Reviews For Under My Skin
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Reviewer: Sphynkter Chick Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/04/07 09:32 pm Title: Prologue

This prologue didn't hook me completely but it did make me curious enough to want to read on.
There were a few gramatical errors, but all in all the writing is succinct and pleasantly descriptive.

Author's Response: Please keep reading... The beginning I feel is really rough and if I could I'd prolly change a lot of it. I feel like it really begins to kick in within the next few chapters. Thanks for the constructive critisiscm (sp?)Keep letting me know what you think.

Reviewer: Jen Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/04/07 08:31 am Title: Chapter Thirty - Two

Wow, I love this story! I can't wait until you write more :>

Reviewer: csmbabe Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/03/07 05:17 pm Title: Chapter Thirty - Two

I loved the chapter!Can't wait for another update,I hope it's real soon!!!!

Reviewer: Nayla Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 01/03/07 11:53 am Title: Chapter Thirty - Two

Great update, Mel! I wonder how this Christmas will end...

Reviewer: Teri Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/03/07 06:07 am Title: Chapter Thirty - Two

Mel great job!!! I really want them to be fully back together, it would be great but yeah I like where your story is heading lots o drama!!

Reviewer: Angel Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/03/07 05:16 am Title: Chapter Thirty - Two

Thanks for the update! I understand with how busy you are. I've been waiting for this story to have an update so thanks again and keep it going!! :)

Reviewer: Veronica Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/03/07 05:01 am Title: Chapter Thirty - Two

Ohh something tells me that this christmas is gonna be whoa... lol I loved it Mel, and you know I can't wait to read more. Oh yeah, I forgot to wish you the best of luck in 2007, Mel. :)

Reviewer: farvegirl Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 12/27/06 05:00 am Title: Chapter Thirty -One

WOW!!!!!!! I've been readint this thru not-like-you and I cant waitttttt for more hunnie!!! I

Reviewer: angel Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 12/02/06 11:09 pm Title: Chapter Thirty -One

Please give us another update! :)

Author's Response: I'd love to write, but unfortunately an update is not looking so good until maybe after next week. It's my last week of school, so I'm REALLY busy and have just a bunch of crap to do :( Sorry! I'd much rather be writing about Nick and Alyssa than writing my thesis on student self esteem... Trust me!

Reviewer: Angel Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 11/15/06 12:37 am Title: Chapter Thirty -One

Thanks so much for updating! I love this story!! :)

Reviewer: NicksAssGrabber Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 11/11/06 06:04 pm Title: Chapter Thirty -One

oooh i can;t wait to see how their xmas goes!
Can't wait for the next chapter!

Reviewer: pr1nc3ss Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 11/11/06 05:59 pm Title: Chapter Thirty -One

I love it. I can't wait for more!!

Reviewer: carebear25 Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 11/11/06 04:04 pm Title: Chapter Thirty -One

awesome keep up the great work up update asap please

Reviewer: moppy Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 11/11/06 12:42 pm Title: Chapter Thirty -One

I'm sorry I keep forgetting to read reviews. I'm always so excited when you do update that when I finish reading I totally forget lol
Kick ass update can't wait for all the melodrama thats gonna come during christmas!!!

Reviewer: Veronica Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 11/11/06 05:57 am Title: Chapter Thirty -One

Mel, you just made me cry with the song choice you made cause it always hits a nerve for me but this song really does fit to what is happening to Alyssa. Something tells me that Christmas at home with the family and ex is not gonna go down so right or maybe it is gonna be right.... hmmmm not sure lol I can't wait to read more.

Author's Response: Thanks V!I dunno if you are familair with the song, but of you actually hear it, its ten times better. The whole "giving in even though I should know better" part I think perfectly describes Alyssa to a T.