Reviews For Under My Skin
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Reviewer: Moony44 Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 04/08/07 05:09 am Title: Chapter Forty - One

Trouble in paradise. Haha. Loved the chapter. I imagine that is exactly how Nick would act when encountered by paparazzi who are rude. Can't wait for the next update!

Author's Response: Yea there really wasn't supposed to be much trouble, but I'm always the most happy when there's drama. Plus they were getting just a lil too cheesy for my liking LOL. Thanks for the review!

Author's Response: Yea there really wasn't supposed to be much trouble, but I'm always the most happy when there's drama. Plus they were getting just a lil too cheesy for my liking LOL. Thanks for the review!

Reviewer: honey Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 04/05/07 01:21 am Title: Chapter Forty

No, no, no! Don't get me wrong, I'd be jealous as all hell! I love the fact that the character has flaws. And jealousy? That's a pretty realistic and understanable one.

Reviewer: honey Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 04/04/07 08:02 am Title: Chapter Ten

Woah! way to call her on the jealousy thing! I can totally see Nick being like that. He doesn't strike me as a bullshit kind of guy. But seriously, they're being very mature about this. koodos to them! I would have not been so understanding I think.

Author's Response: Well, it has been 3 years, so I would guess that kind of makes it easier for them to be mature about it because both characters of grown into different people. And the jealously thing? Definitely Alyssa's tragic flaw which you'll see later on. But in her defense it HAS to be hard to be dating Nick Carter and not have your lil jealous moments lol

Reviewer: honey Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 04/01/07 03:21 am Title: Chapter Eight

why is it that women are always chopping things with very big knives when they're really pissed? -lol Theraputic I guess. Oh, and I think I forgot to mention that back in the chapter where she's watching the concert, that whole voyeristic comment? I was laughing soooo hard!!! I've actually used that term before when talking abou the backstreet boys. How we would go to the concerts and read the interviews and have posters and stuff? Kinda makes ya feel like a staker. Which I wasn't by anymeans, but I was a teenie-bopper. My best friend and I were always sooooo embarassed about our love for the boys. but after so many years of being tormented by my family, I've grown to embrace it. -lol

Author's Response: I think that they chop things with knives cuz they are usually pissed off at men and are kinda pretending its a certain part of their anamoty LOL j/k!

And its so true about the voyeristic thing. It sounds pretty creepy when you think about it, but to many of us the guys mean SO much and we talk about them like we know them personally and they don't know we exsist. Well, in Alyssa's case Nick knows she exsists, but not that she's in the audience. I'm glad you are enjoying the story. Its finally beginning to really get going.

Reviewer: honey Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 04/01/07 03:13 am Title: Chapter Seven

*sings* Awkward!!!

good job with this chapter. Of course the minute she said she needed some air, I knew she would see him outside, but you did a good job writing the tension.

Reviewer: honey Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 04/01/07 03:00 am Title: Chapter Six

Awww. (yes I'm back, very lazy day) Climbing The Walls is myfaveorite song off the Never Gone album! (And one of my favoirtes in general)I like how she got to see him before she actually had to face him. That was nice.

Reviewer: honey Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 03/31/07 09:16 pm Title: Chapter Five

Ugh!!!! I HATE freaking stupid fans!!!! I mean lord knows I used to be one -lol but I hated my self for it. You can't just ask someone that like it's this totally casual thing!
Anyway, as you can see I have a lot of down time today and wasn't in a writing mood for once. Wow! Anyway, that's means reading!!! Yay ME! seriously, you writing reminds me a lot of mine. I think the styles are very similar.. I'm sure I will enjoy every chapter!! :) And I'm getting anxious for Alyssa to see Nick!!!

Author's Response: Yea I hate them too, but sadly its something that I can totally see happening. A lot of my fan encounters in this story are inspired sadly by real life fans. And don't feel bad... I think we've all done the teeny thing, but there's a difference between doing something harmless like writing Nick across your cheek in lipstick and actually doing something hurtful.

And I'll take it as a compliment that you think that my writing reminds me of yours since I LOVE your stories!

Reviewer: honey Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 03/31/07 07:57 pm Title: Chapter Four

Oh Yay Izzy!!!! SHe's a good friend to talk her into going, no matter the outcome with Nick! I'm glad she had the guts to just be frank with Alyssa. That's always the best was to get past really awkward situations.

Author's Response: Yea the great thing about Izzy's character is that she is so blunt and up front. She's one of my favorite characters to write in this story outside of Alyssa and Nick of course lol.

Reviewer: honey Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 03/31/07 07:40 pm Title: Chapter Three

Aww how sad. Poor Meg. I'd be upset with AJ too I think. THat's pretty rotten, though who knows his reasoning.

Reviewer: honey Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 03/31/07 07:28 pm Title: Chapter Two

Aww, Izzy's a sweetheart. Can't blame her for not telling Alyssa about Kevin. Don't think I would either if I were her. But if I were Alyssa, I definitely would have KILLED her for throwing me at Nick like that. HAHA at least it turned out all right. well... sort of...

Reviewer: toomanyemotions Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 03/28/07 09:47 pm Title: Chapter Forty

ooo i like it!

Reviewer: honey Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 03/26/07 11:41 pm Title: Chapter One

Awww, Yay for little sisters!!!! (when they're not being out of control teenagers-lol)Mine's the best! I'm really curious which direction you are going to go with this story. There are several ways I can imagine. I guess I'll just have to wait and see.

Author's Response: Yea I feel like the beginning is very rough because at the time I wasn't quite sure where I was going with it. This conversation with Stephanie will play a part much later on in the story. She becomes a rather interesting character.

Reviewer: honey Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 03/26/07 11:27 pm Title: Prologue

ok, you convinced me, Under My Skin it is! Yay! And it looks promising so far. hehe sounds like something I would write. And I had to laugh at this part... "Groups of teenage girls could be seen laying out on the grass, trying to take advantage of the suns rays as they inconspicuously checked out a group of guys performing skateboarding tricks on the blacktop." haha that sooo was me back when I was like twenty. now this is more me... "Little children clung to their mother's hands, licking ice cream cones, or carrying balloons, heading in the direction of the infamous Central Park Zoo.. " haha I enjoyed that. So, I've officially started, and I haven't finished Pbox yet... oh, well one chapter at a time!

Author's Response: Ha yay!!! I convinced you to finally read this story! I hope you enjoy it, but I;m thinking you will *prays* lol

Reviewer: kaotic ducky Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 03/20/07 07:41 pm Title: Chapter Forty

OMG Mel that was just a great update ! I was just like in shock !! I need more !!

lilchica86 from WW

Reviewer: kerry Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 03/20/07 07:35 pm Title: Chapter Forty

well done yet another great chapter can't wait for the next one