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Reviewer: chelsea Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 08/29/06 12:09 am Title: Chapter 43

awwww, a frick and frack moment. i

Author's Response: :O)

Reviewer: QueenOfConfusion98 Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 08/28/06 03:18 pm Title: Chapter 43

I didn't know you updated this weekend,lol! Loved it as usual.

Loved the part with Kevin at the beginning....hehehe! Nekkid Kevin....rarrrrrrr!!

Author's Response: I know i'm confusing everyone because of my irregular updating now. lol Thanks for thre review :O)

Reviewer: dancinpacer03 Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 08/28/06 01:06 pm Title: Chapter 43

aww that was really nice of brian!!! awesome chapter and cant wait for the next update!!!!

Author's Response: Thanks!

Reviewer: mersey Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 08/28/06 07:38 am Title: Chapter 43

I've told you what I love abt this chap when we chat earlier so now I'm just looking forward to the next update - Frick and Frack out on a date, wooohooo!!!!! I'm SO happy for Nick, he gets his Brian for a day!!! lol...

lmao i love this:
?I don?t know, instinct maybe? He was having sex with his wife.?

?Nice, and he answered the phone??

?I guess they were done?although she answered the phone so maybe she was bored.?

classic aj, lol.

Author's Response: lmao *hugs*

Reviewer: OnlyNDreams Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 08/27/06 07:47 pm Title: Chapter 43

Squeeeeeeeee!! *hugs Frick and Frack and never lets go* I love them so much, and I can't wait for their "date" Hehehehe. I'm soo happy Brian came and talked to Nick, he really needed that. :D :D Awww it made me all teary eyed, I have always loved and admired their bond.

Author's Response: Aww Thanks Carrie. I love them too! But you already knew this lol

Reviewer: Nijntje Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 08/27/06 02:09 pm Title: Chapter 43

I like.. As usual.. lol..

Author's Response: Thanks :O)

Reviewer: Karen Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 08/27/06 11:46 am Title: Chapter 43

You know what? I just adore this seem to hit every little detail right on as if you were there when it happened!!! Your writing is fantastic - and I also love your site!!!!

Author's Response: Wow! thanks Karen that means a lot hearing stuff like that! :O)

Reviewer: felikia2009 Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 08/27/06 03:53 am Title: Chapter 43

awww....such a cute frick n frack moment at the end!

Author's Response: thanks :O)

Reviewer: QueenOfConfusion98 Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 08/15/06 11:39 pm Title: Chapter 42

Nick, you are a dead man.......Muahaha!
Yeah, Howie is cool as a cucumber alright,lol. Although you know that Latin temper is in there somewhere!

Author's Response: yes lol and I'd ove to actually see that one day.

Reviewer: alm Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 08/15/06 07:26 pm Title: Chapter 42

another gr8 story xax

Author's Response: thx lol

Reviewer: dancinpacer03 Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 08/15/06 05:26 pm Title: Chapter 42

awesome chapter!!! glad to see an update and cant wait for the next one!!!

Author's Response: Thank you!

Reviewer: Nijntje Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 08/15/06 04:19 pm Title: Chapter 42

Great chapter.. and I'm curious to what will happen next..

Author's Response: Thanks Nijintje :O)

Reviewer: mers Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 08/15/06 07:33 am Title: Chapter 42

i almost forgot to review! this is what happen when you try to multitask at work. anyhoo...i have to say...this chapter was one rollercoaster ride. AJ's reaction to finding out that nick was drunk was unpredictable, esp when he was all goofy before that. Nick jumping from the roof pretty much got me gasping and crying out OH NO HE DIDNT!!! and for a minute there, when Howie said he thought he saw Batman and then it went straight to Nick going to the attic looking at some random shit it got me thinking, oh no way, dont tell me he's going out to the pool with a batman suit he found in the box! lmao! well this IS you we're talking abt, nothing is impossible! lmao. Awesome, you got me all goofy and doooodly and then all sad by the end. And Gah! Aj called Kevin! shoooot!

Author's Response: LMAO @ the Batman Suit. Now that would have been interesting.

Reviewer: Kim Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 08/15/06 05:58 am Title: Chapter 42

oh wow! what a powerful chapter! What the heck was nIck thinking!!!! Jumping off of a roof. (shakes head) I can just see Kevin storming inside and getting ahold of Nick and shaking him in the next chapter. lol please update soon!! this story rocks!!!

Author's Response: LOL yes, I can see Kevin not being too happy about that at all.

Reviewer: felikia2009 Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 08/15/06 04:52 am Title: Chapter 42

oh boy....nicky is gonna get*grabs popcorn, gets front row seats* :D

Author's Response: No gobstoppers? lol