Reviews For Under My Skin
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Reviewer: bsbfrk411 Signed [Report This]
Date: 11/14/07 06:40 am Title: Epilogue

awww. im sad its over. yay for the sequal i guess lol

i think this is the first fanfic i've read that ended with nick being alone. i like the happy endings better!!! haha im kidding. i enjoyed reading this. congrats on finishing and good luck with the next story.

Author's Response: Cuz I'm just a pessimist I guess lol. I dunno I always wanted to be different and write a story that didn't end happily ever after, but thankfully enough there IS a sequel which I've already written about two pages of... Yay!

Reviewer: Moppy Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 11/14/07 05:52 am Title: Epilogue

OMG I can't believe your finished the story!!! I've missed a few chapters so I'm caught up now.

LMAO @ Alyssa's story to Izzy during labor about the blood vessels......I haven't heard that before!!!

You left the ending in a great place to, Alyssa knows what shes gonna do and Nick's trying to move on and be a better person.

I can't wait until the sequel!!! I'm very excited about it and getting edgy to find out what happens in the next story.

Great work Mel.... a huge thumbs up!

Author's Response: Thanks Moppy! I understand about falling behind since its such a crazy time of year for everybody. LMAO the blood vessel story was a last minute addition of mine and actually one of the student teachers I had the other day was telling me that her best friend actually did burst every blood vessel in her face giving birth, so I guess its possible... Her friend though was very pale to begin with though.

Reviewer: FiliKlepto Signed [Report This]
Date: 11/14/07 04:54 am Title: Epilogue


Somehow, this epilogue was more heart-wrenching than anything before!  I think Nick reflecting on the relationship is more than I can bear...  So good!

UMS has had a wonderful run, and I am so looking forward to the sequel.  <3 Congrats!

Author's Response: I was going for that heart wrenching ending which is why I decided to end it with Nick. If you know the song Better Than Me by Hinder it really fits perfectly and makes the scene even more poignant

Reviewer: Tscarpulla21 Signed [Report This]
Date: 11/14/07 04:42 am Title: Epilogue

I love this story!! Everytime I read a chapter I can't wait till you update again to see what is going to happen!

Author's Response: Then make sure to keep an eye out for the sequel. I'm hoping to get the prologue out as soon as I can!

Reviewer: brian_fan_4eva Signed [Report This]
Date: 11/14/07 02:20 am Title: Chapter Sixty

Awe!  that was sweet! 

Reviewer: Alexfrack Signed [Report This]
Date: 11/13/07 11:35 pm Title: Chapter Sixty

awww, Izzy's a mommy! cool, this was a cute chappie, shame it's the last one, good thing there'll be an epilogue and a sequel. Great job there girl :D

Author's Response: Thanks a lot! It was tough to write since it was sort of winding everything down. I'm doing some schoolwork now and then I'm going to try to get back to the Epilogue.

Reviewer: ALM Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 11/13/07 09:25 pm Title: Chapter Sixty

Yippee u updated x great update x what she going to do pls can she go and talk to Nick

Author's Response: Aww lol I wish she could, but realistically how would that be moving on? I did finally get the banner for the sequel posted though, so check it out!

Reviewer: kerry Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 11/12/07 01:47 am Title: Chapter Fifty- Eight

waow you done it again great chapter well done now im off to read the next one x

Reviewer: zahra Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 11/09/07 08:26 pm Title: Chapter Fifty- Nine

yes. im good. you? i keep seeing your sn online but its away since i still show up late lol.

Reviewer: Zahra Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 11/09/07 10:39 am Title: Chapter Fifty- Nine

I finally caught up and read this .Wow. I was suprise for sure where the story is at now. Im really enjoying it.

Author's Response: Thanks Zahra! How are you, by the way?

Reviewer: Kim Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 11/07/07 08:16 pm Title: Chapter Fifty- Nine

Great story
You have to update really soon.

Author's Response: I started writing the last chapter and I'd like to update soon! Right now school and work make things very difficult though :(

Reviewer: Jo Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 11/07/07 06:12 am Title: Chapter Fifty- Nine

I'm back!
and as mean as ever lol just kiddng :) But I must say I feel pity for neither :p to them. Alyssa, I'm back to wanting to smack her with a spatula or some cooking untensil lol now i'm over it but in the initial chapter when the betrayal happened a few chapters back. Yup. The urge was there. Why? I can't even remember anymore. Her whole reaction to the situation--I don't know! just got frustrated lol and Nick well...cause his wanting to blame the world and everyone for his mistakes. So poop to him :) but again your writing ability keeps me coming back :) so here I am lol. Your amazing hun :)

I wonder if you updated any of your other stories! I shall check that now.

Author's Response: LOl Well thanks for your honesty! I know you're not the only one of my readers whoose gotten frustrated with Alyssa to the point of wanting to assault her w/ a kitchen untensil lol But unlike some of them you actually came back and I applaud you for that! At this point in the story I really wanted to show what a mess both Alyssa and Nick are in their personal lifes. I know right now its frustrating as a reader, but I'm hoping that once the sequel hits it'll be that much easier to spot the growth on both of their parts.

Reviewer: bsbfrk411 Signed [Report This]
Date: 11/06/07 02:27 am Title: Chapter Fifty- Nine

Yea it's on the delux version. I can send it to you if you want. It's really good and fits perfectly for how they were sort of reacting to the breakup. There's a few songs on this album that can work for your story. I was listening to it at work today and i was like ooooh.. that song can work.. ooh.. that one too lmao. you're story haunts me. haha

Yea no picture with Nick for me either (execept for the one of him holding my hand at the signing but that doesnt count lol). But i might be going to a jingleball show in december so if I go and meet him i'll be sure to tell him he owes you a picture lol.

good luck with the car. i loved when i bought my new car; it was just the monthly payments that pissed me off. but just think.. only 5 more years left :/ lol

Reviewer: Alexfrack Signed [Report This]
Date: 11/05/07 10:35 pm Title: Chapter Fifty- Nine

Good chappie, I loved the song you chose, it's perfect for this part of the story, for Nick's feelings (btw, I love Unbreakable, it's awesome!). I hope you post the next chapter soon, i so wanna know what's gonna happen now. Good job :D

Author's Response: Thanks! LOl Who doesn't love Unbreakable? I'd like to update the ending soon, but I've been feeling a lil under the weather and work is kicking my ass right now. When I get home all I want to do is sleep!

Reviewer: bsbfrk411 Signed [Report This]
Date: 11/05/07 03:08 am Title: Chapter Fifty- Nine

yea i feel your pain. i had no time for the last few months cause i was working two jobs, 12 hours a day. basically to pay for that trip cause I live in chicago lol. im nuts i know. but my boss at my second job called me while i was standing outsider their hotel :-D and demanded to know where I was. So i kinda quit lmao. now i have time and nothing to do with it.

it sucks you couldn't go to NYC though, it was craziness. that blonde one.. hehe, he kissed me hand. ~faints~ Maybe next time though, or maybe he'll do a solo and we can all go nuts!!

oh and i thought it was awesome that you already used lyrics from unbreakable. i was kind of expecting In Pieces to be incorporated cause that one is PERFECT on both sides.

Author's Response:

Yea that's basically my life right now only I don't have a trip involving BSB to look forward to. I'm kinda saving up for a new car whenever I have an excuse to bury mine. I bet that it was crazy though! I did the hotel thing once like two years ago for Jingle Ball and that was a crazy night that I'll never forget. I'm still waiting to get my pic w/ Nick though. It just never works out whenever I've met him :(

Is In Pieces a bonus track on Unbreakable? I haven't downloaded them yet. I tried to get the deluxe edition of Unbreakable, but Target didn't have it even though they advertised it and I KNOW it didn't sell out *grumbles*

Author's Response:

Yea that's basically my life right now only I don't have a trip involving BSB to look forward to. I'm kinda saving up for a new car whenever I have an excuse to bury mine. I bet that it was crazy though! I did the hotel thing once like two years ago for Jingle Ball and that was a crazy night that I'll never forget. I'm still waiting to get my pic w/ Nick though. It just never works out whenever I've met him :(

Is In Pieces a bonus track on Unbreakable? I haven't downloaded them yet. I tried to get the deluxe edition of Unbreakable, but Target didn't have it even though they advertised it and I KNOW it didn't sell out *grumbles*