Reviews For Pandora's Box
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Reviewer: elsabeth99 Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 10/26/06 10:44 pm Title: Chapter Thirty-Eight: Seer

Girl, I loved it! Can't wait to see what happens next!

Author's Response: See? Half your wish came true! ^_^ I have some work to catch up on... So... Either tomorrow or Sunday or something I think... I might update today, maybe. We'll just half to see. ^_^

Reviewer: elsabeth99 Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 10/23/06 11:54 pm Title: Chapter Thirty-Seven: Renee

OMG, I totally loved it! You really brought across the fact that Renee's demons (well Justin mostly) used her fears and confusion to fuel her angst towards Minako from the beginning. Love it!

Author's Response: I'm glad it finally came across. ^_^ I <3 you bunches Liz! Let's see what happens next chapter!!!!

Reviewer: elsabeth99 Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 10/20/06 10:08 pm Title: Chapter Thirty-Six: Pale Spirit

I freaking LOVE this story!! another update soon? *hugs*

Author's Response: YUP!!!! I shall update tonight! ^_^

Reviewer: elsabeth99 Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 10/17/06 03:46 pm Title: Chapter Thirty-Five: Vine Wielder

YAY!!!! I love it!! *hugs* Don't make us wait so long for the next chapter this time silly!!

Author's Response: *hug* Like I said, I'm aiming for November to be its completion. Plus, it's snowing right now so... I really don't feel like leaving my room. :P

Reviewer: elsabeth99 Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 07/20/06 10:33 pm Title: Chapter Thirty-Four: Weapons Master

AAAHHHH!! Where's the rest chica?! More more more!!!

Author's Response: I promised you one chapter. You got one chapter. Now, you must wait until Friday. ^_^

Reviewer: Hilda Warren Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 07/20/06 11:13 am Title: Chapter Thirty-Four: Weapons Master

I just loved the mighty Howie!!! It was kind of you to give him an important part. So, I can conclude that he is in a way, mightier than Nick because he has the power to conceal his demonic appearance?

I hope that with updating PBox you won't forget HWAH.... I don't want us to go into a looong hiatus...

Author's Response: See? He has an important purpose in this story. ^_^ Hmmmm... Who is the *most* powerful though? Time will surely tell.... No, no. My update schedule will keep me on track! ^_^

Reviewer: elsabeth99 Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 07/05/06 01:17 am Title: Awards

waiting for another update...LOL

Author's Response: I told you I'd post it tonight. ^_^

Reviewer: elsabeth99 Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 07/03/06 03:42 pm Title: Awards

Yay, you won some awards!!! (More than I can say for any of my stories...LOL)

Author's Response: Yay! Well... just you wait, if I have to bleed and sweat for your awards, I will. ^_^

Reviewer: Hilda Warren Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/30/06 08:27 am Title: Chapter Thirty-Three: Abyss

First off, I was abit sceptical about it genre, because I am not really a fantasy fan. I don't read Tolkien or Verne.But your work made me think that I could really start to like the genre.

I guess the main difference between Minako and the other priestresses is that she has real feelings towards her demons. (If you don't have feelings you don't get married, right?)

I can't predict, where the demon battle will lead, because they all have similar powers. Well, maybe the power of the priestresses will be crucial.

And yes, Nick with wings and horns is something I have never read before...though I guess he still looks cute! :)

Author's Response: Yay, that's convert number 2! Ah, but to be human, you must have feelings. In the end, Renee, as well as the others in "Pandora" may surprise you... Are there powers really that similar? Hmmm... In the end, that may be the deciding factor, then again... Maybe there's a stronger power... Very! Thank you for the support. ^_^

Reviewer: Laura Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/29/06 07:13 am Title: Chapter One: Awaken

WOW I like it very much!!!You have my support Dee!!!!Today I'm gonna read the 2nd part!!!Great!!

Author's Response: Thanks sweetie. ^_^

Reviewer: Liz Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/25/06 11:02 pm Title: Chapter Thirty-Three: Abyss

Girl you need to update!! Pwetty pwease with Nicky on top?

Author's Response: I plan on finishing the next chapter for tomorrow... But you never said what you though. :( Or is it on the ff forum?

Reviewer: Veronica Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/07/06 11:43 pm Title: Chapter Thirty-Three: Abyss

You didn't kill them did you!! I hope not. I'm still wondering who those people are the ones that keep calling Nick, Nicky.. hmmm.. I can't wait to read more!!! Loved it!

Author's Response: Hmmm... Did they die? I myself wonder... Well, on the other thought, only time will tell... Though I can promsie it won't remain a mystery forever. Will you be joining me in "Pandora"? :)

Reviewer: Veronica Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/06/06 06:11 am Title: Chapter Thirty-One: To The Castle

Man if the box is there than that sucks big time.. This story is truly one of the best I've read so far.. I keep finding myself wanting to read more when there is not to read... I can't wait to see how this will turn out! Loved it!

Author's Response: Well... As I said before, an update a day. :) Like today...

Reviewer: elsabeth99 Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/02/06 03:43 pm Title: Chapter Twenty-Seven: Knot of Love

OMG, I just spent like four hours reading all of this story and I LOVE IT!!! Please post more soon!!

Author's Response: I had no idea it would take that long Liz! I'm so sorry. :hug: I just write my butt of these days. :lol:

Author's Response: Glad yo found that amusing. Obviously you've found out what happend to him, but I hope you're happy that he's finally been introduced. ^_^

Reviewer: Veronica Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/02/06 03:28 pm Title: Chapter Twenty-Seven: Knot of Love

Alexander, get your ass back there!!! lol oh man and now they are married how cute... Loved it and I can't wait for more!

Author's Response: Glad yo found that amusing. Obviously you've found out what happend to him, but I hope you're happy that he's finally been introduced. ^_^