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Reviewer: felikia2009 Signed [Report This]
Date: 06/30/08 02:53 am Title: Chapter 40

made me doesnt help that im watching the episode of bones where two of the scientists are sorta gong through this (but not so much with the moving away thing, or dealing with past nightmares lol).

Author's Response: Awww really? Well I'm glad that my story brings out such high emotions in people, I know what it's like, I bawled like a baby when By My Side ended! I was blimin depressed for days!

Reviewer: Yara Signed [Report This]
Date: 06/30/08 02:03 am Title: Chapter 40

That was a pretty intense chapter. I don't like Shannon to much right about now. Poor Matilda, I bet she's going to be crushed, and Nick? Oh man, that was sad.  Well, hope to read more soon, Take Care!

Author's Response: I share your feelings towards Shannon and I think the majority of the people reading this story do too. I just want to reach in and give Nick the biggest hug ever, I think he feels like a failure, like he is no better then his parents because he can't provide the stable environment that he wants to for Matilda. That's the saddest part!

Reviewer: dolphingirl Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 06/30/08 01:49 am Title: Chapter 40

damn shannon for doing this i feel for nick keep up the great work love this story update soon

Author's Response: Thanks. I nkow she is sooooooooooooooooooo frustrating but bear with it all shall soon be revealed!

Reviewer: Michelle Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 06/29/08 11:35 pm Title: Chapter 40

This girl is so UGH. What I now really hope for is Nick does move on, becomes totally happy with another, and doesn't look back. I seriously don't want her to get back w/Nick cuz her wishywashy "I don't know what I want" stuff SHOULD come back and bite her in the ass. Not all stories need a happy ending!

Author's Response: That's very true not all stories have a happy ending and I am still in two minds about whether or not this one will have a "Happily ever after." What I can promise you is that you only have ten more chapters to read until you guys are going to find out one way or the other.

Reviewer: Kris Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 06/29/08 10:13 pm Title: Chapter 40

Awesome! Though I hope Nick gets the girls to stay - maybe he needs some help from Tilds, lol... Dunno why, but I keep imagening Shannon ending up pregnant after their last .get together'... Maybe that would be a way for her to commit to her true feelings. She's going to loose Nick if she's not being careful. She cannot go back in 6 months with a changed mind and expect him to be waiting for her... Update soon

Author's Response: But he did say he would wait for her though! I see your point because she is totally playihg with not only his but also Matilda's emotions and that's not fair. She definetly needs to get her act together or face the wrath of a lot of pissed of people!

Reviewer: Moby Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 06/29/08 09:14 pm Title: Chapter 40

Her character always annoyed me, but this chapter just cemented my opinion. So much so, I think I've lost interest in the story altogether. Sorry!

Author's Response: Don't give up just yet you only have like nine more chapters to go. It gets so much better I promise but if you've lost interest because it isnt all lovey dovey I'm not going to aplogise I can't write unrealistically.rn

Reviewer: ALM Signed [Report This]
Date: 06/29/08 08:29 pm Title: Chapter 40

she is starting to annoy me now she just being selfish and not thinking about Nick or matilda

Author's Response: I know how frustrating it is but something is going to make her see what she is doing! Just might be a bit late by the time she realises.

Reviewer: Mina Rose Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 06/27/08 12:10 pm Title: Chapter 39

Ahhhh!!!! Please I need more update soon! lol

Author's Response: It's up!

Reviewer: Yara Signed [Report This]
Date: 06/24/08 06:22 am Title: Chapter 39

WHAT!! She's moving out of the city? Poor Nick and Matilda, she's going to kill them both, they seem so close to eachother is awful to separate them like that. Hope she doesn't regret her decision. Please update soon. Great chapter. Take Care!

Author's Response: She is being selfish but in her own messed up way she is protecting herself and Matilda. She's been hurt bad and doesn't want to put herself through that again. Thanks for the review.

Reviewer: Yara Signed [Report This]
Date: 06/24/08 06:05 am Title: Chapter 38

Lets hope she gets her mind straight after her trip. It's like she said, patience wears thin after a while. But Nick is such a sweetheart and he loves her, so lets hope he waits for her. Take Care!

Author's Response: I think it is inconsiderate of her though. She needs to let him know one way or the other even if he is willing to wait. Hopefully we will find out shortly!

Reviewer: felikia2009 Signed [Report This]
Date: 06/19/08 03:59 pm Title: Chapter 39

gah! well, she will still have two weeks to make the CORRECT decision. and i bet once matilda finds out, she will throw a fit and refuse to go because she will want her nicky/daddy :)

Author's Response: It's going to be hard on all of them and I dont think that you are going to be expecting the outcome at all so keep on reading!

Reviewer: LenniluvsBrian Signed [Report This]
Date: 06/19/08 03:30 am Title: Chapter 39

More secrets from him??? Pfft. You keep telling lies & keepnig secrets, & he's never going to like you fully or trust you again! Yeesh!!! And there's NO way he's going to let her take Matilda all the way out there with her!!!! Oye vey.



Author's Response: She is bad for all the secrets and he has absolutley no reason to trust her at all, she's lucky that he's even talking to her let alone wants to be with her in a relationship. Keep on reading because the next chapter is going to be her breaking the news to him.

Reviewer: Anonymous Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 06/19/08 12:32 am Title: Chapter 39

man when she tells nick shes leaving he is going to be heart broken i can see it now, but im sure it will not take her long to figuer out when is really needs to be and thats with nick, update soon

Author's Response: He is going to be gutted, he's loosing the two people he loves the most so who wouldn't be? It might not take her long to figure it out but by the time she does it might just be too late!

Reviewer: blueleeryan Signed [Report This]
Date: 06/18/08 11:59 pm Title: Chapter 39

omg she cant move away from nick.... awsome job i loved it cant wait for more.

Author's Response: Yep she can and I think she will.

Reviewer: Doodlebugs Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 06/18/08 08:11 pm Title: Chapter 39

Sorry, that's it. I'm done with this chick! She needs to shit or get off the pot already.

Author's Response: LOL everyone is so pissed off with her and I have to admit I'm getting to the point where i want to throttle her! It's all going to be wrapping up very soon though so we shall see how it is going to end!