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Reviewer: sweet18_2003 Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/16/06 04:41 pm Title: eighteen

LMAO....the BSB's coloring in their free time. How cute! But AJ stole a coloring book from a 3 year old? NICE! haha. I feel bad for Nicky though...all he wants is his Bri Bri back and he feels neglected. But Paris-ite has got to go. She is a nasty....ICK! Nope, not a Paris fan. Watched 'House of Wax; just to see her murdered. I even fast forwarded the DVD to that part and didnt watch any more after that. haha! Anywho,...amazing chapter. I can't wait til next Monday!!!

Author's Response: Yes I feel so bad for him thinking about the whole Brian/Aj thing lol i'm sure ot him it's no big deal but to me it is for some reason lol

Reviewer: dancinpacer03 Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/16/06 02:56 pm Title: eighteen

wow that was such an awesome chapter!!!! i cant believe that aj stole a colering book for nick lol i guess small things amuse small minds! cant wait till next monday!!!!

Author's Response: LOL I have to admit that I once did that same thing because the coloring book was THAT awesome! I did give it back though hehehe

Reviewer: waj Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/14/06 10:37 pm Title: seventeen

Nicky...I can't believe u dated that whore!! *sigh* Sorry, bit too tense right now, need to chill!! lol. I'm so glad he's got the guys around him, otherwise I'd hate to imagine what would happen to him...The ending was really sweet by the way!!

Author's Response: aww thanks lol

Reviewer: Waj Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/14/06 10:20 pm Title: sixteen

I never got around to reviwing this here I am, a month later! lol. I hope Nick doesn't skip out on AJ's party!!! This just reminds me why exactly I hated her so much (still does I'm afraid!lol)....Happy B'day AJ!!! '-)

Author's Response: Aww yay, I just saw this lol and yes I feel the same way! :O)

Reviewer: sweet18_2003 Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/10/06 03:58 pm Title: seventeen

the boys are a little grumpy! lol. Damn! Harsh words spewed, fighting...maybe there was a full moon! lol. At least they made up in the end...but Paris decking Nick...HA! Stupid whore....her skanky ass needs locked away with a chastity belt firmly in place. Kevin was hilarous though...haha. Great update. Cant wait til Monday. I missed this story way too much!!!

Author's Response: LMAO so not a Paris fan I take it? ;O) and aww thanks!

Reviewer: dancinpacer03 Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/10/06 02:57 pm Title: seventeen

that was sooo good!!!!!! cant wait for monday!!!

Author's Response: Thanks :O)

Reviewer: felicia Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/10/06 02:56 am Title: seventeen

aww...poor nicky....want a hug? im on my way! lol

Author's Response: LOL i'm sure he'd love that!

Reviewer: LenniluvsBrian Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/10/06 02:52 am Title: seventeen

Aww. Poor Nicky! I feel SO horrible for him!!!! But I feel horrible for Aje & Rok too!!! UPDATE!!!!!! ~Lenni~

Author's Response: Aww why do you feel bad for Rok? lol

Reviewer: QueenOfConfusion98 Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/09/06 10:49 pm Title: seventeen

Aww, Brothers fighting,lol. Loved the update, and can't wait til lthen ext one. Nick, lose the ugly borad!

Author's Response: LOL The good thing about this story is we already know he loses the ugly broad :O)

Reviewer: Anita Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 12/21/05 08:10 pm Title: sixteen

ooooohhh many why are you doing this to me why do i have to wait so long do you have to be so evil! I CAN NOT WAIT THAT LONG FOR THIS STORY I MAY DIE IF I HAVE TO WAIT SO LONG WHY DO YOU WANNA KILL ME????? WWWWWAAAAA hehe ok done sorry mare but what kind of number 1 fan would i be if i didnt complain? i HAD to nicky made me! yeah thats rignt nick! cuz he likes memroe that paris so there! (and more than you too hehehe) anyway great chapter love the story as usual

Author's Response: aww i'm sorry. I need a break lol sometimes you just gotta give the brain a well deserved vacation :O)

Reviewer: Anita Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 12/21/05 07:47 pm Title: fifteen

lol shouldnt this title be One Night In Paris? lol anyway great chapter mare as usual

Author's Response: LMAO

Reviewer: Nijntje Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 12/20/05 03:57 pm Title: sixteen

Great update!! Happy holidays!

Author's Response: Thanks :O)

Reviewer: stitch Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 12/20/05 02:36 pm Title: sixteen

Just great. LOVE YOUR STORY!!! Can?t wait for next year for an update!!! Merry Christmas and a happy new year to you!!

Author's Response: aww thanks and same to you! :O)

Reviewer: Alesha Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 12/20/05 05:50 am Title: sixteen

ooooo Awesome story sooo far...I love it...but please get Paris out of the picture heheeheh...its all up to you...keep up the great work...hope to see more posted after new years:)

Author's Response: aww blame Nick she has to be there if I want to be semi reaistic but at least he only dated her for months instead of years right? lol

Reviewer: felicia Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 12/20/05 05:25 am Title: sixteen

awesome awesome awesome, i love moving on!!! and 2 weeks? awww, i have off for school for 3! lol

Author's Response: aww happy vacation! :O) I have two weeks off and don't plan to use my brain at all lol