Reviews For Under My Skin
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Reviewer: honey Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 04/20/07 02:01 am Title: Chapter Twenty-Two

I want to cry for whats going to happen when they wake up... This can't be good. but... worth it? quite possibly. It was brilliant though how you managed to write this without making Nick looke like a complete insensitive ass hole. I didn't feel like he took advantage of her. Maybe he shouldn't have let it happen, but he didn't take advantage. Does that make sense? Anyway, very well done!

Author's Response: I'm glad thats the impression you got cuz I really didn't want for it to come across as him taking advantage. I wanted to be sort of inevitable that it was going to happen. It was a very hard scene to write, but i was pleased with the outcome of it. thanks!

Reviewer: honey Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 04/20/07 01:42 am Title: Chapter Twenty- One

agh!!!!!!!!! NOOOOOO!!!!!! They can't sleep together!!!!! They just can't!!! that will only make things worse right now!!!!! All their progress, they just can't!!!!! Don't let them do it, please I beg you! -lol sorry, I'm a little into this story at the moment

Author's Response: LMAO! You have to be just about the only reader who responded that way lol. Pretty much everyone else was like So... Are they going to do it yet? lol

Reviewer: honey Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 04/20/07 01:13 am Title: Chapter Nineteen

yeah right!!!! I would SOOOOOO jump his bones! -lol but I'm pretty much a horn dog :)

Reviewer: honey Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 04/20/07 12:40 am Title: Chapter Seventeen

oh man she's just askin for it... I honestly don't think I would have called him back. Not yet. It would have taken a lot more for me to give him the chance. He's just not healthy for her ya know? I feel bad for them both. ps, have I told you yet that I love this story?

Author's Response: Ha I think you have! Sorry for not responding right away. I've been internetless which is REALLY frustrating for me :( Of course Alyssa is too blinded by her feelings to see that her attachment to Nick isn't healthy.

Reviewer: Angel Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 04/19/07 03:59 am Title: Chapter Forty - One

Oh no just as they were getting along! Nice update. can't wait for more! Cold stone, that's funny, I had that all last week! Lol it's the best ice cream :)

Author's Response: It is! I actually haven't had it in awhile... Maybe I'll have to get some tomorrow lol Thanks for the review!

Reviewer: honey Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 04/09/07 07:49 am Title: Chapter Fifteen

skanks are fun... NOT! Grrr seriously, there's nothing I hate worse. On the bright side, Nick had no idea that she was jealous, and wouldn't remember it if he did. So at least she has that going for her.

Author's Response: That was actually one of my favorite chapters to write sadly enough lol. Its so fun writing outlandish things for them to say to Alyssa. And about the jealously thing... Even though Nick prolly won't remember, do you really think Alyssa would let him live it down?

Reviewer: honey Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 04/09/07 07:12 am Title: Chapter Thirteen

OMG OMG OMG!!!! I don't even know where to start?!?!?!??! ok, probably from right here... "She obviously still has some kind of feelings left for you, the voice in his head reminded him. It wouldn't be hard at all to stir them up a little."

pretty much from that moment until the end of the chapter, I was probably pretty entertaining as I read. I was litterally shaking my head sighing Nicky, Nichy, Nicky... SUCH A GUY!!! -lol so I wanted to kick him a few times, but it weas in a good way. I think this was my favorite chapter so far. Loved the over-all feel of it. They are SOOOOOOO playing with fire here! GREAT JOB! I LOVE IT!

Author's Response: Yea Nick does have his asshole moments where you want to smack him for messing with Alyssa, but on a deeper level he really does have feelings for her. He just hasn't realized it yet... Or maybe he has and he's trying to ignore them lol

Reviewer: honey Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 04/09/07 06:13 am Title: Chapter Eleven

The thing I love about this story is the complexity of the situation. You're telling a love story and yet, you're not. In a way you're really telling a tragedy because with the flashbacks, we know how it ends up. But the more we learn about their relationship the harder Alyssa's decision becomes. I honestly don't know what I would do if I were Alyssa. I don't know that I would want him back in my life and yet I don't know if I'd be able to say no. It really is a tough decision. Well done here for making me look at the relationship and not being able to say... "Whatever it's Nick Carter, just go with it."

Author's Response: You're exactly on the money Kelly! I told you that this wasn't your "typical" romance. Like I've said before if I'm going to write romance I'm going to look at it as realistically and as complicated as I can. I'm glad you understand Alyssa's internal struggle!

Reviewer: nickcarter280 Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 04/08/07 09:22 pm Title: Chapter Forty - One

i can't wait for the next chapter

Reviewer: Veronica Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 04/08/07 08:10 pm Title: Chapter Forty - One

Oooooh Nicky C is in the dog house... but she did kinda pushed it a little bit.. I'm just like Alyssa when it comes to shopping with bf.. I don't let them buy me very pricey things. I see you also found Howie's gf... was that one very hard to find than AJ's gf.. lol Loooved it Mel, and i can't wait to read more.

Author's Response: Yea I found someone to be Howie's girl. Teri actually agreed to do it, so I'm going to have some fun with it. Picture Alyssa from HER story dating Howie (Talk about opposites) and giving my Alyssa sex tips LMAO

Reviewer: FiliKlepto Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 04/08/07 06:39 pm Title: Chapter Forty - One

I'm love it when Nick and Alyssa are together just so I can read about their interactions! I groan at Nick's "babies," as well. The H2 is not an SUV, it's a monster! XD

Great job tying-in Kevin. I noticed the hint back in the Christmas chapter, so it's cool that you followed up on it.

Another great chapter. Yay for being featured!

Author's Response: I try to make Alyssa and Nick very flirty and playful because I would go nuts as a writer having them be all lovey dovey and romantic. It prolly would make me vomit lol. Yea... I REALLY hate Hummers so when I saw Punked I was just like OMG... No he didn't LOL. I can live w/ the beemer though hehe. Thanks for the review!

Reviewer: brian_fan_4eva Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 04/08/07 05:52 pm Title: Chapter Forty - One

WOW. more soon!

Reviewer: CLaudia Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 04/08/07 05:50 pm Title: Chapter Forty - One

wow great update keep up the great work

Reviewer: csmbabe Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 04/08/07 03:37 pm Title: Chapter Forty - One

I love the chapter can't wait for more!!!

Reviewer: Liane Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 04/08/07 06:10 am Title: Chapter Forty - One

Filler or not, that was a good one. Pissed off nick... yummy.

I kinda like how you incorporate reality with your story. even though kev leaving still makes me sad... :(

Author's Response: Thanks! I had originally wanted to delve into Kevin leaving and its effect on Nick. I even hinted at it a few chapters ago, but since then I decided to cut this story in half, so I wasn't sure how to incoporate it. Then I had the brainstorm to use it here and I think it works out nice.