Reviews For Under My Skin
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Reviewer: Teri Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 08/15/06 01:17 am Title: Chapter Twenty-Eight

Another awesome chapter Mel! The automatic email feature must not be working because I had to come on here to find out you updated! Anyways I totally know what you mean about taking your time. With school starting up again I'm having trouble finding time for my two stories. But it will be well worth the wait!

Author's Response: Yea I know it has been doing some bouncing. I didn't get all the e-mails for all my reviews either. I know what you are saying about school too. I go back Sept 6th, but its my last semester and I'm doing student teaching and thesis, plus working, so I dunno how often I'll be able to update. Sucks cuz I feel like I'm nowhere near the end of this story, I have ideas for a sequel, I'm cowroting Sexcapades, and I got a great idea for another story too. *sighs*

Reviewer: Sasha Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 08/14/06 07:47 pm Title: Chapter Twenty-Eight

Wow - good twist. I was thinking everything was gonna be great when she came to visit. Can't wait to see where this goes - definitely has my attention!

Reviewer: Andro Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 08/14/06 07:27 pm Title: Chapter Twenty-Eight

what is he going to do? he is such an idiot! she is such a spaz! What is happening with them? I loved the last two chapters girly...nicely done! I still have so many unanswered questions, but I know you won't leave me hanging for too long!

Reviewer: Sasha Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 08/14/06 06:52 pm Title: Chapter Twenty - Seven

Of course another good chapter - more insight into their past - can't wait to see what happens when he comes to visit her!

Reviewer: Washington Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 08/14/06 01:16 pm Title: Prologue

I still love this story, so all I really have to say is that you're a terrifc writer. You keep me clinged to this story, and the way your represent Nick is great. He has his doubts, faults and failures everyone else has too but that we all want to hide. Greta job and update soon! I love it.

Author's Response: Thanks Washington! That means a lot to me especially because that's what I want to get across with this story. There are some fics that portray Nick as this like God like figure that is absolutely perfect and we know he's not. No one is. I think a reader cares more about a character when they can see their vunerable side. Same thing with Alyssa. I don't want her to be this "perfect" girl. Frankly when I read a story and the girl has NO flaws and everyone loves her I get turned off and sometimes can't even finish the story. Anyway I'm glad that you are loving it!

Reviewer: NicksAssGrabber Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 08/14/06 12:58 pm Title: Chapter Twenty-Eight

Awww they should have make up sex LMAO!!
Awesome chapter hun!!

Author's Response: LMAO! I swear between you and V LOL... If it weren't for the fact that you girls are Nick Chicks I would start to think that maybe you girls are a lil too obsessed with sex lol j/k. Well, I'll take your suggestion into consideration, ok? *winks*

Reviewer: charlene Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 08/14/06 10:54 am Title: Chapter Twenty-Eight

wow great story.i'm luving it more and more
hope there will be more soon

Author's Response: Well, I'm going to try to get the next chapter out as soon as I can, but like I said it might take a bit, but who knows? Hopefully sooner than later.

Reviewer: ganjierte_nice Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 08/14/06 09:54 am Title: Chapter Twenty-Eight

thx for the update!!! i think its sooo stupid of him not to take he with him to the damn club!
can't wait for more:-) LLLLLOOOVVVEDDD IT!!!!!

Author's Response: Yea, but that's Nick for you. Being a typical stubborn male. Thanks for the feedback!

Reviewer: Veronica Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 08/14/06 06:50 am Title: Chapter Twenty-Eight

*smacks Nick outside his head* Dumb ass!! That's all I really gotta say about that lol You know I love it. And I know your next chapter is gonna be worth it. Sooooo are they gonna DO IT, what you said it was gonna be worth it.. lol

Author's Response: Hmm... Well I guess you're just going to have to wait and see what happens next chapter V... And yea we know Nick isn't exactly the smartest, but he means well... kinda lol

Reviewer: babyjane Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 08/14/06 05:12 am Title: Chapter Twenty-Eight

whoa? didnt see that fight coming. good chap. keep up the good work.

Author's Response: Yea I kind of wanted to throw you guys for a loop. Besides things were going a lil too well with them lately lol.

Reviewer: kebin Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 08/12/06 11:50 pm Title: Chapter Five

Oh, noooooo! I am supposed to be studying but I can't tear myself away from the computer! I love it!

Author's Response: Aww and just think you're only at Chapter 5! LOL Thanks for the feedback!

Reviewer: charlene Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 08/12/06 10:44 am Title: Chapter Twenty - Seven

i love it! :] great updates. i cant wait to read more. keep up the really good work.

Reviewer: Washington Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 08/12/06 10:02 am Title: Chapter Twenty - Seven

Wonderful! You write amazingly good! I love it and can't wait for more chaps! great job!

Reviewer: NicksAssGrabber Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 08/12/06 07:11 am Title: Chapter Twenty - Seven

Awww i love it hun! Can't wait to read the next chapter!

Reviewer: Teri Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 08/11/06 09:34 pm Title: Chapter Twenty - Seven

I think you've got a good thing going. Yeah it's a little all over the place but at least you make it run smoothly so we can understand what you're trying to get across without getting confused. Anyways great update!

Author's Response: Ha! Thanks. I try not to confuse people, but I know with so many things going on sometimes its tough. I'm glad it wasn't as bad as I thought. Now we can get back to the real story.