Reviews For Under My Skin
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Reviewer: sarahmarie0727 Signed [Report This]
Date: 08/16/07 01:17 am Title: Chapter Forty-Nine

Aw! I loved this chapter =] It was great! More soon!

Reviewer: csmbabe Signed [Report This]
Date: 08/16/07 12:29 am Title: Chapter Forty-Nine

OHHHH their so cute can't wait for more!!!

Reviewer: Angel Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 08/15/07 11:36 pm Title: Chapter Forty-Nine

Love it! Update soon!

Reviewer: Jamanda Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 08/15/07 10:35 pm Title: Chapter Forty-Nine

Kevin is a smart, smart man. He is right. Nick needs to tell Alyssa before its too late. I'm glad that Nick apolgizied to Kevin. Everything is working out great. I was so excited to see that this was updated again so quickly. It definitely brought a smile to my face.

Oooh, the flashback! I loved that part. My dear, everything about that part was amazing to say the least. I love how the dress holds a meaning between the two of them. That was a fantastic idea. Haha, Alyssa had made Nick's fantasy come true back then. :]

I can't wait to read more of this so I'd love it if you wrote more really soon. :]

Author's Response: Yea I thought it would be a good idea to have Kevin be the voice of wisdom since he definitely strikes me as the type lol. And I'm glad you enjoyed the whole birthday flashback. I thought the dress thing would be nice, but I also wanted to show a different side of Alyssa that I don't think has really come out much yet.

Reviewer: Alexfrack Signed [Report This]
Date: 08/15/07 10:09 pm Title: Chapter Forty-Nine

This was great, i really liked the chapter, i'm so glad Nick and Kev are ok now. Hmmm, i wonder how Alyssa and Nick will spend the first night of the year, haha. Update soon girl :D

Author's Response: Yea really lol I wonder... Am I not turning into the queen of the implied sex scene or not? LOL I'm glad that you enjoyed it.

Reviewer: brian_fan_4eva Signed [Report This]
Date: 08/15/07 10:04 pm Title: Chapter Forty-Nine

lol ah man..I needed the laugh today! can't wait for more!

Author's Response: Glad that you enjoyed it!

Reviewer: FiliKlepto Signed [Report This]
Date: 08/15/07 08:27 pm Title: Chapter Forty-Nine

Another great chapter! I can't believe how quickly that you crank 'em out but I'm not going to complain. The writing has been so wonderful lately, and this chapter was just icing on top of an already scrumptious cake.

The birthday flashback was really steamy but in a good, almost subtle way. I also liked Kevin and Nick's conversation, though now I'm paranoid that something bad is going to happen since Nick is putting off telling Alyssa his feelings. :O

I don't know what else to say, besides "You are amazing!"

Author's Response: I can't believe how quickly I've been cranking them out either, but enjoy it while it lasts cuz when school starts again I can't promise anything. I'm glad you liked the birthday flashback. I was quite pleased with it myself. I didn't want to go too far with it cuz lets just say there's room for at least one more steamy scene before the end of this story. *grins* Thanks for your review as always. You always make my self esteem shoot right up lol

Reviewer: ylwbtfly Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 08/15/07 05:21 pm Title: Chapter Forty-Eight

awww! love it! can't wait to see how the night goes!!! : )

Author's Response: Thanks! I just added the next chapter, so check it out!

Reviewer: Teri Signed [Report This]
Date: 08/15/07 08:59 am Title: Chapter Forty-Nine

LOVED IT! lol but then again I always do I'm biased I know but still it was great can't wait to see what happens next *wink* lol oh god now i feel like howie lmao

Author's Response: Oh no LOl Please stop w/ the Howieness lol Thanks for the review partner! And PLEASE you know what happens next lol

Reviewer: FiliKlepto Signed [Report This]
Date: 08/14/07 05:55 am Title: Chapter Forty-Eight

Ohhhhhh man! Great chapter. At the beginning I was worried that Meg had come out of remission, so I was relieved that she's okay -- sad about the uncle, though. Then the entire scene with Alyssa doing her makeup was just so fresh and real; it was like being in the bathroom with a girlfriend while she's getting ready. Then when Nick realized he'd fallen for her again... I realy love how you wrote that scene! A great chapter on so many levels.

Author's Response: Thank you! Of course I intended at first for the reader to think that Meg had come out of remission, but she's okay! And there was something about Nick realizing he's in love with her while she's in the bathroom getting ready that just seemed so perfect to me and so "them." I'm glad you enjoyed it and I hope to have a new chapter out pretty soon!

Reviewer: Alexfrack Signed [Report This]
Date: 08/14/07 02:52 am Title: Chapter Forty-Eight

Great one!, it was very funny, and wow, he's finally realizing and kinda accepting that he loves Alyssa, yay, update soon girl, don't leave us hanging ;)

Author's Response: Thank you! I'm glad that you enjoyed it! I'm working on the next chapter right now, so hopefully I'll have it soon. I want to kind of start making some headway here.

Reviewer: Erica Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 08/13/07 08:28 pm Title: Chapter Forty-Eight


Author's Response: LOL We shall see what he decides to do... Thanks for the review

Reviewer: bsbfrk411 Signed [Report This]
Date: 08/13/07 03:19 am Title: Chapter Forty-Eight

I think what made it so funny, at least for me, was that when i read it, i could picture him saying it with a lot of innocence. Like, he said without intending to be funny, almost absentmindedly and it was just totally something i could see nick saying. I thought it was hilarious.

Author's Response: LOl See I didn't think it was innocent. I thought it was him being stupid, but it seemed like something that he WOULD say

Reviewer: bsbfrk411 Signed [Report This]
Date: 08/12/07 11:19 pm Title: Chapter Forty-Eight

it's funny, cause my reaction to the first lip erection comment was kind of a snorty chuckle, like you described. But the actual "it should be called lip erection" comment made me laugh out loud. that was classic. nicely done.

i wish nick would fall in love with me, but since he wont any time soon, i'll just be stuck waiting for the next chapter. :)

Author's Response: See and I was told by someone that, that line was too much of an overkill, but something in my gut told me to leave it there, so I did. And *sigh* wouldn't we all want him to fall in love with us, huh?

Reviewer: Jamanda Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 08/12/07 08:07 pm Title: Chapter Forty-Eight

He loves her! I knew it, haha. Ah, I love the two of them together. All of this chapter has been amazing. From Nick saying he would quit smoking, even though that is terrible about her Uncle Steve. I laughed so hard from this chapter. The erection thing was hilarious and so was the nipple pincher, haha. I can't wait to read more. Nick should definitely try to find a way to tell her. Playing it off like nothing happened would be bad. I can't wait to read more of this. It's fantastic and I love it to bits and pieces.

Please write more soon. :]

Author's Response: Thanks hun! Actually the thing about her Uncle is taken right from my own life right now. I do have an uncle who is dying of lung cancer and its VERY hard.

LOL I'm glad you thought the sexual jokes during the makeup scene were funny. I kind of wasn't sure if people would share my same sick sense of humor lol.

As for what Nick is going to do about it, we shall see... But we know that Nick doesn't always make the best choices