Reviews For Under My Skin
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Reviewer: FiliKlepto Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 03/20/07 07:53 am Title: Chapter Forty

Intense! That's the only word to sum up this chapter. Between that hot scene in LA and the revealing flashback, this was one of my most favorite chapters so far. You're doing a great job in spite of being so busy. Keep up the awesome work! Oh, and congrats on hitting chapter 40.

Author's Response: Thanks! I can't believe I'm up to Chapter 40 as well! I've never written anything so long. I'm planning this story to be roughly a little over 50, so we're starting to see some light at the end of the tunnel.

Reviewer: Veronica Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 03/20/07 07:25 am Title: Chapter Forty

Mel, you did an awesome job with this chapter. There was not one part that I didn't like. The beginning was goood.. lol I loved this last part in the flashback where she took on Nick's treat on that that they're through.. Awesome chapter, you know I loved it and I can't wait to read more.

Author's Response: Thanks a lot V! Lol I figured you'd like the beginning although it took me forever to write because I'd been so busy.My motivation has been lacking on this story, so I'm very pleased to hear positive things.

Reviewer: moppy Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 03/20/07 04:56 am Title: Chapter Forty

*Sniff Sniff* Aww poor Alyssa, so sad but she made the right decision.
Great chapter Mellz, totally worth the wait.
Can't wait for the next chapter but don't wear yourself out if you have long work times and no break!!! ;D

Author's Response: I'll try not to! Tomorrow is a conference day for elementary school so they are closed, but I may still get called for 6th grade in the middle school. If not I'm going to try to at least start Chapter 41.

Reviewer: Liane Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 03/20/07 04:53 am Title: Chapter Forty

yay! you updated! I can't wait for more! It's sooo good.

Author's Response: Yea I know its about time right? Now hopefully it doesn't take me another month to write the next chapter.

Reviewer: Andro Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 03/01/07 12:26 am Title: Chapter Thirty - Nine

Hey girl! I have been absent for quite a while...but today decided I was in the mood for some fan fiction and decided to pick up on your story! I hope you are still writing it and that I'm not gonna be left in the dark! Good stuff, I can't wait for the next update!

Author's Response: I was wondering where you'd been! Yes, I'm still chipping away at this one although I've been pretty busy lately w/subbing and school and work and stuff. I'll try not to leave you all hanging for TOO long!

Reviewer: kaotic ducky Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 02/26/07 11:28 pm Title: Chapter Thirty - Nine

Hey girl !! I have been so busy at work that i havent had the time to catch up on any stories ! But i just HAD to read the 2 new chapters and im just like WOW !! This is such a great update, i wonder what the "terms" of our little bet *LOL* great update i will post it in WW.


Author's Response: Glad you liked it Trish. I'm not sure about those terms yet myself, so if you think of anything let me know! lol

Reviewer: NicksAssGrabber Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 02/25/07 07:22 pm Title: Chapter Thirty - Nine

Aww i love it. Loved the convo.. AJ's girl deffo has a sixth sense about Nick and Alyssa.
Keeep up the fantastic work Mel!!!
Can't wait to see what happens next!!

Reviewer: moppy Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 02/25/07 11:28 am Title: Chapter Thirty - Nine

Oh AJ....your gonna lose!
Damn that girl must have some great 6th sense but i would have thought AJ would have figured it out first as he'd know how Nick and Alyssa acted around one another before when they have dated

Author's Response: I think AJ is just kind of in denial LOL Thanks a lot! Next chater we'll be back w/ Alyssa and Nick.

Reviewer: angel Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 02/24/07 12:20 am Title: Chapter Thirty - Nine

LOL I love Aj's conversation!!

Author's Response: Thanks! I'm glad you did. It was kind of a last minute idea I had which is why i had to split the chapter again.

Reviewer: Liane Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 02/23/07 11:28 pm Title: Chapter Thirty - Nine

this chapter was good, no worries. I actually like how you sort of strayed away from nick and alyssa for a while which has basically left me feeling deprived. Always a good thing because now I can't wait for the next chapter even more than I usually can. hehe!

Author's Response: Well, I can promise you there will be plenty of Alyssa and Nick in the next chapter. It was weird writing about AJ and Tricia talking about them because it forced me to look at them in a different light.

Reviewer: Veronica Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 02/23/07 09:07 pm Title: Chapter Thirty - Nine

You know you did a great job on having your characters talk behind other characters back.. although you made Tricia a little nosey at first (no offense).. AJ is soo clueless, it's like he doesn't want what Tricia thinks to come true or something.. lol I hope you make the terms to that bet a little interesting, Mel. lol Loooooved it and of course you know I can't wait to read more.

Author's Response: Thanks V! Yea it was a lil weird to write since I wasn't writing from either Nick or Alyssa's perspective. I was kinda afraid of Tricia sounding nosey... I tried to cover that up a lil like she was just curious. I know its a stretch. And about the bet? I'm clueless so if anyone has any suggestions go ahead.

Reviewer: csmbabe Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 02/23/07 02:05 pm Title: Chapter Thirty - Nine

Can't wait for another update!!!!

Reviewer: ALM Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 02/23/07 11:45 am Title: Chapter Thirty - Nine

Thanx for the update ;)

Reviewer: presley Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 02/23/07 08:29 am Title: Chapter Thirty - Nine

LOL nice one mel!! It's Teri by the way I'm signed on Presleys name lol

Reviewer: Liane Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 02/14/07 06:56 am Title: Chapter Thirty - Eight

I would have said yes to both without thinking twice! hahah nah I don't know what I'd say if something like that happened to me, even with carter. Now I wanna know what happened... heheh

Author's Response: I'm gonna try to add that in the end of next chapter. But it'll also come up again later on at one pont.