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Reviewer: chelsea Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/03/07 03:57 am Title: Chapter 48

awwww....poor nicky! LMAO!

Author's Response: :O)

Reviewer: dancinpacer03 Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/02/07 10:56 pm Title: Chapter 48

wow that was a really good and funny chapter! update soon!

Author's Response: Thanks!

Reviewer: Mandy Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/02/07 04:14 pm Title: Chapter 48

That was soooo hilarious!
He dropped his bag and ran.
You've gotta update soon ;)
Great story :D

Author's Response: LOL i'm glad you liked that part!

Reviewer: Nettiz Signed [Report This]
Date: 01/02/07 03:16 pm Title: Chapter 48

Lmao! I also thought it was hilarious when Nick dropped his bag and run away. this story is awesome, can't wait for the next update :D

Author's Response: YAY! Thanks Nettiz

Reviewer: babyjane Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/02/07 12:52 pm Title: Chapter 48

Lmfao! Hilarious!! I cracked up when Nick walked by the deli carryin the mickey d's dropping it when he saw the guys. Lmfaoo I think I woke up thw whole house. Oops. Greatt chappie!

Author's Response: LMAO aww yay! Thanks!

Reviewer: Rose Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/02/07 05:39 am Title: Chapter 48

LMAO I almost choked on my hot coco when I read about how Nick panicked, dropped his food and ran. That was great.

Author's Response: LMAO woohoo everyone liked that part! Thanks Rose~

Reviewer: Just Marina Signed [Report This]
Date: 01/02/07 04:17 am Title: Chapter 48

ROTFL!!!!!!!!! Okay that was hilarious and sooooo cute. Adorable chapter. I can't stop laughing.

Author's Response: LOL thanks Maria

Reviewer: QueenOfConfusion98 Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/01/07 10:02 pm Title: Chapter 48

LMFAO! I'm so glad you updated!

We kind of sound like a start to a really stupid joke, so a compulsive, addictive but yet recovering alcoholic and a neurotic Puerto Rican walk into a bar…

Love that part!

Author's Response: hehehe thanks! :O)

Reviewer: Nijntje Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/01/07 08:47 pm Title: Chapter 48

roflmao.. that was hilarious!!

Author's Response: :O)

Reviewer: steffilu Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/01/07 08:41 pm Title: Chapter 48

this story cracks me up! You really capture the playfullness of their personalities. I can totally imagine them doing this stuff. I love it.

Author's Response: I'm so glad you are able to picture them doing this. THanks for reading! :O)

Reviewer: LenniluvsBrian Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/01/07 08:27 pm Title: Chapter 48

ROFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!! Ah, those crazy boys! They never cease to amaze me-lol. Nor do they ever cease to entertain-haha. LOVED it!!!!!




Author's Response: Happy New Year to you too!!!

Reviewer: felikia2009 Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/01/07 06:40 pm Title: Chapter 48

LMAO! I was cracking up ever since chipmunk aj! :D

Author's Response: Yay to chipmunk AJ! lol

Reviewer: Jenna Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/01/07 04:14 pm Title: Chapter 48 how Nick panicked and dropped his bag of Micky D's! I could see that happening as their eyes met in the Deli window....

Author's Response: LOL yay! i'm glad you were able to visualize it. It looked really funny in my head as well.

Reviewer: chelsea Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 12/04/06 02:16 am Title: Chapter 47

holy...SHIT...i have GOT to stop reading your adds at work. i keep cracking up every two seconds. i look like a crazy person!

but AWESOME add! funny as hell! can't wait for the next one.

Author's Response: LMAO thanks Chelsea!

Reviewer: Anita Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 11/30/06 12:44 am Title: Chapter 47

wow thank you for that. i just got home a few hours ago from my uncles funeral and i was feeling really down. he was my father in a way since i lived with him and it was really hard i loved this chapter it made me laugh a ton

Author's Response: I'm so sorry to hear about your uncle Anita. I hope you're doing better?