Reviews For Under My Skin
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Reviewer: moppy Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 05/17/07 04:22 pm Title: Chapter Forty - Two

*shudders* Even reading that line 'We need to talk' I get a bad feeling even if it isn't, which in this case isn't....hopefully LOL

Great chapter Mel glad your bad missed ya ;D

Author's Response: I think you'll enjoy the next chapter then *winks*

Reviewer: brian_fan_4eva Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 05/17/07 04:42 am Title: Chapter Forty - Two

ooh, more soon! Yay for getting internet back! :)

Reviewer: bsbfrk411 Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 05/17/07 03:11 am Title: Chapter Forty - Two

yay!!!! you finally updated! woot! But you left us hanging!!! so mean.

I have a question.. why is kevin's wife's name melany in the story but Brian still has leighanne? I noticed that right away but now not knowing is just bothering me lol! haha thanks for updating. I hope more comes soon!!!


Author's Response: That's a good question. Honestly I don't really have a real good reason why I replaced Kristin I guess. The first draft of the story was written based off a friend of mine and I just never changed the name. *shrugs* Its fiction and Kevin and Melanie really are pretty minor characters. Wish I had a better answer for you then that lol

Sorry to keep you hanging lol Hopefully I can update again soon. The next chapter is a lil silly though.

Reviewer: Teri Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 05/17/07 01:23 am Title: Chapter Forty - Two

one of my outlandish tales huh? LMAO i love it! I'm happy I could help! hehe

Reviewer: honey Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 05/04/07 11:50 pm Title: Chapter Forty - One

Awww. Those two... My brother and his wife were like them... Either totally lovey-dovey or fighting like cats and dogs... Their marriage lasted just over 3 years... Better luck Nick and Alyssa!!! Anywho, I have caught up finally!!! I can now stop littering you with reviews -lol. Well I'm loving it and can't wait to see what happens and how it all ends! :D Hope your internet quits being stupid! We miss you here :)

Author's Response: Aww I totally didn't mind all the reviews... Nope not at all lol! The guy from Optimum is supposed to be coming tomorrow to install it, so *crosses fingers*

Reviewer: honey Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 05/04/07 05:42 pm Title: Chapter Thirty - Nine

hahaha I like tricia! this made me laugh out loud... "what is the first thing that you, as a normal, but not necessarily intelligent, hormonal male do?” hahahahahahahaha! That was a really fun chapter! I'm almost cought up :D and just in time too cause now I need to start Mersey's story.

Author's Response: Yea come to think of it I started that one, but i need to finish it all up. I got A LOT of catching up to do. I haven't read anything since my internet died. I'm having withdrawals lol

Reviewer: Moppy Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 04/26/07 07:32 am Title: Chapter Forty - One

Great chapter Mel
Loved it, even psycho Nick!!! lol

Can't wait for anoher chapter

Reviewer: honey Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 04/26/07 12:00 am Title: Chapter Thirty - Eight

half naked in a hot tub, every girls dream! -lol. Only Nick Carter could pull something like that off. And yeah, Alyssa wanting custody out of revenge is pretty harsh. Not completely unrealistic though. At least she recognizes it now and disapproves. Shows that she's learned a lot in the last few years.

Author's Response: Thanks... I really wanted to show her flawed side to make her seem a lil more human. Definitely not a mature rationale desicion, but on the other hand she IS a female just doing what she has to do for payback cuz you know how most women are lol. And the hot tub scene? I just thought it was completely unconventional and not at ALL the way Nick had wanted to propose yet still kinda cute in that Nick way. Of course it also sort of foreshadows the fact that its not going to work out...

Reviewer: honey Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 04/25/07 11:35 pm Title: Chapter Thirty - Seven

*le sigh* they're so cute when they're like this... Why oh why do I have bad feelings about this trip to LA??? Something in the pit of my stomach just tells me I need to be nervous for them.

Reviewer: honey Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 04/25/07 11:34 pm Title: Chapter Thirty - Six

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! If Sarah hadn't spilled the beans I'd soooooo be freakin out right now!!!

Author's Response: Well it makes sense now huh? LOL

Reviewer: Natasha Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 04/23/07 03:51 am Title: Chapter Forty - One

Uh oh, trouble in paradise! Alyssa and Nick were just getting along so brilliantly! Add soon!

Author's Response: I'll try! Finally just when I pretty much finish up my school requirements for the semester and have slightly more time to write my internet goes on me and apparently no one can help me with it, so who knows when I can update next.

Reviewer: honey Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 04/22/07 12:02 am Title: Chapter Thirty - Five

Oh my gosh I am so scared right now!!!! He'd better not fuck up again! They're will be no recovering from that. I swear I've just been using my whole "no plans" weekend sitting in front of this damn computer reading this story. On the bright side that means you know I love it and on the no so bright side, it means that I will catch up to you soon enough and then be stuck waiting for the next chapter like everyone else. I'm really bad at that whole waiting for updates thing. I get really impatient. Great work mel! I really am loving this one!

Author's Response: Thanks Kel! I'm almost done w/ school now, so i'll have more time to write, but currently we can only seem to get internet on one computer (not my laptop :() So i can write but I can't really update :(

Reviewer: honey Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 04/21/07 09:58 pm Title: Chapter Thirty

*shakes head in shame* I am truely TRUELY disappointed in Alyssa. Hate to think what she feels about herself right now. And drunk or not, Nick is a big fat punk for manipulating her like that. I can understand how they both ended up in that position, but I really hoped that they wouldn't have. *sigh*

Author's Response: Its not the smartest desicion Alyssa has made in life and yea Nick is a horny bastard lol. I guess if ypu're feeling THAT mad at the characters then I'm doing my job of sucking you in lol. Alyssa and Nick can both be frustrating at times but thats the fun of the story.

Reviewer: honey Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 04/21/07 09:26 pm Title: Chapter Twenty-Nine

OK, Alyssa pissed me off in this chapter cause now she's just being stupid. I can understand having feelings for him and all but come on girl, you gotta know he's just usuing you for sex cause he's drunk. You're better than that!!!!!

Reviewer: honey Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 04/20/07 02:23 am Title: Chapter Twenty-Three

*Sinff Sinff* these are the parts I hate. But *sigh* they must be...

Author's Response: Yea the morning after convo is usually never good, but it has to happen as awkward as it is.