Reviews For Under My Skin
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Reviewer: bsbfrk411 Signed [Report This]
Date: 08/22/07 05:49 pm Title: Chapter Fifty-One

talk about an emotional roller coaster. these two need theropy. haha but anyway, that was a great chapter. as much as i love the happy perfect nothing can go wrong relationship, it was good to have a more realistic side as well with the hanger at the end. very well written.

Author's Response: Well I get bored writing about the perfect relationship cuz then they're together and its like, ok now what? I do agree that they prolly both need therapy since they have plenty of issues, but I love dysfunction and its more entertaining. I hope its not TOO over the top though!

Reviewer: Tri Signed [Report This]
Date: 08/22/07 02:47 pm Title: Chapter Fifty-One

Wow! It's a lot to take in all at once. I loved the Chris/Nick fight, but you already knew that. lol. And you'll be happy to hear that I'm not all "poor Nick" after reading this chapter. Now I just wanna smack him. Haha. I can't wait for the next chapter! :D

Author's Response: It's a miracle! LOL j/k And yes... I know that you loved yourself a good Nick and Chris brawl lol. Thanks for all your help this chapter!

Reviewer: csmbabe Signed [Report This]
Date: 08/22/07 12:50 pm Title: Chapter Fifty-One

I love the chapter it was really good, which I think every chapter to this story is good lol. I can't wait for another update I bet it's going to be just as good.

Reviewer: FiliKlepto Signed [Report This]
Date: 08/22/07 05:41 am Title: Chapter Fifty-One

Augh, being in love is really screwing with Nick!

Sorry I don't have much else to say other than that; I'm still trying to process everything that happened. O_O Holy cow.

Author's Response: LOl I know I crammed a lot of action in that one chapter, but yes you could say its making Nick go crazy lol

Reviewer: Alexfrack Signed [Report This]
Date: 08/20/07 04:26 am Title: Chapter Fifty

Good one!, but i have the feeling Nick's going to see the phone number and it's not going to be pretty, lol. Don't take too long to update :D

Author's Response: No that won't be pretty at all lol I got about halfway with the next chapter. I want to write a bit now. We shall see... Thanks for the review!

Reviewer: bsbfrk411 Signed [Report This]
Date: 08/18/07 02:11 am Title: Chapter Fifty

Pissed off nick.. so hot. She's a smart girl. ;-)

Glad you're updating so often now, I love this story. Don't forget about the coat!!! lol

Author's Response: I hope I can continue wth the updates... I have a feeing I may have to slow down a little snce my work schedule is picking up. Ha and I won't forget the coat now. Thanks for reminding me!

Reviewer: Jamanda Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 08/18/07 12:32 am Title: Chapter Fifty

Nick is getting jealous, haha. I guess he know's how Alyssa feels when she had seen him in tabloids with other girls. Mark seems like a sweet guy and both Nick and him seem to have gotten off on the wrong footing with each other, especially with Mark starting to make jokes about the Sex on the Beach. Oh, I wonder what would happen if Nick found that number in her purse. I hope she has no attention on using it, unless she just want to be friends with him. It was a mature thing for Alyssa to step up the plate and apoligize on account of Nick's behavior.

I can't wait to see what's going to happen next. Congratulations on Chapter Fifty, I bet you're astonished and excited by that. I hope that you'll write moer as soon as possible. I'm sure that everyone would love that.

This is amazing to say the least. Please write more soon.

Author's Response: Hehe Thanks Jamanda. I was curious as to how the readers were going to respond to Mark. When I first came up with the idea that he should give Alyssa his number my betas were like OMG what an asshole! But that wasn't my intent and I'm glad you see it my way. Yes... Jealous Nick is fun! You'll see more of him next chapter lol

Reviewer: sarahmarie0727 Signed [Report This]
Date: 08/17/07 11:21 pm Title: Chapter Fifty

Aw, I still love it =]
Congratulations for writing the 50th chapter!! That's a big accomplishment, especially since I usually can't write past the 30th. I always lose interest, lol.

Author's Response: Thanks Sarah! I know I've never gotten this far at all. It's exciting!

Reviewer: blueleeryan Signed [Report This]
Date: 08/17/07 10:35 pm Title: Chapter Fifty

Great updates cant wait for more.

Reviewer: csmbabe Signed [Report This]
Date: 08/17/07 12:56 pm Title: Chapter Fifty

Can't wait for more. Love the chapter.

Reviewer: FiliKlepto Signed [Report This]
Date: 08/17/07 08:22 am Title: Chapter Fifty

The end of that chapter was just so frustrating, even more so because it started out great. I really loved seeing Nick be mature and respectful and telling of his ass of a friend. I was all like, "Go, Nick!" And I like how he went to talk to Alyssa about it immediately; I don't know why. Maybe because they weren't sweeping the issue under the rug but discussing it like two reasonable people?

Tricia, Teri, and Alyssa all seem to have such a great time together! I'd be sad if one of the other girls ever broke up with AJ/Howie because it would be awkward for their emerging trio. Speaking of breaking up... Mark!

Argh, I'm stuck between wishing he is a just a red herring and being worried that Nick and Alyssa will have problems, sending her running to Mark's waiting arms. Erm, that was a joke! *Please* don't take any inspiration from that. I hope Mark was just here to add some tension to the chapter and highlight Nick's edginess with his newly rediscovered feelings, rather than become a recurring character. (OH NOES!)

I'm so jealous at how fast you turn them out. You are not human, I swear. *hearts*

Author's Response: LOl I can see it being frustrating, but they're frustrating lol. I could so see Nick pulling that stuff out of jealously too for some reason. I'm glad you like Tricia, Teri, and Alyssa. It's kind of fun since they are a lot more open than a lot of Alyssa's other friends and as you can see they are really pulling her out of her shell. And Mark? Well, I don't want to give anything away but he won't exactly be recurring. His name might come up again though... I don't know how fast my next chapter will be out since I'm working the next four days in a row :(

Reviewer: brian_fan_4eva Signed [Report This]
Date: 08/17/07 07:58 am Title: Chapter Fifty

lol geez...Nick better tell her before things get out of hand! can't wait for more!

Author's Response: Yes he better lol, but will he? *shrugs*

Reviewer: Tri Signed [Report This]
Date: 08/17/07 07:11 am Title: Chapter Fifty

Okay, after reading it all together like that in completion, I realized that Alyssa really pissed me off. LOL. Maybe it's just the trained fic reader in me, but I totally took Nick's side and I hated Mark. I know that she was trying to display confidence and all that, but still. On the other hand, I love how she actually was flirting. I'm such a contradiction, right? Anyhow, it was really good, though, as always!! Can't wait for more, hun. :D

Author's Response: LMAO You'd take Carter's side over anything wouldn't you? Lol But now you got me paranoid... I hope the other readers aren't going to be pissed at Alyssa now lol But you loved that she was more flirty lol Yes you are a contradiction!

Reviewer: bsbfrk411 Signed [Report This]
Date: 08/17/07 05:26 am Title: Chapter Forty-Nine

I liked that chapter. Glad you updated so soon. Just a curious question... did yuo forget that nick bought her a coat of some sort a few chapters back? lol i forgot about that then remembered yesterday and realized it hadnt come up since. just wondering... lol

Author's Response: Ahh crap lol You just reminded me! I just finished my next chapter and forgot to have Nick give it to her. Well, he can give it to her right before she boards the plane lol. Thanks for reminding me! LOl There's so many lil things I set up that don't come back until later on that I forget lol. I'm posting the next chapter right now, so don't go anywhere.

Reviewer: Airok Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 08/16/07 06:01 pm Title: Chapter Forty-Nine

Awesome chappter! I can't wait for more!