Reviews For Under My Skin
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Reviewer: Iz Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/19/07 06:30 pm Title: Chapter Forty-Three

Awesome, as usual!

Keep writing !

Reviewer: Alexfrack Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/15/07 04:20 am Title: Chapter Forty-Three

Great update, it was so funny, i had gotten a lil behind with the chappies but i've caught up now and so far so good. So keep it up with the good work and i hope you update asap! :D

Reviewer: Julilly Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/14/07 06:35 pm Title: Chapter Forty-Three

Cliff hanger? Not fair! :P Great chapter though! I didn't find it all that random, it made me smile.

Author's Response: Good... I'm glad. I guess its a nice and light because there's going to be some more serious events coming up pretty soon. Thanks for the feedback!

Reviewer: FiliKlepto Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/13/07 08:58 am Title: Chapter Forty-Three

This was a great chapter! I really enjoyed the silliness of it, and it shows your versatility as a writer that you can do both so well. Drunken 'Lyssa was hilarious, and I especially liked the last two paragraphs.

Author's Response: Thanks. I'm glad that you thought it was funny. I wasn't sure if I really liked drunken Alyssa since she's usually just so poised and well put together and she was a bit on the trashy side this chapter lol. See what Nick is doing to her? j/k

Reviewer: Anon Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/13/07 05:05 am Title: Chapter Forty-Three

Why!? Why was the moment gone? Update soon!

Author's Response: LOL I was kind of going for that one moment of perfect clarity in a drunken haze sort of thing. So, for the moment everything made sense to Alyssa and then she lost it again. Thanks for the review. I'd like to start the next chapter really soon, but I'm booked until Thurs night.

Reviewer: bsbfrk411 Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/12/07 10:36 pm Title: Chapter Forty-Three

hahahah that was hiliarious. it's scary that I could actually picture them doing that too.. especialy nick lmao!
Can't wait for more!!

Author's Response: Yea in a strange way I actually could too! LOl I think thats what makes it so funny.

Reviewer: csmbabe Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/12/07 01:20 pm Title: Chapter Forty-Three

Great chapter I can't wait for more please update really realy soon it was a long wait I thought you had stopped writing this story.

Author's Response: Nahh... I just work two jobs and have little time to myself and when I did have time I was either sick or completely uninspired. Like I said I'm going to try to haul ass so I can finish it before the end of summer (there's like 10 more chapters.) Unfortunately, I prolly won't get a chance to even start the next chapter untl Thurs night

Reviewer: brian_fan_4eva Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/12/07 05:44 am Title: Chapter Forty-Three

awe! LOL. A little nookie in the VIP area :) can't wait for more!

Author's Response: Yea lol Believe it or not that part originally was supposed to take place in a bathroom, but I couldn't exactly figure out the logistics of that. Somehow I don't think Alyssa would buy going into the mens room to "talk." LOl.

Reviewer: Claudia Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/12/07 05:04 am Title: Chapter Forty-Three

wow that was a funny update!! i loved it!!

Author's Response: Thanks. I'm glad you liked it. Consider it comic relief because some heavy stuff is on its way...

Reviewer: moppy Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/12/07 04:43 am Title: Chapter Forty-Three

Damn your on a roll today aren't ya!
Thank god I finished my noodles otherwise I'd prolly leave BJ motherless from choking on them.

My fave part was when Nick and Alyssa came back from the VIP and the others pulled pranks on them. Also Alyssa's stumbling in her shoes in the bathroom got me snorting (which disgusts me to no end so thanks for making me snort) lol

This is Moppy leaving a review to help motivate your lazy butt! *smiles innocently* :D

Author's Response: Oh no! I wouldn't want making an innocent child motherless on my conscience lol Thanks for the review! I was really dragging on this chapter for some reason. I hope that now that things should be picking up soon, I'll be more motivated.

Reviewer: Iz Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 05/22/07 02:35 pm Title: Chapter Forty - Two

Awesome chapter.. I definitely needed my fix of your story! Even if that means looking like a lunatic because I am laughing out loud by myself at the office!

Can't wait to read more or to hear from you ! (send me an email now that you have the Internet back)

Reviewer: Rose Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 05/21/07 11:02 am Title: Chapter Forty - Two

So, I basically stayed up and played insomniac tonight Mel. Why? Because I keep hearing wonderful things about this story. So after seeing your review on my romance, I thought I'd take a crack at yours. I have to say I'm impressed, you put Nick in such a realistic light. Which I know is hard to do, and sometimes I don't know if I pull it off right. I feel you do. He's selfish, an ass, uses women. Yet Alyssa is far from perfect too, she can be clingly, too hung up on the past, a bitch, jealous. Yet you see the good in both of them. You can see they love each other but have no idea what to do about it. And because they're scared, they keep screwing it up themselves so then they're not the one hurt. At least how I see it. Great job, I can see why this was a featured story. I'm not always one for romances, but I for one will be eager to see this updated.

Author's Response: Yay! I love converting new fans! Thanks so much for the feedback hun! I'm glad you picked up on both chracters imperfections. I know I hate reading stories about "perfect" characters, so I try to make mine as flawed as possible, but in a way that makes them human. Yea Alyssa can be a bitch at times, but aren't all women to a certain extent? Yet it still seems to work for them in their own strange way. Anyay I'm glad that you enjoyed it!

Reviewer: Angel Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 05/19/07 03:44 am Title: Chapter Forty - Two

I love this! Thank you so much for an update! Can't wait for the next chapter

Reviewer: kaotic ducky Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 05/18/07 12:59 am Title: Chapter Forty - Two

Yay an update ! I loved it ! You were right, it was a looonnnngggggg chapter.....LOL I am so glad that Nick finally came to his senses ! I also posted on WW that you have an update and to leave ya some love ! Cant wait for the next update girl .

lilchica86 on WW

Author's Response: Thanks a lot Tricia! Yea it was a long one, but I wasn't sure where to cut it.

Author's Response: Thanks a lot Tricia! Yea it was a long one, but I wasn't sure where to cut it.

Reviewer: csmbabe Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 05/17/07 06:53 pm Title: Chapter Forty - Two

Can't wait for more please update soon please please please!!!