Reviews For Under My Skin
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Reviewer: NicksAssGrabber Signed [Report This]
Date: 08/12/07 03:08 pm Title: Chapter Forty-Eight

Oooooooooh!!! Bout time he realised he still loves her!!!!
And dude the bit where she kisses is wrist tatt....ive always wanted to do that
Cant wait to read more Mel!!

Author's Response: Yea really LOl Bout time Carter! And that tat part... OMG I knew what I wanted to say, but had SUCH a hard time wording it right, so you can thank Tri for arranging my words right for me lol

Reviewer: brian_fan_4eva Signed [Report This]
Date: 08/12/07 09:10 am Title: Chapter Forty-Eight

Tell her! She loves him too! Can't wait for more!

Author's Response: If only it were that simple lol We're talking about Nick here lol Thanks for the review!

Reviewer: sarahmarie0727 Signed [Report This]
Date: 08/12/07 04:28 am Title: Chapter Forty-Eight

Wow, I really enjoyed this chapter. I loved being able to see into Nick's thoughts like that. The reader could see maybe *just maybe* he's not an insensitive jerk, lol. Great chapter! More soon!! =]

Author's Response: Thanks Sarah! The next few chapters you'll really get a more clearer picture of Nick's point of view. He's going through some nice positive changes for now. I know sometimes I neglect his POV at times, so I'm trying to improve upon that.

Reviewer: Jamanda Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 08/07/07 10:39 pm Title: Chapter Forty-Seven

I started reading this last night and finished it today. I have to tell you that it is pretty fantastic and I am glad to see Alyssa and Nick enjoying each other. I truly do believe that the two of them do belong together. I think he really does love her. I feel as if Nick is coming to his senses that he shouldn't be afraid of what he feels with Alyssa because she's right next to him in it.

He's so sweet. She's moving out to LA and with him buying the apartment, then going to rent it to her, I just think that's so sweet of him. He truly is a sweetheart. I'm glad that he is opening up and sharing his feelings as well. Communication is a good thing for a healthy relationship.

Anyways, I would love it if you would write more soon. This is absolutly fantastic and I am really interested in reading more of it.

Amazing job.

Author's Response: Thank you SOOO much for your fantastic feedback Jamanda. I'm glad to see that you are rooting for Alyssa and Nick. Nick is making huge strides with his issues about relationships, but sometimes with him its like taking one step forward and two steps back.

I'm currently working on the next chapter and I'm prolly about halfways through. Hopefully it'll get posted back up soon!

Author's Response: Thank you SOOO much for your fantastic feedback Jamanda. I'm glad to see that you are rooting for Alyssa and Nick. Nick is making huge strides with his issues about relationships, but sometimes with him its like taking one step forward and two steps back.

I'm currently working on the next chapter and I'm prolly about halfways through. Hopefully it'll get posted back up soon!

Reviewer: Jo Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 07/27/07 05:32 am Title: Chapter Forty-Seven

took me two days but i'm finally through :)
Okay, so I have a couple things to say. A) your an awesome writer. You do awesome details and make everything very vivid, which is awesome. My only complain throughout all of this was Alyssa's attitude. Honestly, I wanted to slap her with a brush at least 15 times throghout this story at how clingy she was to Nick, but you know what? I'm just a little too stubborn and prideful that way. It was actually a pretty good thing for me to read this because their are girls that are like this out there, and it made the story more realistic :)

And despite any complaint, and any annoyance I had with Alyssa's character I sure as heck stuck around, didn't I? :)so obviously that speaks for itself that I loved it :) This was great! Fantastic job :)

Author's Response: Glad that you stuck with it! I know its a long story and a lot of the time I feel that the length discourages new readers from giving it a chance, so thank you! LOl About wanting to slap Alyssa... Yes, I admit that she's very clingy to Nick, but I hope that you don't see it as the annoying makes you want to barf kind of way. My intent was to show her as a flawed character to make her more likeable if that makes sense cuz she's NOT perfect. Just human... If you look at Nick carefully he has similair flaws that make you want to hate him, but you can't lol. I think thats what makes the characters work so well together.

Reviewer: iz Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 07/23/07 09:25 pm Title: Chapter Forty-Six

Cute..... Not that cheesy, but then I am a sucker for cheesiness so what do I know?

Reviewer: angel Signed [Report This]
Date: 07/20/07 10:10 pm Title: Chapter Forty-Seven

Wow this chapter was deep. Great update!

Reviewer: Alexfrack Signed [Report This]
Date: 07/20/07 12:48 am Title: Chapter Forty-Seven

Great update! It was very good for both of them that Nick opened up to her, i hope things get better between them. Update soon plz :D

Author's Response: Yea not the most comfortable topic, but in a way I guess it needed to be talked about. Thanks for the review!

Reviewer: jessica Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 07/17/07 12:13 am Title: Chapter Forty-Seven

it was mostly deep talk,but good keep it up the updates

Author's Response: Yea things should start to lighten up a lil in the next few chapters... Thanks for the review!

Reviewer: kim Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 07/16/07 07:50 pm Title: Chapter Forty-Seven

This story is awesome.

Reviewer: csmbabe Signed [Report This]
Date: 07/16/07 02:14 pm Title: Chapter Forty-Seven

I love the chapter but I have been wondering are you going to continue with another sotry with Nick and Alyssa or is this like the end of them?

Author's Response: There are still quite a few chapters to go although we are nearing the end. I do have plans for a sequel though, so it won't be the end.

Reviewer: brian_fan_4eva Signed [Report This]
Date: 07/16/07 06:24 am Title: Chapter Forty-Seven

ooh..can't wait to see how New Years Eve turns out!

Reviewer: blueleeryan Signed [Report This]
Date: 07/16/07 04:55 am Title: Chapter Forty-Seven

That was one of the best chapters, cant wait for more

Reviewer: bsbfrk411 Signed [Report This]
Date: 07/16/07 03:35 am Title: Chapter Forty-Seven

damn that bitch. she definitely was NOT worth the STDs. but who cares, i'd still do him.

Author's Response: LOL! Thanks for the review. It was actually A LOT harder of a chapter to write than I anticipated, but I guess it had to be done.

Reviewer: Anonymous Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 07/04/07 02:07 am Title: Chapter Forty-Six

Love it.