Reviews For Under My Skin
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Reviewer: blueleeryan Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/22/07 08:19 pm Title: Chapter Fifty- Four

ooooo i loved the chapter, i she going to go there for his birthday. great job.

Author's Response: Maybe... LOL You'll just have to wait and see! Thanks for the review!

Reviewer: FiliKlepto Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/22/07 03:44 pm Title: Chapter Fifty- Four

This chapter was so fun, I loved it!  I have to put in a little beta, though, and mention that strangely enough there are quite a few blondes in Japan.  O_O  The Japanese are really big about coloring their hair, and while most don't go all the way to the point of platinum, they're still pretty damn blonde.  Weird, huh?

I swear, I just read the previous chapter a day or so ago.  How do you crank them out so fast?  O_O

Author's Response:

Thanks hun! Yea I was thinking about that cuz I see quite a few Asian's who do dye their hair. Personally I don't think it looks right. They have such gorgeous hair to begin with and blonde just doesn't look right, but... I think Nick was getting at that there aren't many "natural" blondes like the type he typically gets himself in trouble with lol.

I think I'm cranking them out fast because I'm SOOO close to being done already and I'm itching to start the sequel!

Reviewer: Moppy Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 09/22/07 09:07 am Title: Chapter Fifty- Four

LOL @ Slob on your knobs!!! Did you pick that up while teaching Mel???

That was an awesome chapter, I love how they talk to one another, jokingly and serious.

Can't wait for another update!!!

PS - If you write in an Aussie fan waving their boobs in Nick's face... can it be me??? LMAO

Author's Response:

Actually as a matter of fact I did lol. You know me too well. I actually did have a 6th grade student that we had to suspend for making inapproprite comments to the girls in the class and that was one of them and I was just so shocked cuz I have no clue where he came up with that one that it stuck with me. <p>

I like to try to have a good balance between joking and serious between them because I just feel that's totally their style. I love their relationship! lol<p>

Well, I am going to need an Aussie fan next chapter although she'll be a little more on the teeny side than the waving boobs in Nick's face kind lol. What's your first name and I'll write you in?

Reviewer: csmbabe Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 09/22/07 06:44 am Title: Chapter Fifty- Four

I love the update, I can't wait for the next one. I hope you update soon like you did this one because I'm just dieing to find out what's going to happen next and I don't know if Nick's going to screw up again or what I at least hope not.

Author's Response:

Thanks hun! I know I left it on a bit of a cliffy there. I'll try to update soon, but I'm not sure how my schedule is going to be. I'm already writing the next chapter in my head though.

Reviewer: Claudia Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 09/21/07 11:01 am Title: Chapter Fifty- Three

wow!! gret update loved evert minute of it!!

Reviewer: FiliKlepto Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/20/07 06:39 pm Title: Chapter Fifty- Three

OMG! This chapter!!! YOU!!!

Wow, I don't know if I was more shocked from finally seeing some action (you totally psyched me out with that imaginary car sex scene, btw) or from Nick's total blunder. You are so awesome! I can't believe the awesome things you write.

Sorry, this is a spazzier review than usual but this chapter completely made me spazz out.

Author's Response: LOL Yea its been a while since there's been any on stage action so I figured I owed you all a scene. Funny you should mention the whole car part cuz originally that was my plan for the scene. To take place in the car. But after their lil fight last chapter it just didn't seem to fit, so it wound up not happening. As a compromise to myself though I included that lil fantasy part. Thanks for the review!

Reviewer: moppy Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/20/07 03:24 pm Title: Chapter Fifty- Three

Man she took his 'I love you' comment better than expected!

Awesome chapter Mel, loved every bit of it, hope you update soon!!!

Author's Response: Ha I have one person telling me that she took it too harshly and you saying that you thought she'd have taken it worse. Shows you just how on the fence people are about this issue huh? I got a lot done on the next chapter last night, but after spending an entire day with kindergartners I don't know if I'll write tonight. We'll see..

Reviewer: csmbabe Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/20/07 01:05 pm Title: Chapter Fifty- Three

Great chapter can't wait for more and I know the next chapter will be even better. Please up date real soon...

Reviewer: Alexfrack Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/20/07 02:51 am Title: Chapter Fifty- Three

Aww, I really liked it, and damn, they had to "make" a good memory before being apart right? haha. Lol, Nick messed up with the "I love you", but i'm sure he'll find the perfect time to tell her. And he better behave while he's on tour, haha. Good job. Don't forget to update asap :)

Author's Response: Of course they did! LOL Thanks for the review hun. I'm working on the next chapter now.

Reviewer: brian_fan_4eva Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/19/07 11:51 pm Title: Chapter Fifty- Three

Poor Nicky....but she should have been more accepting about his declaration than she was....some guys go with gut instincts on their emotions after sex LOL. can't wait for more! I know Nick can stay out of trouble!

Author's Response: I think in a way she's a bit in denial even though she wants it to be true. And she was kind of hoping it to be a bigger moment then that, so I'm thinking it was more of her instinct to believe he was just throwing those words out there. I think I might adress her side a bit in the next chapter, so you can understand better. Thanks for the review!

Reviewer: Jamanda Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 09/19/07 10:58 pm Title: Chapter Fifty- Three

Awe Alyssa doesn't believe that Nick was being truthful when he said 'I love you'. Dang it, he meant it! Nick is going to be a good boy on this tour - he needs to be for Alyssa and himself. He heard himself say that he's a one woman man now. I hope he stays true to himself and Alyssa.

This was great. I loved it to bits and pieces. Please write more as soon as possible. :]

Author's Response: Nick has such a habit of saying the right things at the completely wrong times lol. We'll have to see how Nick does on the staying faithful. I'm already working on the next chapter!

Reviewer: bsbfrk411 Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/19/07 08:23 pm Title: Chapter Fifty- Three

oh.. just a question i forogt.. the favorite word? could it by any chance be cocktease? lmao

Author's Response: LMAO Well It wasn't cocktease... It actually was just cock LOL. To make a long story short my friend Tri happens to overuse the term cock so much in her stories its become a joke to us and it was kind of like an unofficial dare that I would use it in my story.So hence why Nick called Alyssa a cocktease. Which by the way was extremely funny to me at like 1am last night while writing this for some reason LOL

Reviewer: bsbfrk411 Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/19/07 08:20 pm Title: Chapter Fifty- Three

awwwwww poor nicky. the guy just can't win.

im guessing the next chapter will be either really easy or really hard to write. the in bewtween chapters suck the most when it comes to writing lol. good luck and hopefully you'll get something out soon.

and yay for remembering the coat! lmao!!

Author's Response: Yea the next chapter is one of those in between ones. It sets the stage for the beginning of the climax of the story. I hope it won't be too hard to write cuz I have some cute lines planned. I started it but only got like 3 paragraphs in. It'll probably be a lil shorter though.

Yes and I finally remembered that damn coat! lol

Reviewer: blueleeryan Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/19/07 07:11 pm Title: Chapter Fifty- Three

great chapter

Reviewer: Tri Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/19/07 06:19 pm Title: Chapter Fifty- Three

It turned out SO great! Haha, you finally used my favorite word! :D And I know you hate hearing it, but I gotta say it again... "Poor Nick." When he said he loved Alyssa, it was just so sad how it turned out. I can't wait to read more, but take your time... This chapter was DEFINITELY worth the wait!!

Author's Response: I knew I could use it lol. I just had to do it on my terms hehe. You and your poor Nick, but okay this time I can see how you meant it cuz he really meant well. Just right words, wrong time. I'm really hoping now the rest of the chapters will be easier to write for me. *crosses fingers*