Reviews For Under My Skin
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Reviewer: Moppy Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 02/03/07 01:06 pm Title: Chapter Thirty - Seven

I swear I can hear the jaws theme coming soon!!!! lol great chapter can't wait for the next one!!!

Author's Response: Aww... Lol I'm giving you guys a break here lol. This is the calm before the storm, so to speak lol

Reviewer: Teri Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 02/03/07 07:44 am Title: Chapter Thirty - Seven

As always another great chapter...can't wait to read more!

Reviewer: Iz Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 02/02/07 10:05 pm Title: Chapter Thirty - Six

Nick is an ass... there is not another word to describe him.... Poor Poor Poor Alyssa!

Can't wait to read more ! IT was awesome as usual!

Author's Response: LMAO Iz I knew that would be your reaction!

Reviewer: Iz Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 02/02/07 09:55 pm Title: Chapter Thirty - Five

Really really good as usual.. but why do I feel Nick IS going to mess things up ? Anyways, I'll read the other one now !

Reviewer: Angel Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 02/01/07 03:05 am Title: Chapter Thirty - Six

Oh, that was good! Nick and his secret.... hmm where will this go next?
Awesome writing girl! Keep it up! :)

Reviewer: kaotic ducky Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/30/07 04:11 am Title: Chapter Thirty - Six

WTF !! I can't believe that happened between Steph and Nick !! That was just such a great update im still in shock of what happened . Oh and i e-mailed you back sorry it took so long but i worked some really long hours ! Can't wait for the next update !

Reviewer: NicksAssGrabber Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/29/07 07:34 pm Title: Chapter Thirty - Six

WOW i didnt expect that LOL.....i cant wait to read what happens next!!!

Reviewer: FiliKlepto Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/28/07 11:57 pm Title: Chapter Thirty - Six

Oh my gosh!!! *dies* First, I've run out of chapters to read. And, second, I can't believe you just dropped that bomb with Stephanie. >:O I can't wait for the next chapter!

Author's Response: Yay for getting all caught up! (I have to go back and read yours but theres just so many fics and so lil time lol) Yea the Steph bomb is shocking, but I love doing things like that as a writer. Certainly makes things interesting lol

Author's Response: Yay for getting all caught up! (I have to go back and read yours but theres just so many fics and so lil time lol) Yea the Steph bomb is shocking, but I love doing things like that as a writer. Certainly makes things interesting lol

Reviewer: Moppy Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/28/07 01:58 pm Title: Chapter Thirty - Six

Oh my god!! Dude that so didn't happen??
Man Alyssa is gonna go bananas when she finds out!!
Great update though, sitting on the edge of my seat!!!

Reviewer: brian_fan_4eva Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/28/07 01:18 am Title: Chapter Thirty - Six

Steph sounds like she's got something up her sleeve if she's bringing up old stuff! Can't wait for more!

Reviewer: lalala Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/27/07 11:11 am Title: Chapter Thirty - Six

what the FUCK
oh my gawwd
i really hope there will be a happy end for alyssa and nick (i guess she is going to find out abt him and stephanie anyway...if not..well i dunno...would make the happy ending weird)
loved the chapter
update soon plz :)

Author's Response: Sorry! I won't say if she finds out or not, but if she does it won't be for another prolly 10 chapters or so

Reviewer: Veronica Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/27/07 08:00 am Title: Chapter Thirty - Six

I do want to be AJ's girlfriend but unlike his past gf, I'm well overage. :big grin:

Reviewer: Veronica Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/27/07 07:39 am Title: Chapter Thirty - Six

=O MEL!!!! What!???? *gasp* This is gonna come out later... oh man!! I don't hate you thooo.. I kinda knew something like this would have happen... I mean this is Nick we're talking about.. but robbing the craddle... that's something AJ would do.. Ahhhh whoa did I just say that.. Oh yess I did... but I still love AJ :P lol Don't mind me.. I'm a little outta it.. lol Loved it Mel!

Author's Response: LMFAO!!! You almost made me spit water at my screen. And you wanted to be AJ's g/f? Shame, shame, shame! Well, I'm glad you don't hate me... And if it makes you feel better things will be distgustingly amazing between him and Alyssa in the next few chapters.

Reviewer: Teri Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/27/07 07:14 am Title: Chapter Thirty - Six

I love it!! But you knew that already! *snicker*

Author's Response: Of course! LOl Thanks for all yor help with the flashback. I dunno if I coulda pulled it out w/out your encouragement

Reviewer: ErnieMac21 Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/27/07 06:47 am Title: Chapter Thirty - Six

Ooh, I do hate you! I can't believe it. Now I really hate Stephanie. I wanted to reach in and punch her.

Author's Response: Keeping you all on your toes LOL! Yea there definitely will be on the whole Stephanie and Alyssa feud, but not for a while. Just kind of wanted it to be in the back of your minds during the whole next arc of the story.

Author's Response: Keeping you all on your toes LOL! Yea there definitely will be on the whole Stephanie and Alyssa feud, but not for a while. Just kind of wanted it to be in the back of your minds during the whole next arc of the story.