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Reviewer: silverdiamond99 Signed [Report This]
Date: 07/13/09 11:13 pm Title: Chapter 44: Fifty Ways to Leave Your Lover

I hope you update soon -- I need some inspiration ;-)

Author's Response: Ask and you shall receive...

Reviewer: Sakabelle Signed [Report This]
Date: 07/04/09 08:38 pm Title: Chapter 44: Fifty Ways to Leave Your Lover

I'm finally caught up now.. I didn't realize I missed so much. But I really loved this chapter. So her and Nick are finally going to start communicating with each other. Hopefully this means they'll get things sorted out and everything will be peachy keen. Well.. I can hope right? lol.. great chapter Darby, I'm eagerly awaiting the next one :)

Author's Response: Thank you for all of these great reviews...I always love hearing what you think!  Just when you got caught up I updated again, and the next chapter is dramatic, just as you like it, my friend!  I am off to read your last two updates!  Thanks again!!!

Reviewer: Sakabelle Signed [Report This]
Date: 07/04/09 07:04 pm Title: Chapter 43: Going the Distance

Fabulous! I love that Quinn has all these opportunities opening up for her, and yet she still went off to be with Nick for a little while. I think that really shows how much she actually does care about him and their relationship. Even if she's not totally ready to admit it all yet. Nick's conversation with AJ was written very well, it was a very believable male conversation which I think I have trouble pulling off, so kudos to you. I loved the part where AJ says "She wouldn't be here if she didn't" great lead in to Nick seeing Quinn. I'm off to read the next chapter!

Author's Response: The AJ conversations are my favorite to right, very close to the Riley conversations.  Love them, love their roles in this story!  Thanks for R/R!

Reviewer: Sakabelle Signed [Report This]
Date: 07/04/09 06:52 pm Title: Chapter 42: Bang My Head

Drama Llama.. this was AWESOME. Especially the end bit with Nick and Quinn and the awkwardness and the fighting and gah.. this was just great. I mean.. the situation is awful don't get me wrong.. but you know I love the drama :D Nick really did act like kind of a douche and let his insecurities get the better of him.. which I predict is going to cause even more problems for them in the future. Either way, loved the update!

Author's Response: I had a feeling that you would really like this chapter!  Nick reared his ugly head in a way, showed himself in the worst possible light, but it is part of who he is, just like all of the good stuff.  You know there will be plenty more drama...just a glimpse of what is to come...

Reviewer: Sakabelle Signed [Report This]
Date: 07/04/09 06:34 pm Title: Chapter 41: Spin, Spin Sugar

An interesting turn for Quinn's career to say the least.. I'm excited to see where that goes because I really didn't see that coming at all! And yay for Nick coming back! It's good that they're not so separated now that all this media coverage has happened.. yikes. Great chapter, as always! :)

Author's Response: Very interesting turn in more than one way...she is no longer tied to one place, she no longer has the stability of an "employer"...big changes.  Nick had to come back...he can't stay away! 

Reviewer: Sakabelle Signed [Report This]
Date: 07/04/09 06:13 pm Title: Chapter 40: Blurry

So is this what they would call the calm before the storm? Yikes, I could totally feel Nick's nervousness at the end of the chapter, knowing everything that was going to happen and being powerless to stop it. Not fun for him... but fun for me to read about LOL! Damn Jake at the beginning of the chapter, he really is going to futz things up for Nick and Quinn. Loved this chapter.. I see how you said it was your longest one yet, but it flowed really well and didn't feel like it was dragging on or anything. You really are a great writer, Darby :)

Author's Response: The long ones are DRAINING!  But I couldn't seperate any of this or take anything out...glad you didnt' feel a lag and you stayed engaged through the gazillion words!  This was definitely the calm before the storm...drama drama!!!

Reviewer: Sakabelle Signed [Report This]
Date: 07/04/09 05:51 pm Title: Chapter 39: I Second That Emotion

I can't believe it took me this long to read/review and now I'm super behind. I've been in such a fanfic slump lately. BUT I am here now and loved this chapter! I still have distaste towards Jake.. and the whole conversation at the beginning felt so awkward to me. I don't know if that's because I personally feel really weird talking to exes about new boyfriends but yeah.. moving on.. I LOVED her column! The quote at the beginning was fabulous and really summed up this story and the whole conflict within I thought. I also liked Quinn's little "Damn it"s after she mentioned she loved him hehe. Very cute touch. Cheat chapter Darby! I can't wait to read the drama that lies ahead :D

Author's Response: That quote is my favorite, and you know how much of a quote junkie I am!!!  Jake is a pest, and he is hanging out for a bit, afterall, someone has to create the drama you so adore!  Hugs!

Reviewer: brian_fan_4eva Signed [Report This]
Date: 07/02/09 10:44 pm Title: Chapter 44: Fifty Ways to Leave Your Lover

yay for update! can't wait for more!

Author's Response: Thanks for R/R!  More to come!

Reviewer: PaulaKTBPA Signed [Report This]
Date: 06/23/09 05:52 pm Title: Chapter 44: Fifty Ways to Leave Your Lover

Thanks so much for this update!
Can't wait to read what they have to say to each other in the next chapter ;)

Author's Response: Thanks, Paula!  More coming, stay tuned!

Reviewer: Julilly Signed [Report This]
Date: 06/23/09 01:15 pm Title: Chapter 44: Fifty Ways to Leave Your Lover

Glad to see you're feeling better and things have started to flow again! Great chapter, I'm curious about what the next one will bring with the whole conversation to come... :)

Author's Response: Thanks, lady...I don't know if I'm flowing yet, but I squeeked this one out!  So glad you liked it.  And yes, the next chapter will be a doozie!  Thanks for reading and reviewing! 

Reviewer: Tantilisinteaser Signed [Report This]
Date: 06/23/09 06:26 am Title: Chapter 44: Fifty Ways to Leave Your Lover

Yay!!! I did a little happy dance when I saw you had updated! Great job Hun!

I love how Quinn berated herself for callng it their room, and how she was second guessing herself the whole time, should I be here, shouldn't I be here. I think it's good that she did go because it shows Nick that it isn't one sided, that she is also willing to work at their relationship (sounds very similar to another lead female I know! LOL!)

That said it's not going to be easy, and I was a bit disappinted when Nick's first reaction was to get her into bed, but I was extremely proud of Quinn for saying no because if it was me I know there would have been no chance in he'll if me turning that down!!

I am looking forward to the next chapter! I think I am about to fail miserably with updating this week!!! How are the teeth? X

Author's Response:

Shocking, huh?  An update from me...I almost couldn't believe it myself! 

Quinn is not in a good place...she is second guessing everything, she's confused about what she is feeling and she isn't really thinking clearly.  All of that said, I think it is going to be really good for her to open up to Nick.  Nick is also a mess, he is reacting badly and is an emotional wreck too.  There are so many emotions and other things that are going to come into play here, so much to be fixed and two people that have no idea how to do it.   Nick's reaction was very Quinn-like, but they bare so many step forward, two steps in another direction. 

The teeth are better, I am still numb which is a major bummer, but oddly, I am getting used to being numb as strange as that sounds.  I am just ready to be back to normal!  Good luck on an update, I'm ready for more Nick and Adie!  XO!

Reviewer: blueleeryan Signed [Report This]
Date: 06/23/09 04:28 am Title: Chapter 44: Fifty Ways to Leave Your Lover

Wow amazing chapter so can't wait for more loved it.

Author's Response: Thank you for reading and reviewing!  More to come!

Reviewer: Southern_Sweetheart Signed [Report This]
Date: 06/23/09 04:11 am Title: Chapter 44: Fifty Ways to Leave Your Lover

I am so so so happy that you updated! I was wondering when you were going too!

I can't wait to see what happens in the next chapter, I just hope that you don't keep us waiting very long for the next one.

This chapter was good, it was was nice to finally see Quinn step up and take control. Nice of her to actually put some effort into her relationship with Nick for once.

I can't wait to see what happens in the next chapter, I just hope that you don't keep us waiting very long for the next one. One thing I do know is the next chapter will most likely be emotion filled. I hope that they both let down both of their walls and be with each other.

I'm going through something similar to this story at the moment. Sadly I'm Nick's character and the guy that I am seeing is Quinn's character, lol.

Anyway Update soon please!!

Author's Response:

You have my deepest sympathies for experiencing anything remotely similar to this in real life, Brittany.  I hope it gets better for you.  I have been there in a way too, and so have many of my friends.  A lot of this story is actually based on things that I have experienced or they have.  I hope things get better for you soon.

I'm so sorry for the wait on this, lots going on in my life lately that has prevented me from writing.  But, I do hope the next update comes much sooner than this one did.  You are right, the next chapter will most likely be very emotional and I hope that it will shed some light on why Quinn is the way she is.  This is a HUGE turning point in the story in many ways, both Nick and Quinn are surrounded by walls, they are the same in many ways if you really think about it!

As always, thanks for reading and reviewing.  I appreciate you! 

Reviewer: FrickFrackGirl Signed [Report This]
Date: 06/23/09 03:59 am Title: Chapter 44: Fifty Ways to Leave Your Lover

OOOOO hurry!! I can't wait to read the rest of their talk! This has been such a long time coming. They are just meant to be...

And I'm so excited to hear Teri is updating as well!! I'v sooo missed Will You Be!!! Can't wait for the next installment of that either!

Author's Response:

It's coming...hopefully soon!  This is a huge moment for Quinn and Nick and definitely past due! 

You will really like what is coming in WYB...Teri and I beta for each other and usually, when she's writing, I'm writing and vice versa.  I will be getting on her today!

Reviewer: Fernanda Signed [Report This]
Date: 06/23/09 02:25 am Title: Chapter 44: Fifty Ways to Leave Your Lover

I love the story! can't wait for more..hope you update soon I was very happy when I saw the new chapter.

Author's Response: Thank you very much!  I am hoping to update much sooner this time!