/07 06:10 pm Title: Chapter 50

So glad you updated! Carson IS a tool alright.....LMFAO! I too would pay money to see Kevin tell someone to 'eff' off!

Author's Response: LOL!

Reviewer: chelsea Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 03/05/07 12:28 pm Title: Chapter 50

awesome update...definately captures how i thought their reunion was this time around. great job!

Author's Response: yay! I'm glad you think so Chelsea! :O)

Reviewer: LenniluvsBrian Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 03/05/07 03:48 am Title: Chapter 50

Roflmao!!!! They can all be so nutty sometimes! Even after such long, hard, horrible days - lol. I'm glad the fans could cheer them up though. Wish I'd been one of 'em - lol. I woulda mobbed Brian - haha. Then Kevin - *snickers* Then whoever was closest. Lol.



P.S. Aww....I don't want it to

Author's Response: LOL thanks Lenni

Reviewer: Just Marina Signed [Report This]
Date: 03/05/07 12:16 am Title: Chapter 50

Awesome chapter! Loved it, especially Kevin's and AJ's part (Go Kevin!). Brian and Nick's part made me sad and reminded me of blurry Brian but it was beautifully written too. Oh and there's a chicken doing the chicken dance in this room right now :D *hugs you* Thank you Mare :D

Author's Response: Aww yay! Happy to hear it!

Reviewer: Anita Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 03/04/07 10:11 pm Title: Chapter 50

excellent chapter i heart this story

Author's Response: Thanks Anita! It hearts you too! lol

Reviewer: felicia Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 03/04/07 05:08 pm Title: Chapter 50

i dont feel like logging in lol....very good chapter! i dont like drama between nick and brian, but i know its just cause they were having a bad day...and LMAO at kev and aj, kev outsmarted him! HAHAH!! and i wanna kick the djs collective ass', and carsons drunk ass! can i? pwease?

for the next update...scars please? since the 13th step isnt on a major cliffy now i can wait lol

Author's Response: Aww I don't like the Nick and Brian drama either but I have a feeling there was some of that lol And yes I would also like to kick Carson lmao So far that's one 13th step and one scars lol

Reviewer: connie Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 02/15/07 09:06 pm Title: Chapter 49

you are such a talented writer ! This whole story is incredible. Thank you.

Author's Response: That was such a nice compliment thanks Connie!

Reviewer: connie Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 02/15/07 03:47 pm Title: Chapter 48

thank you thank you thank you !!

What a super trouper chapter.

Author's Response: :O)

Reviewer: connie Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 02/12/07 01:16 pm Title: nine

good job ! I can so see them sitting there to have "their lecture". Thanks

Author's Response: LOL gotta love lectures

Reviewer: connie Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 02/12/07 12:43 pm Title: eight

I so love reading about Kevin having bad phone sex with his wife and they way he talks about it.

Author's Response: hehe thanks lol