Reviews For Dark Nights
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Reviewer: Mellz Bellz Signed [Report This]
Date: 06/06/08 01:24 am Title: Chapter Twenty

Again I musy say big improvement in the last few chapters compared to the beginning. At first it really felt like Renee was more into AJ, so I'm glad that you adressed that. Aww Nick is so sweet although I have to admit if a guy did the whole rose petal trail thing for me I'd be like eww you cheeseball, but then again I'm a bit of a cynic lol Nice work!

Author's Response: I had stopped writting for a long time there...I think it took me a while to get back into the swing of it and letting my creative juices flow. I used to write all the time and was fairly good...I am noticing that my writting is starting to get back to what it used to be. thanks a ton for your encouragement! I am hoping to improove further.

rnit was kind of the point...earlier in the story Nick was talking about how he didnt ever show his romantic side because everyone else thought his idea of romance was cheesy. that's also why he made the comment about hoping she didnt think it was cheesy.

thanks again for all your feedback and critics! *muah*

Reviewer: mary Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 06/05/08 11:41 pm Title: Chapter Twenty

woo an update! and that was uber sweet. and expensive. haha.

Author's Response: woohoo! I updated! I'm glad your still reading and that you enjoyed the update.

Reviewer: Yara Signed [Report This]
Date: 06/05/08 08:36 pm Title: Chapter Twenty

Awww, he's so cute. Well she wanted him to act like a real boyfriend, but that's not fair cause none of my bf have ever done anything like this,lol Hope to read more soon; Take Care!

Author's Response: lmao, none of mine have either. I will try to update again soon. thanks for all your feedback!

Reviewer: Yara Signed [Report This]
Date: 05/14/08 10:36 pm Title: Chapter Nineteen

Great chapter. It was a breakthru for both of them. Can't wait to read some more. Take Care!

Author's Response: i am glad that you liked the chapter. I will try to update again soon. thanks fro faithfully reading and reviewing!!

Reviewer: marie Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 05/13/08 05:21 pm Title: Chapter Nineteen

glad that they finally talked things through! nick and renee both make a cute couple :) update soon gurlie!

Author's Response: aaaw, thanks for reading. I kind of let this one sit off to the side for a while, lol. I didn't know if anyone would still read! thanks, tho. for your review, too!

Reviewer: Nicklvr Signed [Report This]
Date: 05/12/08 10:02 pm Title: Chapter Nineteen

awww thats soo swwweeet ....update!!!

Author's Response: lol. I'll try to update again soon. thanks for your review!

Reviewer: Yara Signed [Report This]
Date: 04/20/08 05:27 am Title: Chapter Eighteen

A very good chapter. Hope you update soon. Take care!

Author's Response: I am happy to see that you are still reading! Thank you for reviewing and I am working on the next chapter, so it should be up soon.

Reviewer: marie Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 04/16/08 12:04 am Title: Chapter Eighteen

loved the update chica! i swear men are just as bad as girls when it comes to feelings and talking about them..haha! update soon

Author's Response: I am glad that you liked it. I think men are worse then girls. anyways, I am happy to see that people remembered the story and haven't given up on it! YAY. thank you for reading and reviewing. ;-)

Reviewer: Nikki P Signed [Report This]
Date: 04/15/08 11:21 pm Title: Chapter Eighteen

Oh jeez...I'm glad they're finally talking! Did I mention how much I LOVE your stories??? Cos I really do! *big grin*

Update please!

Author's Response: everyone seems to be happy about them talking. lol. I didn't realize I had created so much tension in that area. I am so happy that you LOVE my stories...I LOVE to hear those things! *big grin* thank you sooooooo much!!!

Reviewer: mary Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 04/15/08 10:32 pm Title: Chapter Eighteen

woo an update! finally they are talking! being in the hospital again really messed with his head. ay.

Author's Response: it's about time, isn't it? I was trying to get that across...being there messin him up. I am glad to see that you haven't given up on reading this! Thanks so much!

Reviewer: felikia2009 Signed [Report This]
Date: 04/15/08 09:38 pm Title: Chapter Two

oh this is good :D i need to keep reading once i get back from a speaker i gotta attend. i wish i didnt have to go (one cause its gonna be boring, two cause i wanna read this :D)

Author's Response: glad to see that you are on board with this one. I hope that it will continue to hold your interest. Thank you so much for reading AND for your review. *smiles*

Reviewer: Nicklvr Signed [Report This]
Date: 04/15/08 08:16 pm Title: Chapter Eighteen

It's about damn time theya start talkin..haha..come on update some more..that was great..!

Author's Response: lmao...I KNOW! dummies stalled long enough! anyways, I will try to update more soon!

Reviewer: cabybakes Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 04/15/08 07:58 pm Title: Chapter Three

The nails are a very sweet touch...very unique story!

Author's Response: thank you for reading! I am glad that you like the story so far! I hope you continue to read and like it. thanks again!

Reviewer: mary Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 03/18/08 07:11 am Title: Chapter Seventeen

aw pooor nick. i bet he feels horrible. she took good control though!

Author's Response: Nick is such a goof! goos thing it's not any worse than a broken arm. thanks for your feedback!!!

Reviewer: marie Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 03/18/08 05:05 am Title: Chapter Seventeen

awesome update.. aww poor baylee! cant wait to see what happens next..update soon

Author's Response: thanks for your review. i will try to update again soon.