Reviews For Under My Skin
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Reviewer: FiliKlepto Signed [Report This]
Date: 07/04/07 01:17 am Title: Chapter Forty-Six

Nick was so sweet in this one, and everything has been going incredibly well between them... I can't help but think that you're setting us up for some major heartbreak. XD

And I keep wondering when/if Nick's past experience with Alyssa's sis will come up again.

Author's Response: Lol I know! With those two its like you're always holding your breath waiting for the other shoe to drop. I'd say they are pretty safe... For now anyway.

And of course I haven't forgotten about the Nick/Stephanie relationship. That'll come up again in the next part of the story

Reviewer: bsbfrk411 Signed [Report This]
Date: 07/03/07 01:50 am Title: Chapter Forty-Five

hmm.. so you're a fly on the wall that follows Nick around huh?

would you, as a fly, be capable of operating a camera? preferably when Nick is in the shower...

Reviewer: bsbfrk411 Signed [Report This]
Date: 07/03/07 01:47 am Title: Chapter Forty-Six


"That man just gets stranger and stranger each day."

uh huh... lol

can't wait for morrrre...

Reviewer: sarahmarie0727 Signed [Report This]
Date: 07/02/07 02:37 am Title: Chapter Forty-Six

Still one of my favorites! Can't wait to read more!!

Author's Response: Thanks for checking in even though its been awhile. Ironic cuz I was just getting caught up on your story too lol

Reviewer: csmbabe Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/30/07 05:24 pm Title: Chapter Forty-Six

Please update soon please please please.

Reviewer: mznickgenecarter Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/30/07 03:50 pm Title: Chapter Forty-Six

wow!! nick is sooo sweet...the condo sound perfect...

Author's Response: Thanks... I usually hate describing places in depth, but I actually could visualize the condo pretty good.

Reviewer: blueleeryan Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/30/07 07:25 am Title: Chapter Forty-Six

that ws the sweetest thing ever

Author's Response: Yea Nick can be sweet... When he wants to be lol. Thanks for the review!

Reviewer: Angel Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/30/07 05:04 am Title: Chapter Forty-Six

This so far is the best chapter! Great updates! :)

“Please just stop speaking and concentrate on driving,” he begged through gritted teeth. “You’re going to make me regret my decision.”

I don't know why but that was my favorite part, lol I was really amused by that sentence.

Author's Response: Wow... You think so? I felt like it was a little anticlimatic compared to the last one, but everyone seems to think the chapters get better and better. And yes of course Nick is VERY overprotective of his cars if you haven't guessed by now. lol

Reviewer: Alexfrack Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/29/07 11:39 pm Title: Chapter Forty-Six

Awww, i so loved this chapter!!, Nick's so sweet, ha, now things will get very interesting i'm bettin' - valentine's
keep the great work coming and update asap plz :D

Author's Response: If they make it that far... Muahaha! LOl

Reviewer: angel Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/29/07 05:20 am Title: Chapter Forty-Five

Oh I loved this chapter! Awesome update! :)

Reviewer: Alexfrack Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/28/07 12:53 am Title: Chapter Forty-Five

Great chappie!!! Very nice work :D, it was so sad to imagine how he felt when kev told him that, it made me wonder what it was like in reality :(, but we have to move on, ha. I loved the ending, hope you update soon.

Author's Response: Thanks... That was my way of dealing with it, by writing about it. Hopefully I can update soon. I may have to do another chapter split here...

Reviewer: Iz Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/27/07 08:28 pm Title: Chapter Forty-Five

I almost cried, right in my office! That would have looked really bad Mel!

Honestly, it really feels like you were there when the talks happened, because I can picture it and I am 100% sure that this is exactly how it happened.....

Mel... Is there something you're not telling us? :P

Author's Response: Yes LMAO I'm a fly on the wall that follows Nick around and observes all of these things and takes note to put in my story lol.I'm glad you enjoyed it and I'm very pleased w/ myself how realistic everything sounds. Thanks a bunch Iz!

Reviewer: Iz Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/27/07 08:21 pm Title: Chapter Forty-Four

AWESOME Chapter.... I couldn't believe I would have 2 new chapters to read....

Can't wait to see how NIck is when he comes back!


Reviewer: brian_fan_4eva Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/27/07 08:06 pm Title: Chapter Forty-Five

OOH... :D more soon!

Reviewer: csmbabe Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/27/07 01:06 pm Title: Chapter Forty-Five

Great update can't wait for more please update real soon!!!!