Reviews For Under My Skin
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Reviewer: Julilly Signed [Report This]
Date: 10/31/07 05:17 am Title: Chapter Fifty- Eight

Ooh, a blowout! That was awesome, I did get a little misty eyed I must say and I'm kind of siding with Teri when it comes to feeling sorry for Nick... or not, rather. Great chapter, I can't wait for more!

Author's Response: Thanks a lot Julilly! I find that most of the readers either side with Alyssa or Nick which I was surprised about since I thought everyone would be pissed at Nick.

Reviewer: Anonymous Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 10/30/07 10:07 pm Title: Chapter Fifty-Seven

Please update really soon.

Author's Response: I actually have only one more section of the next chapter to write, so I'm going to try to update again tonight.

Reviewer: kerry Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 10/29/07 08:36 pm Title: Chapter Fifty-Seven

waow well done great chapter cant wait untill the next one, im looking forward to it xxxx

Reviewer: Kim Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 10/27/07 10:11 pm Title: Chapter Fifty-Seven

Please update.

Reviewer: Thia-hearts-Nick Signed [Report This]
Date: 10/25/07 09:41 pm Title: Prologue

OMG!!! This is such an addicting fanfiction. This was actually the first fanfiction I read and I just can't wait for more. Can't belive she punched him but as much as we love him he deserved it...Great job, please update soon!

Author's Response: Thanks a lot! And I feel honored that this was the first fan fic that you chose to read out of all the fics on this site. I'm going to try to update soon although I'm going to be pretty busy this weekend.

Reviewer: bsbfrk411 Signed [Report This]
Date: 10/20/07 03:29 am Title: Chapter Fifty-Seven

i want moreeeeeeeee!! So much drama. This was a good update but I hate how you always leave us hanging lol!!

cant wait for more!

Author's Response: But that's what a good author does lol j/k. I'm going to try to update again soon. I'm SOOO itching to start the sequel. I already began my outline

Reviewer: Iz Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 10/19/07 07:59 pm Title: Chapter Fifty-Seven


Reviewer: Kim Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 10/18/07 07:40 pm Title: Chapter Fifty-Seven

Oh my god you have to update really soon. I have to know what happens. this is getting really good.

Author's Response: Thanks a lot Kim! Be patient cuz we're winding down here, yet my schedule is picking up!

Reviewer: FiliKlepto Signed [Report This]
Date: 10/18/07 06:02 pm Title: Chapter Fifty-Seven


This chapter was so unbelievable -- as in unbelievably GOOD!!!  The fighting and hurtful words between Lyss and Nick were so well executed.  I don't know how they'll ever recover from this one, but I can't be upset because my adrenaline is still pumping.  You write some of the best argument scenes ever!

 And then when Teri and Alyssa were talking afterward, I was right there with Teri shouting, "You go, girl!"  Really great chapter!

Author's Response:

Thanks for the HUGE compliment there! Usually I REALLY love arguements cuz they tend to flow easier, but this arguement actually took a lil longer and I think it was because at times I was afraid that I went too far. I mean you're right they did say some REALLY messed up things to each other in that chapter. Next chapter will be dealing with the aftermath the next morning.

Haha and I take it from the Teri comment that you're Team Alyssa, huh? lol

Reviewer: csmbabe Signed [Report This]
Date: 10/18/07 12:41 pm Title: Chapter Fifty-Seven

God I can't wait for the next update please update real soon I can't wait to find out where it goes next.

Author's Response: I'm going to try to update soon, but I have to write up a 4 lesson thematic unit by next week that I've only outlined, so I need to get my arse in gear with that first.

Reviewer: moppy Signed [Report This]
Date: 10/18/07 12:25 pm Title: Chapter Fifty-Seven

Holy Torledo Batman!!!
Geez, that was a action packed drama if I've ever read one!
Ha! I knew the Nick and Steph incident would come up soon!
I feel sorry for both of them, I understand Nick's side because I'm actually very like Nick in this story and Alyssa...the betrayal from two people close to her *shakes head*

Great chapter Mel hope to see another update soon :D

Author's Response: Thanks so much Moppy! Yes I FINALLY was able to work in the Nick/ Steph incident. I'm glad though that you feel for both Alyssa and Nick here. I'm actually pleasently surprised because I was afraid that everyone would jump to Alyssa's defense and be so mad at Nick they'd stop reading. (Or the other way around.) Thankfully everyone seems to be split down in the middle. There are a few readers who've chosen sides, but I'd say it seems like they were both wrong in certain ways which is what I was going for, so yay!

Reviewer: Teri Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 10/18/07 07:28 am Title: Chapter Fifty-Seven

*giggles* you are awesome! LOL I would totally have done that!

Author's Response: I know! I LOVE writing about you Teri cuz I find it eerie how well I have you down lol :)

Reviewer: Alexfrack Signed [Report This]
Date: 10/18/07 05:25 am Title: Chapter Fifty-Seven

Damn, good one, i can't believe she punched him in the nose!, in his beautiful nose! haha, but this was a very interesting chappie, and omg, he confessed what happened with Stephanie, i knew it was bound to come out eventually but now that it has it's kinda weird, i so wanna know what's gonna happen next, what Nick's gonna do, what's gonna happen when Steph finds out he blew the i hope you don't leave us hanging for too long. Great job :D

Author's Response: I'll try not! Next chapter is when we'll get Steph's reaction, so stay tuned. And yea I really wanted her to do something crazy like hit him, but then of course feel really horrible about it.

Reviewer: blueleeryan Signed [Report This]
Date: 10/18/07 05:12 am Title: Chapter Fifty-Seven

that was a really great chapter, cant wait to see how things turn out, really well done

Author's Response: Thanks! Hopefully I can update again soon. I have a paper due this week so that has to come first.

Reviewer: brian_fan_4eva Signed [Report This]
Date: 10/18/07 04:14 am Title: Chapter Fifty-Seven

Poor Lyssa!  more soon!