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Reviewer: QueenOfConfusion98 Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 10/09/06 12:30 am Title: Chapter 46

LMFAO! I needed that, thank you Mare!

?I don?t know about that Kev?I saw Howie walking into a closet thinking it was a bathroom the other day.?


Author's Response: LMAO I thought you'd get a kick out of that.

Reviewer: babyjane Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 10/09/06 12:01 am Title: Chapter 46

lol as soon as i read 'dance off' i immediately thought of britney and justin. and sure enough there it was! but anywayss good chapter.

Author's Response: LOL I had to include tweedle dee and tweedle idiot when I wrote the words dance off!

Reviewer: felikia2009 Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 10/08/06 11:52 pm Title: Chapter 46

lmao! the bickering was great! and i loved how you made up for almost no howie and kev in the last chapters by having them having the only narrating parts :D

Author's Response: Yup! That was the least I could do for those two. :O) lol

Reviewer: Just Marina Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 10/08/06 11:16 pm Title: Chapter 46

ROTFL! That was soooooooooooo (and I could keep adding o's lol)... Where was I? Oh yes, that was so cute and funny. I loved it. So many lines in this chapter that I can see the boys actually saying. Great chapter mare. You keep writing them just the way I see they are :) Loving it!

Author's Response: Aww yay! Thanks Maria!

Reviewer: AbbeyS Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 10/03/06 10:51 pm Title: Chapter 45

I can just see those two clowns doing it. I was laughing so hard at some parts. Please update again soon :)

Author's Response: Aww thanks and i'll try!

Reviewer: AbbeyS Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 10/03/06 10:51 pm Title: Chapter 45

I can just see those two clowns doing it. I was laughing so hard at some parts. Please update again soon :)

Reviewer: mers Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 09/30/06 12:24 am Title: Chapter 45

you know i simply adore this story and this chapter is one of those moments i was hoping to make an appearance and you didnt disappoint, then again, when have you ever?! pure F&F being very them, i love it. Not only for Nick's childlike self making an appearance, but also the revival of the 'old' Brian, the one who is easier to let go of himself and throw caution to the wind. i love it :D the whole phone call is classic, lets not even start with taht! the other bit i love is when brian dared nick to pick up the call! too cute :D you my friend, disappeared for what? a few weeks? and came back as if you never left. i hope you never stop writing. i mean, you're not allowed to. i forbid you! this M has spoken!

Author's Response: Aww you are always so cute Mers! Thanks!

Reviewer: sweet18_2003 Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 09/28/06 05:36 pm Title: Chapter 45

OMG that was hysterical! I loved Aj singing 'Lalalala I touch myself" haha. And Nick and Brian's adventures. My lord...they are trouble together...but so cute. Hopefully they're back to stay. 20 bucks says Leigh and Kevin both find out about their little mischeif because they get themselves in the paper. Awesome chapter.

Author's Response: LMAO I can see him singing that, can't you?

Reviewer: sweet18_2003 Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 09/28/06 05:22 pm Title: Chapter 44 sweet. Frick and Frack are a team again! hehe...and AJ feels jealous. Poor thing. lol.

Author's Response: :O)

Reviewer: Kim Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 09/28/06 04:47 am Title: Chapter 45

I have not laughed so hard in a long time. I loved this chapter so much! Nick and Brian just killed me when they were pranking Aj! I can just see the look on his face when he answered the phone. I can not wait till another update! Please let it be soon :)

Author's Response: Aww thanks so much Kim and i'm sorry for not replying sooner.

Reviewer: steffilu84 Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 09/28/06 12:57 am Title: Chapter 45

i laughed my butt off reading this chapter. It was fantastic and I can totally see them doing stuff like that.

Author's Response: Aww thanks!

Reviewer: QueenOfConfusion98 Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 09/28/06 12:36 am Title: Chapter 45

LMFAO!! Loved it! Pranking AJ, that is just awesome. They should prank call Howie next......hehehehee!!

Author's Response: LOL you'll see what they did to poor Howie!

Reviewer: dancinpacer03 Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 09/27/06 10:20 pm Title: Chapter 45

yay!!! u finally updated! histerical chapter and hope to see another update soon!

Author's Response: yup :O) thanks as always!

Reviewer: chelsea Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 09/27/06 08:03 pm Title: Chapter 45

lol, great add! frick and frack moments rock!

Author's Response: Thanks Chelsea!

Reviewer: felikia2009 Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 09/27/06 07:48 pm Title: Chapter 45

lmao! if bri pranked kev, i could SO see kev hunting him down! lol i loved it mare! :)

Author's Response: LOL thanks!