Reviews For Under My Skin
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Reviewer: csmbabe Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/17/07 03:07 pm Title: Chapter Thirty - Five

Loved it!!!!Can't wait for another one.

Reviewer: Nessa into Kaos Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/17/07 01:47 pm Title: Chapter Thirty - Five

I hope so too hahahaha. More chapters please!!!!

Reviewer: CLaudia Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/17/07 09:35 am Title: Chapter Thirty - Five

WOW great upate!! keep it up i just love it !!!

Reviewer: Jiffer Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/17/07 07:20 am Title: Chapter Thirty - Five

I love it! hehe, well done, can't wait for another update :D

Reviewer: Maiwen Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/17/07 06:23 am Title: Chapter Thirty - Five

It was time!!!! Great update, please give us another one soon!

Reviewer: pr1nc3ss Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/17/07 05:02 am Title: Chapter Thirty - Five

Great update!

Why do i get a feeling that Nick isn't being 100% into this? Like he is agreeing with Alyssa just for the hell of it!? guess i'll have to wait lol

Author's Response: Well considering it wasn't planned for them to even get together I'd say he's a lil skeptical. To defend him he's hesitant about the possibiity of being in a relationship again. But his reluctance is definitely going to play a part later on.

Reviewer: brian_fan_4eva Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/17/07 04:53 am Title: Chapter Thirty - Five

OOh, boy I HOPE Nick knows better this time around to not mess it up!

Author's Response: Well, you never know when it comes to Nick. His heart is in the right place, but somewhere along the line he always manages to screw up lol. Thanks for the review!

Reviewer: Iz Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/15/07 03:05 pm Title: Chapter Thirty -Three

He figured that Brian prayed enough for the two of them

I always though as much about Nick, so it is nice to see I am not the only one... only bad thing about this? I actually bursted out laughing by myself at my desk !

Also... I nearly cried with the last sentence... you have got to stop writing things that are so good and so intense!

Author's Response: LOL Well I kina figure Nick is not a very religious guy and I thought that line was pretty funny, so I put it in. After I wrote that part I was like I can't believe I just wrote a paragraph about Nick's ideas of religion lol. Thanks for reaing Iz! By the way, you have to let me know if you want your character to have a boy or a girl lol

Reviewer: Iz Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/15/07 02:55 pm Title: Chapter Thirty - Two

There goes my damn emotional attachment again, she realized. Why couldn't she be like other girls and just not have a conscience?
Ok... this is the BEST saying EVER! I am definitely using it in a conversation soon !

Author's Response: I think its very true though. Its so much easier to be in Alyssa's position if she were one of those girls who could just sleep w/ Nick and not worry about what happens after. Unfortunately, if she were I prolly wouldn't have a story lol

Reviewer: Iz Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/15/07 02:44 pm Title: Chapter Thirty -One

So so so good. Can't wait to see what happens in Alyssa's family. And honestly... who COULD resist Nick ?

Reviewer: Angel Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/14/07 02:44 am Title: Chapter Thirty-Four

Oh what kind of trip is it? Lol Nice update, can't wait for the next one!!

Reviewer: kat Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/14/07 01:39 am Title: Chapter Thirty-Four

wow...can't wait til the next excited

Reviewer: Veronica Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/13/07 08:29 pm Title: Chapter Thirty-Four

Hell yeah I'm your #1 fan lol I read the other verison of this sooo yeah... I've been there long time... :P

WTF, was I writing... the kiss in the kiss??? lmao... see that kiss was soo mind-blowing that I couldn't even write.. See what you do Mel.. lol Well even if you don't use the Cali idea, I know you'll think of something great.. you always do :D

Reviewer: csmbabe Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/13/07 03:18 pm Title: Chapter Thirty-Four

I love the chapter,but I kind of got a question to ask.You've prob.said something about it before and I've just not read it,but are you not going to do anymore sex sense between Nick and Alyssa.I mean I will still read the story either way but I was just wondering.

Author's Response: No, I never said that. Maybe you're confused because the last one I kind of cut out the details because it was getting too long. I'm sure there will definitely be more sex scenes in the future (maybe sooner than you think) To what degree? It all depends on what comes out when I write it. I try not to always write TOO many sex scenes cuz honestly after a point it really begins to overshadow the rest of the story. I feel that sex in fan fics should be used to enhance the plot. It shouldn't just be meaningless. I hope that answered your question.

Reviewer: csmbabe Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/13/07 03:18 pm Title: Chapter Thirty-Four

I love the chapter,but I kind of got a question to ask.You've prob.said something about it before and I've just not read it,but are you not going to do anymore sex sense between Nick and Alyssa.I mean I will still read the story either way but I was just wondering.