Reviews For Under My Skin
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Reviewer: Andro Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 08/23/06 03:46 pm Title: Chapter Twenty-Nine

oh my God what is she doing? And what is he doing? And how much would I pay for him to talk to me like that? LMAO! I would have buckled and went to his hotel too...she'd be stupid not too! haha I can't wait for more Mel...

Author's Response: LMAO Andrea! You crack me up LOL

Reviewer: Veronica Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 08/23/06 12:24 am Title: Chapter Twenty-Nine

Oh for sure Mel's on crack. lol Dude, I read all your feedback and I'M the only one that commented on the goldfish... lmao I'm a dork that's for sure.

Reviewer: Vicky Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 08/22/06 07:37 pm Title: Chapter Twenty-Nine

I'm hooked, its great. please update soon i'm dying to know what happens at the hotel!!

Reviewer: Patricia Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 08/22/06 07:34 pm Title: Chapter Twenty-Nine

OMG that was great ! I probably would have gave in a loooong time ago LOL post the next part soon !
a.k.a. lilchica86 on WW

Author's Response: Ha!Who can resist a drunken booty call from Nick? Lol Thanks for keeping up w/ the story!I let my WW subscription expire for now. I'll probably renew when the guys start touring and stuff again.

Reviewer: Veronica Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 08/22/06 06:51 pm Title: Chapter Twenty-Nine

Uhhhh lemme guess cause you should have stayed in bed, all the signs are there... Drunk Nick, he's calling you over in a slur and you said it yourself that he calls baby to those that he was to get into bed with.. Oh yeah Mel, wtf is up with the goldfish references.. huh lmao Ahhh I can't wait to see what is gonna happen with Nick and Alssya, cause we all know it's gonna be crazy!

Author's Response: LMAO I knew someone would read the goldfish part and be like WTF? Mel's on crack? My brother says that ALL the time and it cracks me up, so I stuck it in there lol

Reviewer: Teri Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 08/22/06 05:57 pm Title: Chapter Twenty-Nine

lol Awesome chapter Mel! I'd love to see them get back together, but of course I'd also love to see Alyssa verbally kick his butt! lol

Author's Response: LOL As tempting as it was to have Alyssa really tell him off, Nick does kind of have this weird effect on her that makes her kind of do stupid things. Although I do promise somewhere down the line Alyssa will REALLY get to stick it to him :)

Reviewer: ganjierte_nice Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 08/22/06 05:57 pm Title: Chapter Twenty-Nine

yeah yeah go visit him!!!!! great chapter" update soon please :-)

Reviewer: NicksAssGrabber Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 08/22/06 05:49 pm Title: Chapter Twenty-Nine

Oooooh i can't wait to read the next chapter to see what happens!!
Im lovin this story! Ive told ya before but your doing a fab job with it hun!!

Reviewer: toomanyemotions Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 08/22/06 05:25 pm Title: Chapter Twenty-Nine

oh my God! You can't end the chapter on that?! I'm freaking hooked! Is she going to do it or not?! Lol. Love it so far.

Author's Response: LOl Well you'll have to wait for the next chapter. I know its a bad way to end it, but it was the best way to split it.

Reviewer: Maiwen Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 08/22/06 04:18 pm Title: Chapter Twenty-Nine

Great Chapter anxious to see what's going to happen next!

Reviewer: Sasha Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 08/22/06 03:32 pm Title: Chapter Twenty-Nine

Ooh! Can't wait for the drama that is about to unfold!! thought this chapter was good and not choppy at all....

Author's Response: Thanks Sasha! I was afraid that Nick was sounding more and more sober with each line LOl. I'm working on the next chapter now.

Reviewer: Iz Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 08/17/06 06:45 pm Title: Chapter Twenty-Eight

Nick is a little B***h.... Honestly! I can't believe it ! AWESOME chapter as usual !

And I can't believe you're going to write in the Kevin leaving thing.. I am not over it yet! Lol

Can't wait to read more !

Author's Response: Yea well I decided it would fit the story too since his wife is pregnant and down the line I want to focus on the effect that it has on Nick, so I saw the opportunity for a lil bit of foreshadowing and ran with it lol. I know its rough, but maybe by writing about it, it'll make it easier.

Reviewer: Toomanyemotions Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 08/17/06 02:25 pm Title: Chapter Twenty-Eight

You know what would be perfect for this book? The lyrics to "Too little too late" by Jojo. If you read them, they completely fit with the story line. Anyway, love it so far! You got me hooked!

Author's Response: Thanks for the suggestion! I'm always interested in incoporating songs where I can and I have a list, but I actually haven't really listened to that Jo Jo song. I definitely will though.

Author's Response: Thanks for the suggestion! I'm always interested in incoporating songs where I can and I have a list, but I actually haven't really listened to that Jo Jo song. I definitely will though.

Reviewer: zahra Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 08/15/06 02:24 pm Title: Chapter Twenty-Eight

nice twist. cant wait for more

Reviewer: zahra Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 08/15/06 01:40 pm Title: Chapter Twenty-Six

nice chapter. i liked the flashbacks. especially the ending one