Reviews For Dark Nights
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Reviewer: AJsKellyMouse Signed [Report This]
Date: 02/25/08 05:55 am Title: Chapter Five

I'm loving the story!  The whole first half with the dwarf jokes and all that-hilarious!  I loved that!  And the last half-with Renee waking up-intense!  You did an awesome job with that!  I can't wait to keep reading.

Author's Response: thanks a lot! i appreciate your reviews. I, too am writting quite a bit from personal you said referring to your Unexpected Love story. I am finding that it makes the story more realistic and allows you too work in your own emotions from those experiances. *shruggs* or I might be delusional! *giggles*

Reviewer: AJsKellyMouse Signed [Report This]
Date: 02/25/08 05:34 am Title: Chapter Three

I love Nick doing nails.  I was just sitting here picturing that as I read and I got a good laugh out of that!  Great job so far!

Author's Response: why thank you! I am glad you are reading one of my stories. I have begun reading your new one! Thanks a ton or the review and I hope you continue to enjoy it!!

Reviewer: Guitargurl Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 02/25/08 03:52 am Title: Chapter Ten

That was awesome! I loved the Raisinets in AJ's hair thing. That just cracks me up. I would totally do that to him! Lol! Anyway, I hope Nick sat where I think he did. Gotta go find out!

Author's Response: teehee...I would put candy in his hair, too. Thanks for keeping up with the reading and the feedback! *smiles*

Reviewer: Guitargurl Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 02/25/08 03:46 am Title: Chapter Nine

I might have already left a review for this chappie, but I was just skimming to see where I left off and I realized that you put her name as Crystal instead of Renee at the very first of the chappie. I've made mistakes like that plenty of times myself but I just thought you might wanna know. Great work by the way! Keep it up! Glad to see you updated today, now I just gotta get caught up that far!

Author's Response: Thank you! I have caught myself doing that alot lately. Crystal is the lead lady in A Friend of a Friend's Wife and the sequal that I am working on: Mended Mistakes. I have been having frequent writter's block on that story so I guess my brain keeps reverting back to what is going to happen to Crystal. ARG! Thanks for letting me know...I thought I had caught all of those oopsies. and, as always, thanks for your feedback!

Reviewer: nicklvr Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 02/24/08 07:21 am Title: Chapter Thirteen

hey she freakin needs to tell nick..this is crazy she has to be able to trust him damn nicks a goodsized guy if he were the abusive type witch we knw he aint bt i'd be update!!!

Author's Response: give it time...give it time. Nick is a pretty big guy though, huh? *sigh* a very VERY cute one, too!

Reviewer: Guitargurl Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 02/23/08 02:58 am Title: Chapter Nine

Pretty crazy chappie, but a good one at that. I can't wait to keep reading, except that it will have to be a little later. Got other stuff to do even though I don't wanna stop. Good job as always. This ought to be interesting seeing how things go from here.

Author's Response: thanks for continuing to read and review. come back to read soon! i appreciate your input. *smiles*

Reviewer: marie Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 02/21/08 04:23 am Title: Chapter Twelve

loved the 2 awesome updates.. well congrats to howie and leigh! wonder if she still keeps in touch with olivia and ava? and they know what brandon did to renee? its nice to see the softer side of AJ! .. update soon

Author's Response: thnks! and yes, they knew about her step bother WAY before now...remember they went to his trial? Nick was like all freaking out about it? lmao!! A.J. is such a sweetie, isn't he? Thanks, again, for the review!

Reviewer: nicklvr Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 02/21/08 01:35 am Title: Chapter Twelve we gotta get j a ..brandon is a complete an total ass hole!!!!!!!

Author's Response: as for A.J. - youjust wait my dear...i have plans for that boy! and yes, yes brandon is an ass hole. thanks for reviewing and continuing to read!!

Reviewer: nicklvr Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 02/20/08 05:05 am Title: Chapter Ten

so he took his ass over there an sat by ..rite? his ass better had..update ..goin soo good..damn i can't for this update ...soon please!!!

Author's Response: another one victim to my little trap! muahahahahaha! I let you all hangin...teehee...i know what's gonna happen! thanks for the review, i am so glad you like it ;-)

Reviewer: marie Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 02/20/08 04:34 am Title: Chapter Ten

awesome update.. what the heck! you cant just leave it like that!:( what seat did he choose? better be the one by her!!aj and renee are so funny together! update soon

Author's Response: I left it ther, ON PURPOSE!!!! muahahahaha! *Tosses head bak and laughs evilly*

Reviewer: marie Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 02/19/08 05:16 am Title: Chapter Nine

wonderful chapter! :)told ya she was gonna find out somehow!..haha boys and their big mouths! at least she doesnt know who did it but then i wonder why did he hate her so much?? k, better stop talkin now!:).. update soon

p.s. hope you fell better soon!:-)

Author's Response: Thanks. I went to he doctor today nd got meds so i should be better in a couple days. and yes, men do have big mouths! lol what dweebs!

Reviewer: Guitargurl Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 02/18/08 09:29 pm Title: Chapter Eight

They are cute together. She knows Nick isn't telling her everything but she doesn't have a lot to lose at this point, so I guess she's just rolling with it. Cool. It will be fun to see where this takes them.

Author's Response: thanks, as usual for your opinion. and you'reright, she doesn't have anything to loose at this point...kind of sucky huh?

Reviewer: Guitargurl Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 02/18/08 09:23 pm Title: Chapter Seven

Leave it to AJ to break the big

It's sweet how Nick feels responsible for her, but I wonder how she'll react when she realizes he's just as much a stranger to her as anyone else. I hope she understand that he's just trying to do a good thing here. Why doesn't he just take her on tour? Just a thought.

Gotta keep reading!

Author's Response: A.J.'s a trip, I that's why he's my fav! Nick is a bit of a mushy type aint he? teehee

Reviewer: Guitargurl Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 02/18/08 09:17 pm Title: Chapter Six

She IS fiesty! I like that she can handle herself like that. It's going to help her get through this, just as Nick will. Keep up the good work and I can't wait to keep reading so I gotta go to the next chappie!

Author's Response: I figured it would be good to have a fiesty lead chick instead of the classic prissy type! Still happy you like it! ;-)

Author's Response: I figured it would be good to have a fiesty lead chick instead of the classic prissy type! Still happy you like it! ;-)

Reviewer: Guitargurl Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 02/18/08 07:09 pm Title: Chapter Five

You gotta love Howie but the dward thing was freakin' hilarious! Hmm... wonder what Leigh's appointment is for? Anything coming that you're hinting too?

I was surprised that she woke up already, but glad too! It just figures that Nick is stuck as the boyfriend now, but I have a feeling he doesn't mind as much as he would have you believe.

He handled everything really well. He's better suited for this than he gives himself credit for. Can't wait for more!

Author's Response: lol...i am glad you are enjoying the story!