Reviews For Bring Me to Life
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Reviewer: QueenOfConfusion98 Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 07/07/06 09:50 pm Title: Angel?s Watching

Chey just call someone and have them take that idiot to the ER. Better still go get Howie and tell him, I'm sure no matter how much he's mad at him he doesn't want him to die.

Reviewer: ann Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 07/07/06 03:34 am Title: Angel?s Watching

ahhh! why isn't she taking him to a hospital?

Reviewer: felikia2009 Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 07/07/06 03:29 am Title: Angel?s Watching

holy shit! please, let her stay with howie! no more going with nick! but please let nick be okay!

Reviewer: LenniluvsBrian Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 07/07/06 03:19 am Title: Angel?s Watching

Aww. *tears up* I SAID I felt horrible for Nicky!!!! I almost BAWLED for him here!!! *hugs Nicky tightly* You can NOT die on us here Nickers!!! You just CAN'T!!! I WON'T LET YOU!!!!!



Reviewer: QueenOfConfusion98 Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 07/05/06 11:05 pm Title: Bringing Out the Animal

Oh BOY,lol. I hope they all get that straight,lol. I think Vivian's just confused on things, glad they explained it somewhat.

Reviewer: LenniluvsBrian Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 07/05/06 02:48 am Title: Bringing Out the Animal

Aww. Poor Baylee, I feel so horrible for him that A.J. is leaving him out now that Katie's there.

OMG!!!!!!!! VIVIE & AUSTI!!!!!!!! CHILL OUT!!!!!!!!! HOLY CRAP!!!!!!!!!!! RELAX!!!!!!!! *SHARE*!!!!!!!!!!!!! Lol.


P.S. So...does this mean no three-some??? Lol.

Reviewer: felikia2009 Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 07/05/06 01:18 am Title: Bringing Out the Animal*cheering for austi and chey*

Reviewer: QueenOfConfusion98 Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 07/04/06 10:35 pm Title: Sweetest Gestures

Awwwwww! How sweet of Chey! And AJ slamming Howie's face into the cake is just hillarious! I wish he had done that for real at the show last year, that would have been great!

Reviewer: felikia2009 Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 07/04/06 02:54 am Title: Sweetest Gestures

aww, so sweet :)

Reviewer: LenniluvsBrian Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 07/04/06 02:13 am Title: Sweetest Gestures

Aww. Sweetness. Still feel absolutely horrible for Baylee though. Lol. Katie IS a little she-devil. Hehe. And I WANT thath three-some!!!!! Lol.

Nick's kinda an ass, but I still love him & feel bad for him - despite everything. He's got a soft spot with me, alright? Lol.



Reviewer: LenniluvsBrian Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 07/03/06 04:19 am Title: Surprising Birthday Gifts

&jaw hits floor* RUN BAYLEE!!!!!!!! RUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG! POOR BAYLEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! RUN!!!!!!!!!!!!! *jumps in to protect him*

Lol. He's learning swear words from AUSTIN!!!!!! Lol.

Aww. Was hoping for an actual tree-some. Lol.



Reviewer: felikia2009 Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 07/03/06 01:15 am Title: Surprising Birthday Gifts

LMAO!!!! the ending to this was hilarious!!! i see great things for katie and baylee though :D

Reviewer: QueenOfConfusion98 Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 07/03/06 12:50 am Title: Surprising Birthday Gifts

LMAO, poor Baylee, getting beat up!

LMFAO at Bri, Viv and Chey! Poor Howie, LOL!

Reviewer: LenniluvsBrian Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 07/02/06 04:41 am Title: Unmasked

ROFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOVED IT!!!!!!!!!!!!

I still feel bad for Nicky, though he better NOT hut Chey again if he knows what's good for him!!!!!



Reviewer: felikia2009 Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 07/02/06 01:40 am Title: Unmasked

hitler-ita!!!! LMAO!!!!!

i loved it...nick aint such a nice guy now is he? hehe