Reviews For Dark Nights
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Reviewer: Guitargurl Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 02/18/08 06:52 pm Title: Chapter Four

AJ trying to be the fatherly figure... too good! Brian seems to be filling that position more naturally, which I think we all saw coming. I definitely didn't expect the attacker to be a relation of any kind. That was a good twist. Also, the tabloid is something that couldn't be was just bound to happen. Can't wait to see where you're going with this. There are a lot of possibilities and you're doing such a great job! I hope I'm not boring you with my long reviews. I just love getting detailed reviews from my readers and I hope you feel the same. All in all, just keep up the great writing!

Author's Response: AWESOME! thank you SOOOOOO much...i totally feel the same about long reviews...i love them! i am glad you like my writting, too. ;-) yay!

Reviewer: Guitargurl Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 02/18/08 06:41 pm Title: Chapter Three

The painting her nails thing has me cracking up! That was really cute and funny. It's not something I would picture Nick doing exactly, but it did show a very caring and open side of him without going overboard. Once again, well done! Reading on now!

Author's Response: I thought that would be a good bit of unexpected humor. teehee...kind of amusing to picture it, huh?

Reviewer: Guitargurl Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 02/18/08 06:34 pm Title: Chapter Two

Another great chappie. I couldn't tell until this chapter exactly what time period you had written this in. Now I know that Kevin isn't around and that Howie is married. I didn't realize how weird it would be to read a fan fic without Kevin until now.... I guess it just re-enforces in my mind how much will be missing when I see them live as a foursome. You've done a great job keeping it real though, props for that. Also, I found it great that you mentioned Brian's heart surgery here. I don't think any of the Boys could sit around in a hospital waiting room and not have that scary situation come to mind. Very realistic. Thanks for giving me such a great story to read. You have a true talent!

Author's Response: Thank you so much for your detailed reviews! i appreciate your input. i hope the rest of the story intrigues you just as much!

Reviewer: chaotic Signed [Report This]
Date: 02/18/08 06:25 pm Title: Chapter Eight

Great update

Author's Response: thank you as always for your imput! ;-)

Reviewer: Guitargurl Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 02/18/08 06:21 pm Title: Chapter One

Not too shabby at all! I feel like you nailed the realistic panic that AJ and Nick would be feeling in this situation. You seem to have a good take on their personalities as well. I liked that you knew your stuff as you had the operator talk them through the rescue breathing. As an author who includes a lot of medical stuff in my writing, I appreciate another writer who has done their research on the subject before adding it in. Nice job! I have a feeling there's a connection growing between Nick and this girl already. You wrote that in well without overdoing it. I'm really excited to keep reading now!

Author's Response: Thank you! I am trained in CPR and First Aid so it wasn't too hard to make it realistic. I am really glad you like m story!

Reviewer: Guitargurl Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 02/18/08 06:13 pm Title: Prolouge

Wow. Intense to say in the least. This is an interesting start to what could be a great story. I know Nick and another one of the Boy's is coming soon and I have to read on to see what happens. Great job. Keep up the good work.

Author's Response: Thanks for your feedback!

Reviewer: nicklvr Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 02/18/08 05:48 am Title: Chapter Eight

oh man this is crazy he has to tell her but dont let her be 2 freaked out let them still make it you konw they are gonna fall madly in love update...soon!!!

Author's Response: in time dear, in time!

Reviewer: marie Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 02/18/08 05:41 am Title: Chapter Eight

fantastico update.. i believe that nicky boi needs to tell renee the real deal but still be able to help her too! cuz if she finds out it will by one of the boys slipping up or cant wait to see what happens next.. update soon chica!:)

Author's Response: I can always count on you for a good review...thanks!

Reviewer: marie Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 02/15/08 06:57 am Title: Chapter Seven

you know i didnt even know you started a new story until a few minutes ago:( how blonde am i?? but back to reviewing i absolutely loved this story! it is really generous of nick to help renee! he is such a sweetheart!:)you know i will never understand how one person can hurt another? especially if its a family member!! i cant wait to see what happens next with the boys and renee especially nick..:)!! update soon

Author's Response: haha...blondie blondie! tee hee.

Reviewer: nicklvr Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 02/14/08 03:36 am Title: Chapter Seven

oh man this story fkin rocks..think he should tell her but i see his reason for not tellin her..but i think in away she has a rite to freak but i mean come he did save her life soo she should eventually come around even if it does take a minute or 2..Update1

Author's Response: Thank you for your feedback and I am really glad you think it 'rocks'. That makes me feel pretty good. YAY me!

Reviewer: chaotic Signed [Report This]
Date: 02/13/08 09:19 am Title: Chapter Seven

Good updates :)

Author's Response: thank you

Reviewer: nicklvr Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 02/13/08 02:43 am Title: Chapter Five

omfg..this is like the best story update ..they gotta get together for real.?

Author's Response: really like it that much? sweet! thanks for the review...I plan to update tonight ;-)

Reviewer: chaotic Signed [Report This]
Date: 02/12/08 09:27 am Title: Chapter Five

More more more soon please. I really like it and cant wait for more :] Great job

Author's Response: I am glad you liked it so much. I will upate agian soon, i promise!!

Reviewer: Dena Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 02/12/08 01:28 am Title: Chapter Three

im in love with this story!! keep up the good work!! =]

Author's Response: Aaaw I am glad you like it so much. Keep reading!

Reviewer: trubsbfan79 Signed [Report This]
Date: 02/12/08 12:14 am Title: Chapter Three

I like the story...Nick painting nails funny.

Author's Response: glad you like it...I thought it was kinda funny too!