Reviews For Dark Nights
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Reviewer: Nicklvr Signed [Report This]
Date: 03/18/08 01:34 am Title: Chapter Seventeen

omg ..they got the kid for a couple hours and his arm is broke..dang..oh well..he'll update...!

Author's Response: i was all Nick's fault...but yeah Bay Bay will heal. thank you so much for reading. I appreciate your review!!

Reviewer: nikki p Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 03/18/08 01:14 am Title: Chapter Seventeen

way to go nick!

Author's Response: i know! leave it to Nick. lol. thanks for reading!

Reviewer: AJsKellyMouse Signed [Report This]
Date: 03/18/08 12:56 am Title: Chapter Seventeen

Aww poor Baylee!!  That totally sucks!  But the refrigerator thing-totally something I would do.  That was so funny!  Awewome update!!!

Author's Response: lol...i am glad you got a laugh. TFGG4G5H454gkmmmmmmmmkkmjjhghgfgbfdb fc <--- that little rant was from my almost 2 year old. haha...i had to let her give her 2cents. thanks for your review.

Reviewer: princessjillrose Signed [Report This]
Date: 03/09/08 05:41 pm Title: Chapter Sixteen

great story cant wait for more...and what is gonna happen next to nick and nee...

Author's Response: well hey there! i am glad you have enjoyed the story so far and i appreaciate your feedback. i plan to update within a day or two!

Reviewer: Guitargurl Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 03/08/08 12:10 am Title: Chapter Sixteen

This chappie cracks me up! I loved the blonde culture thing. Very creative! LOL!

Author's Response: I am glad you got a laugh out of it. It kind of just came to me and I thought it would be a good way to lighten the mood. I'll update soon...promise!

Reviewer: Guitargurl Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 03/08/08 12:03 am Title: Chapter Fifteen

Good. She finally got it all out, and Nicky reacted exactly like he should have. I'm glad that's over. Now maybe they can start to really get to know each other in a good way. Great job! Can't wait for more!

Author's Response: I know! I'm glad it's over, too. Thanks for reading.

Reviewer: Guitargurl Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 03/07/08 11:58 pm Title: Chapter Fourteen

AJ is a good man. Simple fact. It's good that he was there for her, except that I still feel like Nick is being totally left out. I can't wait for her to open up to him. I hope it happens soon. I know he'll be understanding and compassionate. It's not like he hasn't shown that he's capable of it. Great job! Update soon!

Author's Response: AJ IS a good man and Nick is too. Don't worry...everything will come together in time! thanks for all of your feedback. *smiles*

Reviewer: Guitargurl Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 03/07/08 11:52 pm Title: Chapter Thirteen

Crazy chapter. I wish she would just open up to Nick already. It's not like he hasn't proven that he's into the whole thing already. She can't do much that would surprise him at this point.

Author's Response: phew...I hadn't heard from you in a while...I was getting worried that you had lost interest. *sigh* I am glad you are back! *smiles*

Reviewer: Nicklvr Signed [Report This]
Date: 03/07/08 04:07 am Title: Chapter Sixteen

love that...update..soon!

Author's Response: thanks...i will ;-)

Reviewer: AJsKellyMouse Signed [Report This]
Date: 03/07/08 12:30 am Title: Chapter Sixteen

Aww that was so cute the way Renee tried to make Nick feel better!  I love the Nickerlopolis-that's awesome!!!

Author's Response: I'm glad you liked it. I wanted to make sure they made a good connection. Thanks for your input, like usual *wink wink*

Reviewer: mary Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 03/06/08 09:31 pm Title: Chapter Sixteen

nickerlopolis. that was tooooooo cute. hahaha loved the update! hopefully it wont be too long before the next one!

Author's Response: why thank you, mary! i am gld that you liked it. I was working on the next chapter so it MIGHT be up later ;-)

Reviewer: AJsKellyMouse Signed [Report This]
Date: 03/06/08 01:53 am Title: Chapter Fifteen

I've finally been able to catch up and I can't wait to see what happens!  I'm loving this story, keep up the great writing!!

Author's Response: thankie! i plan to try and update tomorrow.

Reviewer: nicklvr Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 02/26/08 02:42 am Title: Chapter Fifteen sweet we no nick will take care of her...update!!!

Author's Response: thanks for reviewing again! i promise to update soon ;-)

Reviewer: marie Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 02/26/08 02:25 am Title: Chapter Fifteen

sorry i havent updateded in the last few chapters! i caught the damn flu :( its about time AJ dumped whats her face!anywayz they were all great and i cant wait to see what happens next! update soon

Author's Response: hope you feel better. thanks for not forgetting about me!

Reviewer: nikki p Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 02/25/08 08:06 am Title: Chapter Fifteen

wow! i love this story, i hope you update soon!

Author's Response: thank you for reading...and reviewing. I am glad you like the story.