Reviews For Under My Skin
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Reviewer: carebear25 Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 11/10/06 03:50 am Title: Prologue

please update you are doing an awesome job!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Reviewer: Veronica Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 11/01/06 07:33 pm Title: Chapter Thirty

The sex scene came out perfect but I'm not gonna lie, I wanted more lol but overall awesome chapter Mel. I feel bad for her at the end of it cause now she's feeling that she's a groupie and that sucks.. I have more feelings about this but I don't have time to write them all cause I gotta go now.. just know that this chapter was worth the wait!

Author's Response: Thanks V! I know you prolly wanted more, but honestly I needed to just move on. I really did not have the time or the energy to really be thinking about sex lately LOl (I know *gasp* right?) I'm glad you feel bad for Alyssa cuz that was my intention. To put her in the same class as a groupie and make her wonder if that's all she is to Nick. Hopefully I can get the next chapter out sooner!

Reviewer: starbeamz2 Signed [Report This]
Date: 11/01/06 05:54 pm Title: Chapter Thirty

it was a fantasmically good chapter, and i think the cutoff for the sex scene was done perfectly! i have to tell ya, though, because i LOVE angst, i'm loving how terrible nick just made alyssa feel about herself. i think this just makes her feelings and their relationship more complicated, and i cannot wait to see where you're going with it! take your time with the updates because i know i'll wait as long as it takes!

Author's Response: Thanks a lot Starbeamz! I'm glad you really sympathized w/ Alyssa there because that was one of the main points I wanted to highlight in this chapter. While Nick thinks everything is great just cuz he's having all this sex w/ Alyssa with no real commitment, Alyssa is really going through this big moral dilemma about it. In the end, I really wanted readers to see just how low she's sunk in her own eyes, so of course she's labeling herself a whore. And yes, this will complicate their relationship even further although their relationship still has quite a few more twists and turns.

Reviewer: CLaudia Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 11/01/06 12:09 pm Title: Chapter Thirty

very nice update!!! I really like this story keep it up!!Up date soon:P

Reviewer: NicksAssGrabber Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 11/01/06 08:59 am Title: Chapter Thirty

Aww Mel i LOVE this chapter! Was deffo worth the wait! Can't wait to read more!!

Reviewer: ErnieMac21 Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 11/01/06 03:44 am Title: Chapter Thirty

I love the chapter, esspecially the end with the two fans. It was completely unexpected for me. You did the sex scene perfect. I'm sooo looking forward to more.

Author's Response: Thanks. I myself thought the two fans were a nice touch. From my limited "hotel" experience I've learned just how crazy some fans can be, so its loosely based on a story or two I've heard. And thanks about the sex scene even though I kind of ended it a lil abruptly.

Reviewer: Teri Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 11/01/06 02:35 am Title: Chapter Thirty

Great chapter Mel!! See I told you that no matter what you decided it would be awesome! Keep up the good work

Author's Response: Thanks Teri! Like I said I was really on the fence with the sex scene and I was working on it tonight and saw the opportunity where I could cut it and I don't think it sounded all that bad actually. I hope others agree *crosses fingers*

Reviewer: carebear25 Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 10/04/06 07:44 pm Title: Chapter Twenty-Nine

please update this story it is really good

Reviewer: kat Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 09/16/06 04:43 pm Title: Chapter Twenty-Eight

wow...this story is so good i can't wait for an update

Reviewer: Kim Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 09/04/06 09:03 pm Title: Chapter Twenty-Nine

I love this story so far.

Reviewer: Washington Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 09/03/06 05:10 pm Title: Prologue

Great update as always... can't expect anything worse from you... you write too well! keep up the awesome story, it captures me completely!

Reviewer: Monica Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 09/01/06 03:03 am Title: Chapter Twenty-Nine

I absolutely love this story... you're a kickass writer...

You kept me at the edge of my seat..

Can't wait for the update...

Reviewer: Izzy Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 08/29/06 11:18 am Title: Chapter Twenty-Nine

1st, Mel I want to let you know that I hope your dad is fine.

2nd, yet another amazing chapter.

Reviewer: starbeamz2 Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 08/28/06 02:44 am Title: Chapter Twenty-Nine

i'm really loving this story, and, knowing the way this story's been going, more than just "nothing" is about to happen, and i can't wait to read it! great job!

Reviewer: Kaylee Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 08/25/06 06:38 pm Title: Chapter Twenty-Nine

More please, please, please!!