Reviews For Under My Skin
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Reviewer: csmbabe Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 11/15/07 01:19 pm Title: Author's Note and Thank You's

I can't wait for you to start the other story I love Under my Skin so I just can't wait to see what this story is going to be like!!!!

Author's Response: Well I posted the banner to the sequel to give you a lil bit of an idea and my plan is to try to post the Prologue sometime today.

Reviewer: Alexfrack Signed [Report This]
Date: 11/14/07 11:26 pm Title: Author's Note and Thank You's

Aww, thnx Mel, i loved your story and i'll definitely be reading the sequel, i think you're a great writer, so keep with the good work and i have to congratulate you, first by having the fave story in AC and second, for being so talented in wrtiting, yay! See ya :D

Reviewer: Alexfrack Signed [Report This]
Date: 11/14/07 11:18 pm Title: Epilogue

OMG, i loved this chappie, finally he realized the wrongs he's done in his life, mostly with Alyssa, and it may seem like it is too late, but you know what they say "better late than never", so i hope the sequel is updated soon to see wht's next. Awesome job throught the whole story girl, i'm sure the next one will be great as well. Thanks :D

Author's Response: Thanks hun! I'm actually hoping that the next one will be even better! Yea Nick has finally learned his lesson, now we just have to see if he uses what he's learned in the sequel!

Reviewer: Vicky Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 11/14/07 09:10 pm Title: Author's Note and Thank You's

Hi Mel i first found this story at and it immediately had me hooked. I just wanted to say that I loved it from beginning to end and I can't wait for the sequel.

keep up the great writing!!! you should be really proud of yourself!

Author's Response: Thanks! I kind of got lazy and stopped posting in on not-like-you so I'm really glad that you continued to read this story over here on AC. I've been working on the sequel and maybe *crosses fingers* MAYBE I can update before Thanksgiving.

Reviewer: ALM Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 11/14/07 03:44 pm Title: Epilogue

oh poor Nick must be hard for him to realise all of his mistakes im happy that he going try to sort them out x lookin forward to the sequal

Author's Response: Yea I wanted the Epilogue to be sort of a catalyst for him to turn his life around. He's going to hopefully be a lot different in A Little Taste of Sin. (Same thing w/ Alyssa too)

Reviewer: brian_fan_4eva Signed [Report This]
Date: 11/14/07 03:12 pm Title: Author's Note and Thank You's

WHOOT!  Sequel here we come!  It was a very nice epilogue to the main story...I can't wait for the new story soon!

Author's Response: Thank's! I started working on the prologue last night but unfortunately I absolutely must get a paper done today first, before I attempt to write anymore

Reviewer: Iz Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 11/14/07 02:14 pm Title: Epilogue

Awwwwwww.... I wished i had the smallest part of your talent Mel ! I can't wait to read the sequel and how everything turns out !

Author's Response: Thank's Iz I'm glad you enjoyed it even after all I put your character through lol

Reviewer: Iz Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 11/14/07 02:09 pm Title: Chapter Sixty

Ok... instead of yelling at my computer, I'm actually sitting at my desk tearing up (which is not exactly better for my professionnal image!!!) lol....

It is an amazing chapter and I cannot wait to read the epilogue and the sequel!

Reviewer: Nayla Signed [Report This]
Date: 11/14/07 11:00 am Title: Author's Note and Thank You's

Hi Mell, I started reading this story at WW en kept reading it here at AC. I just love this story, even though there isn't a happy ending. Maybe in the sequel... I'm looking forward to read that one. Keep up the good work, Nayla

Author's Response: Thanks so much Nayla. As I said in my thank you's I really appreciate my girls from WW who followed the story over to AC.

Reviewer: claudia Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 11/14/07 08:03 am Title: Epilogue

Welldone!! this was an amazing stories i just LOVED it!!!

Reviewer: blueleeryan Signed [Report This]
Date: 11/14/07 07:37 am Title: Author's Note and Thank You's

great job with the story really well done.

Reviewer: blueleeryan Signed [Report This]
Date: 11/14/07 07:36 am Title: Epilogue

oh i so cant wait for the sequal.

Reviewer: blueleeryan Signed [Report This]
Date: 11/14/07 07:07 am Title: Chapter Sixty

aww grace is such a great name so cute. really great job.

Author's Response: Thanks! It's my cousin's name actually, so that's where I got it from.

Reviewer: Thia-hearts-Nick Signed [Report This]
Date: 11/14/07 06:50 am Title: Epilogue sad.. this was the first fanfic that i've read and i'm very satisfied. So glad that Nick is accepting all his mistakes and trying to be a better person plus the song fit perfectly. Thanks for such an awesome fanfic and i'll be waiting for the sequel...

Author's Response: Thanks so much! I was afraid that a lot of readers would be dissatisfied with since it's not a very happy ending, so I'm very glad you enjoyed it!

Reviewer: bsbfrk411 Signed [Report This]
Date: 11/14/07 06:45 am Title: Author's Note and Thank You's

:-O I wasn't expecting to see my name in there. wow. Thank you for thanking me. that was really cool of you. and again, congrats with finishing the story and venturing on to the sequal. I can't wait to see what happens.. and it better be a happy ending!!! :-p

Author's Response: No prob, you've been a loyal reader sometimes leaving feedback twice for the same chapter. I remember those things lol It's a lil too soon to comment on the sequels ending since the prologue hasn't even been posted, but its going to be hopefully very steamy and lots of fun drama.