Reviews For Under My Skin
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Reviewer: bsbfrk411 Signed [Report This]
Date: 11/05/07 12:43 am Title: Chapter Fifty- Nine

I leave for 10 ten days to chase that blonde boy you're writing about around New York City and all I get is two chapters when I return?!?!?!?! argh!! hahah Im playing with ya. But seriously.. 58 was really sad. Especially since I'm like a billion times more in love with him then I was before I left.. i could never walk out on him like that lmao. I hate him!!

So is the next chapter the last one? I'm just guessing if they ever get back together it won't be until the sequal lol. that suckssss. But then not really cause that means he's single... and available.. oh wait. my bad. this isn't real lmao. hahah can't wait for the next one...

Author's Response: Haha Trust me if I coulda I woulda been there in NYC chasing the blonde one around right along with you! But right now subbing comes first, so I stayed home and wound up w/a bunch of middle schoolers instead. I wish I could write more! I'm SOOO close to being done, but unfortunately I'm incredibly busy right now. :(

Reviewer: blueleeryan Signed [Report This]
Date: 11/02/07 10:04 pm Title: Chapter Fifty- Nine

that was such a great chapter, i cant wait to see how this part of the story going to end and cant wait for the sequal to end. really well done.

Author's Response: And I can't wait to finish and start the sequel. Thankfully I'm off for Election Day so I hope to squeeze some writing in then.

Reviewer: Iz Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 11/02/07 06:16 pm Title: Chapter Fifty- Nine

Another awesome chapter.. I love how you were already able to plug in the lyrics of an Unbreakable song !

P.S. : I kinda just hope Izzy is not that fat... Just the baby weight right? lol

Author's Response: Yea I was listening to the song in my car and was like OMG its perfect (lol you can tell I've been listening to it a lot huh?) And of course Izzy is NOT fat! She's just 8 months pregnant and FEELS enormous LOL

Reviewer: csmbabe Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 11/02/07 12:44 pm Title: Chapter Fifty- Nine

I love the chapter but I can't wait to see where it goes next!!!

Reviewer: ALM Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 11/02/07 10:00 am Title: Chapter Fifty- Nine

hiya great chapter x love it x update soon

Reviewer: brian_fan_4eva Signed [Report This]
Date: 11/02/07 04:50 am Title: Chapter Fifty- Nine

lol awe!  can't wait for more!

Author's Response: Thanks! I'm just excited as you. *sings* One more chapter! (Well and an Epilogue)

Reviewer: csmbabe Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 11/01/07 12:14 pm Title: Chapter Fifty- Eight

Man that really sucks that they broke up, great chapter and I know it's just going to keep getting better. Upadate real soon please.

Author's Response: Thanks a lot for the update! Actually as it turns out I backed up the last chapter after all, so maybe we can do an update tonight.

Reviewer: Thia-hearts-Nick Signed [Report This]
Date: 11/01/07 05:58 am Title: Chapter Fifty- Eight

OMG, it's so sad (tears btw).. but i think it needed to happen. Again.. great job and can't wait for the last chapter and the sequel.

Author's Response: I'm glad you see that it was inevitable. Well, I hoped to update tonight cuz I churned out about 4 pages last night, but then my computer got messed up during the night and I had to reboot, so I'm back at square one *sigh*

Reviewer: Alexfrack Signed [Report This]
Date: 11/01/07 02:50 am Title: Chapter Fifty- Eight

OMG!!! I can't believe this, well, i had the feeling they were going to break up but now that i read it happened it kinda sinked in, that's so sad. This was a very good chappie, very emotional and dramatic. I can't wait to read the last chappie, i'm sure it'll be great as this one. Don't leave us hanging :D

Author's Response: Well, I'm not sure if it'll be the last chapter or two chapters. I was going to combine it, but now I think I might go w/ two smaller chapters just cuz it covers a long span of time, but I'm almost done regardless!

Reviewer: ALM Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 10/31/07 11:20 pm Title: Chapter Fifty- Eight

oh dear poor Alyssa and Nick do feal sorry for Nick even what he did was wrong x and what Nick said to Teri you go boy tell her x up date soon pls

Author's Response: Yea that scene between Nick and Teri was definitely to win Nick just a lil bit of sympathy points lol. I'm trying to msintain a balance between the both of them, so that in a way you can feel sorry for either one for different reasons.

Reviewer: Kim Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 10/31/07 05:32 pm Title: Chapter Fifty- Eight

WOW what a great update.
I really hope nick and alyssa find their way back to each other. I really wanted to cry when she broke up with him. I liked the part where alyssa told off her sister. can't wait till you update again.
Great job!

Author's Response: Well there's always the sequel *grins mischeiviously* It was sad, but it needed to be done. Thanks a lot Kim!

Reviewer: Iz Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 10/31/07 03:21 pm Title: Chapter Fifty- Eight

Awesome as usual... Almost made me cry in my office... I NEED to stop reading your story at work... Keep on writing more !

Author's Response: Ha! LOL I'm going to get you in big trible one of these days Iz! lol Thanks for reading! Look for your character in my next chapter

Reviewer: FiliKlepto Signed [Report This]
Date: 10/31/07 03:10 pm Title: Chapter Fifty- Eight

Oh, man.  This chapter has the best quote ever: “We could always blame Paris.”

 Seriously, though.  I think you pulled off their breakup so well!  And it never ceases to amuse me how Alyssa gets so heated in her arguments that she'll have seriously divulging conversations in front of strangers -- Amy's going to have so much fodder for the gossip mill!!!  XD

I also enjoyed how Teri put Nick on the spot and he proved her impression about him wrong.

And for some reason, the line “It’s all right. I need to burn off some anger” really appealed to me.

This was a great all-around chapter!  I had a feeling that things were going to turn out this way when you mentioned a sequel.  I'm glad that Nick told Alyssa again that he loves her, though I can't help but imagine everyone else in that diner staring at their exchange.  XD

Can't wait for the next one! 

Author's Response: Thanks!!! Yea of course I had to set the stage for the sequel *winks* I'm glad you enjoyed the way that I left things off with them. Yea, Alyssa can get pretty heated, but she's got a very strong Italian temper which I could tell you a lot about LOL. I'm impatient to tie this one up and start the sequel myself.

Reviewer: blueleeryan Signed [Report This]
Date: 10/31/07 07:14 am Title: Chapter Fifty- Eight

wow such a great chapter so sad. cant wait for more. really well done

Author's Response: Yea it was sad. I felt so bad ripping them apart, but *sigh* it'll pay off in the long run

Reviewer: brian_fan_4eva Signed [Report This]
Date: 10/31/07 05:31 am Title: Chapter Fifty- Eight

OMG!  *stunned silence*  OMG!

Author's Response: Thanks! Glad that it was shocking for you!