Reviews For Bring Me to Life
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Reviewer: QueenOfConfusion98 Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 07/01/06 11:23 pm Title: Unmasked

LOL at Baylee! That was cute! AJ, Austin is gonna clobber you,hehehe! Kick Nick's arse Kevin!! Dirtbag....

Reviewer: LenniluvsBrian Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/30/06 03:17 pm Title: Loving You All Over Again


Howie was bein' sweet, but I stil think Nicky was better. Lol.

Brian GOT PIERCED!?!!?!?!? THERE!?!?!?!?! *jaw hits floor* Lol. LOVED the ending!!!!!!! SO funny!!!!!!!



P.S. Would LOVE to see a three-some involving Brian!!!!! Hell, I'll GLADLY volunteer!!!!!!

Reviewer: felikia2009 Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/30/06 01:41 am Title: Loving You All Over Again


Reviewer: QueenOfConfusion98 Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/30/06 01:24 am Title: Loving You All Over Again

GO Chey and Howie! So glad they're back together! Bri and Viv are just insane,LOL!!

Reviewer: QueenOfConfusion98 Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 06/28/06 03:45 am Title: Mending the Broken

LOL, I like Vivian already! She's right though, Howie's just scared, he will come around.=) Don't give up Chey!

Reviewer: LenniluvsBrian Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/28/06 02:35 am Title: Mending the Broken

Oye vey. Austin & Vivian together are gona drive Cheyanne insane! Lol. They could pass for sisters - or twins! Lol.



P.S. Haha! Brian found 'em naked!

Reviewer: felikia2009 Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/28/06 01:48 am Title: Mending the Broken

lmfao! i DONT want one of those, but i love this chapter :)

Reviewer: ann Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/27/06 04:24 am Title: Confronting the Pain

damn nick for being so stupid. and an ass! cheyanne needs to know the truth. and nick better watch his drinking. he'll get in a serious accident if he keeps driving off while drunk.

Reviewer: LenniluvsBrian Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/27/06 02:12 am Title: Confronting the Pain

Aww. Poor Chey. Why can't Nicky just tell her the truth? Why's he gotta hurt her & himself so bad? *hugs 'em both*



Reviewer: QueenOfConfusion98 Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/26/06 11:38 pm Title: Confronting the Pain

Nick, you are the king of all don't deserve her and you never did.

Howie still loves you Chey, just let him love you...

Reviewer: felikia2009 Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/26/06 11:32 pm Title: Confronting the Pain

poor chey! *hugs her*

Reviewer: ann Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/26/06 04:08 am Title: Decisions

damn AJ! i feel so bad for nick right now. it's almost pissing me off. everyone just likes to gang up on him. )= he tries to do the right thing and everyone blames him. boo!!!! haha.

Reviewer: LenniluvsBrian Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/26/06 03:14 am Title: Decisions

Holy F*ck!!!!!!!!! I still feel horrible for Nicky! They DON'T know the WHOLE F*ckin' story!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Don't make me kick Kevin's ass, when I'm TRYING to avoid that as best I can.



Reviewer: felikia2009 Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/26/06 03:04 am Title: Decisions

i love the ending, its serious but funny at the same time! and yay for aladin kevin!

Reviewer: QueenOfConfusion98 Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/26/06 01:47 am Title: Decisions

I'm glad AJ told Brian he and Kevin can beat the crap outta Nick! He really could have done serious damage if not worse...just wait till Austin finds out....she WILL kill him...Thank GOD Chey's with Howie...