Reviews For Casual
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Reviewer: brian_fan_4eva Signed [Report This]
Date: 04/14/09 05:45 am Title: Chapter 41: Spin, Spin Sugar

OMG!! more soon!!!!

Author's Response: HA!  Thanks for R/R!

Reviewer: Teri Signed [Report This]
Date: 04/14/09 05:42 am Title: Chapter 41: Spin, Spin Sugar

holy crap woman 41 chapters?! awesome. I'm so glad i could help you finish this one up. It's been buggin ya for a while I know! Awesome can't wait to see what happens next *wink*

Author's Response: I know, I know...41 doesn't seem right but here we are!  Thank you for all of your help with this one, and yes, it has been buggin' me!  See...I am so much more productive when you are around and writing BSB stuff.  Hugs!!!

Reviewer: Glamorously_Lonely Signed [Report This]
Date: 04/11/09 10:13 pm Title: Chapter 40: Blurry

I have loved this story from the first chapter and every day I check to see if there's been an update! Keep up the good work and keep the new chapters coming!

Author's Response: Awww, I am so sorry you have been disappointed for the last month or so!  I am working on the next chapter, getting really close to being finished, actually!  I am hoping to have an update posted in the next couple of days so keep on checking!  March was a crazy month for me but my head is back above water so I have a bit of spare time!  Thanks for checking on me, stay tuned!

Reviewer: PaulaKTBPA Signed [Report This]
Date: 04/10/09 10:10 am Title: Chapter 40: Blurry

Hey, i miss your updates! Hope your not too busy, this story rocks!

Author's Response:

Hi Paula...I miss my updates too!  Good news is that I have MOST of the next chapter finished!  I have been really busy the past few weeks...I hope to get it up soon, in the next few days!!!  It's coming!  Thanks for checking in on me!!!  Stay tuned!!!

Reviewer: nicksgirl12 Signed [Report This]
Date: 03/26/09 03:20 am Title: Chapter 40: Blurry

Wow I am totally hooked. I can't wait for another update. I LOVE LOVE LOVE Nick and Quinn. You are one fantastic writer, I love it!!

Author's Response:

Why thank you! I am so glad you are enjoying it!  So sorry for the delay since the last update, things have been hectic lately...but the good news is that I AM working on it!!!  Thanks fore reading and reviewing...and for the amazing compliments!  Stay tuned!

Reviewer: Cartersbitch Signed [Report This]
Date: 03/19/09 07:29 am Title: Chapter 40: Blurry

i loveeeee nick in that white robe in that video like thud wowwwww. haha. God, Jake is a prickkkkk! He's evil...okay my dear i'm all caught up and want moreee hahahah love it can't wait for your next chapter

Author's Response: Congrats on being caught up!  I have tried to loosely follow "real life", or my interpretation of it, in this story - I thought it would be fun to toss that video in.  Jake is Jake...I don't really think he's a prick, maybe it's because I created him and I know why he is here...and that he has a purpose!  You guys may not like his purpose but there is a reason for his existence!  More to come, I need to get on the stick and update! Thanks for R/R!

Reviewer: Carter-Orange Signed [Report This]
Date: 03/18/09 01:47 pm Title: 11: Friends in Low Places

So glad they managed to find a chance in their busy schedules.  I can just imagine how Nick was looking at Quinn in the hotel, mmmmm sexy!!!

Author's Response:

Oh yes, in my mind it was, that is for sure!  Glad you picked up on that!  Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

Reviewer: Cartersbitch Signed [Report This]
Date: 03/18/09 07:59 am Title: Chapter 39: I Second That Emotion

i loveeeeeeeee that oooo she thinks she loves him yay or better yet is in love with him ;) ugh the beginning of the column is soo how i feel about the glass in the heart :( great chapter though!!!!!!

Author's Response: Yes, she "thinks she might be in love with him"...the possibility, but it is a thought, a maybe love thing...ha!  I really debated over putting even the thought out there at this point but one of my betas insisted!  And this is one of my favorite columns so far!  Glad you liked it, thanks for R/R!

Reviewer: Tantilisinteaser Signed [Report This]
Date: 03/17/09 03:05 pm Title: Chapter 40: Blurry

Hey girlie sorry I didnt review right away but today is the first day I have actually been able to sit down a give this chappie my full attention! I have been very busy!

Awesome chapter I loved it! I love how Nick finally admitted that yes Quinn is his girlfriend and I loved her reaction to it - I think it has finally mae her see that he means buisness!

The whole Jake issue is just concerning me yet again! I think Quinn is definetly picking up on the jealousy that not only Nick has for Jake but the Jake had for Nick. The problem is I think she is going to feel guilty because she was the one that left Jake and with Nick being an asshole about her seeing Jake? I have a feeling it could push her into the closest mans arms which would be dun dun dun JAKE!!! Please don't let that happen!

My updat is currently up so now my love the next play of this update game goes to you! Don't make us wait tooooo long! MWAH!

Author's Response:

Yes!  The big thing I wanted to get across in this chapter is that they both admitted that they are boyfriend/girlfriend!!!  Which has implications of its own and only adds fuel to what is coming up!!!  Quinn is being very accepting of the idea, and if you notice, Nick is starting to get a little flipped out by it.  He has some will be interesting to see how they impact everything.

Jake is going to stir the pot a bit, for Nick more than anything.  Quinn does have a TON of guilt when it comes to Jake, and when you add some other stuff that was tough for her to that...well, I just can't right now, but everything that may have seemed random earlier in the summer will make sense in a bit.  Every little thing that has happened has been VERY stay tuned!!!

I got the email that you had updated and that I received a new review at the same YAY!  I am off to read.  I know, it is my turn to update...I am not as close as I would like to be, but it will come, hopefully this week!  Hugs!

Reviewer: Cartersbitch Signed [Report This]
Date: 03/17/09 03:10 am Title: Chapter 38: Gone

wow i loved that, i loved how you really felt what Nick was feeling...God, I fucking love this story hahahah. And I voted woot woot...did you win????????? you should have!!! lol

Author's Response: Awww...thanks, so glad you love it!  And thank you for voting for me...and I'm not sure if I won, I think the voting is still going on.  It made me feel good to be nominated!  You are almost caught up, missy!  Just a couple of chapters to go!  Thanks for R/R!

Reviewer: Cartersbitch Signed [Report This]
Date: 03/17/09 12:48 am Title: Chapter 37: Bye, Bye Baby

wow....very intense!!!!! I really liked it...the ending god damn!!!

Author's Response: Oh yes, things are getting much more intense with all of the heightened emotions!  Much more to come!  Thanks for reading and reviewing!

Reviewer: Cartersbitch Signed [Report This]
Date: 03/16/09 05:36 am Title: Chapter 35: Whatever You Like

awwwwwww i really like that!!! haha Court was quite the eavesdropper huh? lol I think its good she told her best friend how she was really feeling :)

Author's Response: Glad you liked it!  Saying something to Courtney was a HUGE step for Quinn...keep reading, more stuff ahead.  Thanks for the review!

Reviewer: Yara Signed [Report This]
Date: 03/15/09 04:24 am Title: Chapter 40: Blurry

Great chapter. And I'm with Riley here, I have a feeling Jake is up to something and is not going to be anything good. Please update soon. Take Care!

Author's Response: You are caught up...YAY!  Riley is always suspicious, and in many ways, Quinn's voice of reason/conscience, etc.  Jake is here for a reason, more for Nick's character than Quinn's...but do not worry, he will do what he is here to do and be on his way.  Thanks for reading and reviewing, much more to come!

Reviewer: Yara Signed [Report This]
Date: 03/15/09 03:18 am Title: Chapter 39: I Second That Emotion

Wonderful. I'm glad she let her feelings guide her while writing her column. Sooner than we think she'll be saying I love U to Nick; I hope. Take Care!

Author's Response: We shall see :o)  You take care too...thanks for all of the great reviews!

Reviewer: Yara Signed [Report This]
Date: 03/15/09 02:22 am Title: Chapter 38: Gone

Great chapter. It was nice to get to see Nick's point of view on everything that just went down between them. Take Care!

Author's Response: One of my betas told me that this was "Nick's chapter"...that we needed to see the whole thing from his PoV, which I think really worked here.  So much of this story has been about Quinn, but Nick is important here, and he has his own issues going on.  The rest of the story is going to be more about Nick's issues...stay tuned!