Reviews For I Can Save You
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Reviewer: brian_fan_4eva Signed [Report This]
Date: 06/18/08 08:06 pm Title: Chapter 39

OMG she needs to tell him!  more soon!

Author's Response: I know she does, you know she does, Nick knows she does, hell she even knows she does but i don't think she will. Thanks for the review.

Reviewer: cabybakes Signed [Report This]
Date: 06/18/08 08:00 pm Title: Chapter 39

No No No No!  My god!!  What is her problem!!!  I know people are probably going to be saying the same thing about Casual, but as a reader, I am allowed to be frustrated. 

I am interested to see what happens here, you definitely have my mind reeling!  Update soon!  Great chapter!

Author's Response: Trust me you are not going to be impressed with Shannon over the following chapters. But you are so nearly there, so near to the end! So keep with it!

Reviewer: Nicklvr Signed [Report This]
Date: 06/13/08 02:29 pm Title: Chapter 38 she has got to let her guard down they'd be perfect together if she just would ..he'd treat her like a queenn can she not realize that he's the same nick thats been takin care of her he'd never hurt her like ben.ugh..ben i updte!!!

Author's Response: I know they would. She is very insecure around men though due to her Father leaving and then being abused by Ben. She feels as though she isn't good enough for him after all the lying, he self esteem is basically zero and it's going to take a lot for that to improve!

Reviewer: Anonymous Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 06/13/08 05:10 am Title: Chapter 38

man i hope this little trip to see her brother will help her make up her mind about the 2 of them, update soon

Author's Response: Maybe it will maybe it won't. All I can say is that things will be a lot clearer in the next chappie!

Reviewer: cabybakes Signed [Report This]
Date: 06/13/08 03:55 am Title: Chapter 38

OK...even though my gun is sitting next to me, I felt no reason to load it after this chapter.  I love the exchange between her and her mother...very tender moment. I love what he said at the end about waiting for her and all that, hopefully she won't screw it up, but I have a feeling she will...ugh ugh.

Great chapter, update soon!

Author's Response: Yeah...I think you are right about the screwing up bit! But what's the saying? We all learn from our mistakes? I'll let you in on a little secret it is going to take something major to happen for her to realise that she is making a mistake and by the time she does it just might be too late!

Reviewer: Mina Rose Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 06/13/08 01:39 am Title: Chapter 38

WOW!!! I need more please! I need more chapters I can't wait! lol I am so in luv with this story.

Author's Response: Aww thanks I'm so glad that you are enjoying it. I'm getting kind of sad as I have the rest of the story mapped out in my head till the end now and it's roughly only got about ten more chapters left!! I have started work on another story called All hail the heartbreaker though and I am planning on rewriting the every rose has a thron series so check em out when this one finishes!

Reviewer: felikia2009 Signed [Report This]
Date: 06/12/08 10:50 pm Title: Chapter 38

if he can wait for her, we can wait for you :) but, i do think i want this to definitely make her decide to be with nick, kay? kay *nods affirmatively* lol

Author's Response: LOL I will try my hardest to talk some sense into Shannon but she is very stubborn!

Reviewer: LenniluvsBrian Signed [Report This]
Date: 06/12/08 09:54 pm Title: Chapter 38

Yay Nicky!!!!!!! Shannon needs to get her head on straight & fast! Or I'ma snatch Nicky up! Lol.



Author's Response: LOL! She is giving up such a good one isn't she? Her sefl esteem is really low though and that is a huge issue in stopping her going to Nick, I think she finds it difficult to trust men after firstly her Dad abandoning her and then after Ben being abusive. We all know that Nick isn't like that though and that is why it i ssooooooo frustrating!

Reviewer: blueleeryan Signed [Report This]
Date: 06/12/08 09:43 pm Title: Chapter 38

amazing cant wait for more. i hope when she gets back she'll be ready.

Author's Response: Yeah...not so sure she will be, actually i think she will end up more confused then ever. Thanks.

Reviewer: mary Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 06/12/08 09:34 pm Title: Chapter 38

man is she frustrating or what?! i dont think he'll wait forever though. cant wait for more!

Author's Response: I think that he believes he can and he really wants her but trust me Nick is about to get as frustrated as us! He will only be able to keep his cool for so long after all no one can be THAT patient!

Reviewer: Mina Rose Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 06/11/08 12:26 pm Title: Chapter 37

AHH!!! I Can't wait please update soon!! Its getting good!!

Author's Response: Thanks!

Reviewer: FrickFrackGirl Signed [Report This]
Date: 06/07/08 11:19 pm Title: Chapter 37

Hurry up!!  I'm really enjoying this story!! 

Author's Response: LOL! Thanks

Reviewer: Anonymous Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 06/06/08 02:05 am Title: Chapter 37

man i hope there get there stuff together and soon i want to see them together so bad, update soon

Author's Response: I think it's still going to be a while!

Reviewer: Mellz Bellz Signed [Report This]
Date: 06/06/08 01:53 am Title: Chapter 37

LOL It would be completely hypocrotical for me to hate you for that because hello look at ALTOS? LOL You did totally inspire me though for my next chapter because this weird together but not together and getting into a physical relationship which is complicating everything else is where I'm getting to w/ Nick and Alyssa, so thanks! It's a REALLY frustrating place for both readers and writers but I think you are doing splendidly!

Author's Response: Glad to hear that your working on the next chapter because alyssa and Nick so have to do the dead again soon otherwise I think she may explode from hornyness! LOL!

Reviewer: cabybakes Signed [Report This]
Date: 06/05/08 09:49 pm Title: Chapter 37

I have my gun out again...this time it is aimed directly at Shannon.  GRRR...update soon!!!

Author's Response: I had a feeling it would come out again. It probably going to be out for the next few chappies as well!