Reviews For Casual
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Reviewer: Yara Signed [Report This]
Date: 03/14/09 08:40 am Title: Chapter 37: Bye, Bye Baby

Awww, I'm moved. They were both crying. I just'don't understand why is so hard for her to admit she loves him. Everything is there and she knows it. Hope the relationship survives this weeks apart. I think she should definetly join him on tour for a little while. Can't wait to read the next chapter; Take Care!

Author's Response: Quinn has some issues which makes it tough for her to say it...Nick also has some issues, which surfaced a bit here in this chapter.  You will see much more of his stuff in the coming chapters!  Thanks for R/R!

Reviewer: Yara Signed [Report This]
Date: 03/14/09 08:00 am Title: Chapter 36: Underneath It All

Wonderful chapter. Bad Courtney, tsk,tsk, you don't do that.LOL!! I'm glad she's talking atleast a little to Courtney about her feelings for Nick.

Author's Response: I think this may be one of my top 3 chapters so far...I like this one too.  Courtney is a little naughty here watching, but I hope it didn't come across as voyeuristic.  And yes, talking to Courtney is a big deal, we are making progress here!  Thanks for R/R!

Reviewer: Yara Signed [Report This]
Date: 03/14/09 07:38 am Title: Chapter 35: Whatever You Like

WoW, I sure have been busy. This chapter has been up since christmas and is already March. Anyways, great chapter, Nick is so toughtful. I just hope Jake doesn't cause to much trouble on their relationship. Take Care!

Author's Response:

You have's been awhile since I have seen your name on my screen!  Glad you liked the chapter, Nick is very thougthful...Jake is a necessary evil, don't worry, he won't be around for long!  Thanks for reading and reviewing, welcome back!

Reviewer: Sakabelle Signed [Report This]
Date: 03/14/09 12:17 am Title: Chapter 38: Gone

This was a super cute chapter... and still a bit sad, because we know they aren't going to see each other for little while. I like how you managed to show that they had a connection, even though they didn't speak to each other for this entire chapter.. you were still able to show us that they do connect really with with each other. Loved this chapter, Darby!

Author's Response: You are ALMOST caught up...just a couple more chapters to go! YAY!  This chapter was fun to write because you know me, not a fan of writing dialouge.  It was kind of tough to convey the connection without them actually communicating with each other so I am glad it worked!  So glad you liked it, thanks for R/R!  Hugs!

Reviewer: PaulaKTBPA Signed [Report This]
Date: 03/12/09 05:49 pm Title: Chapter 40: Blurry

Thanks for the update! It was great!

Author's Response: Thank you!  And thank you for reading and reviewing!

Reviewer: blueleeryan Signed [Report This]
Date: 03/12/09 08:25 am Title: Chapter 40: Blurry

Ohhh so can't wait for more amazing job. Loved it.

Author's Response: Thank you for reading and reviewing!  So glad you liked it!

Reviewer: nickgene25 Signed [Report This]
Date: 03/12/09 07:34 am Title: Chapter 40: Blurry

Amazing like always. I think this is by far my favorite fan fic I have ever read! I like how you delve into the characters feelings about commitment..and you make Nick seem like a gentlemen, but yet a man. Wonderful job! Can't wait for the update.

Author's Response: Thank you for such an amazing compliment!  I am glad that you are enjoying the characters, I know a lot of times I do more internal monolouge than dialouge between characters, because in many ways this story is about commitment - not having it, thinking you want it, not wanting it, not knowing what to do when it is staring you in the face and how to have a committed relationship with all of the junk that we carry with us in life.  Thanks for reading and reviewing...I hope you continue to enjoy it!

Reviewer: brian_fan_4eva Signed [Report This]
Date: 03/12/09 05:24 am Title: Chapter 40: Blurry

more soon! Poor Nick and poor Quinn!  I hope Riley can help stem the soon to be storm!!!

Author's Response: I don't know...I think Riley gave it a shot, not a whole lot she can do at this point.  Sorry for the cliff hanger, much more to come!  Thanks for reading and reviewing!

Reviewer: Julilly Signed [Report This]
Date: 03/12/09 05:05 am Title: Chapter 40: Blurry

I was worried about Riley there for a second, I thought she was hanging around to do more than scope Jake out! lol Great chapter, it's definitely interesting to see Quinn finally coming around!

Author's Response: Ha!  I never even thought that it would come across that Riley was trying to hook it up with Jake...LMAO!  I should have thought of totally unintentional but after rereading it, I see what would make you think that!  Quinn is trying to come around, and I will admit, she is much more fun to write when she is commitment phobic and angsty than when she is happy and trying to be in is a stark contrast to the woman we have seen in this story so far, that is for sure.  Lots about to go down, thanks for reading and reviewing!

Reviewer: FrickFrackGirl Signed [Report This]
Date: 03/12/09 03:23 am Title: 1: Saying Goodbye

I also forgot to mention I loved how you wrote one of Nick's MS vids into the chapter (and the particular one you chose.. <3!!)...nice use of real events in the story.  I always love when stories include real live events.  Makes the story more "real"....

Author's Response: Ha...thank you...I have tried to loosely follow real events.  Gives a great backdrop for a story...

Reviewer: Southern_Sweetheart Signed [Report This]
Date: 03/12/09 01:55 am Title: Chapter 40: Blurry

Well first off I was shocked with an update! I have been off work for 3 days so far (I am really really sick) and I have nothing to really do, so to see you've updated was awesome!

This was an alright chapter. It had its good points and not so good points. The part that brought it down for me is of course none other than JAKE! I am over that character, and I know you said he'll only be in a few more but seriously do you really need him? He just rubs me the wrong way. Feelings or no feelings for Quinn I don't like him and I especially don't want him to ruin anything with Quinn & Nick. I will say Quinn is really dumb, especially for working for a newspaper. Come on how could she not see that Jake's invite to a game not be a scheme?

My favorite part of the chapter was when you wrote in the boys doing a sound check shindig. How Nick was caught off guard, not only by the fans but by the boys as well was a good touch! I really glad that he finally announced that she is his girlfriend; but I'm even more proud of Quinn for not running away or trying to ignore the label. She is making progress and he is too, I love it!

I can't wait to see what happens next in this "saga" and I hope that things do work out for Quinn & Nick. Hopefully Jake will just mosey on back to Texas.


Author's Response:

So sorry to hear you aren't feeling well, Brittany.  I hope you get to feeling better and I am glad that I could give you something to do...too bad you didn't LOVE it.  I do get what you are saying about Jake, but he is necessary to get the story where I need it to go.   He is actually more important to what is going on with Nick's character than Quinn's...Jake being present is bringing out Nick's insecurities and showing a different side of him.  Before Jake came along, Nick was practically perfect...patient, adoring, fun, hot...that isn't reality.  So you see, Jake had to come along to show Nick's more human, real side.  Most of Casual has focused on Quinn's issues, and honestly, this next part has been a bit more difficult for me to right because I have really had to "get into" Nick's head.  Jake will be around for a few more chapters, then he will be gone, hang in there.  You will probably continue to dislike him, if he didn't rub you the wrong way and you weren't invested in Nick and Quinn and didn't perceive him as a threat to their potential happiness then I would be worried that I wasn't doing my job!  I'm glad you hate Jake, I think he still has some redeeming qualities...

In some of the other reviews, I covered a bit about how much Nick has going on in this will notice that the last bit of this story will include a lot more about him, because it is becoming less about Quinn and more about Nick and Quinn, the couple.

As always, thank you for the honest feedback, I do really appreaciate it!  Hopefully your sickness won't last much longer!  Hugs!

Reviewer: FrickFrackGirl Signed [Report This]
Date: 03/12/09 01:49 am Title: Chapter 40: Blurry

As always, that giddy feeling seeing a new chap came over me! hehe.  Just a sign of one of my fav stories..Great update...and we are finally seeing some of Nick's insecurities unfold.  Can't wait for the next chapter!!!

Author's Response: YAY, that makes me feel so good that you get excited when Casual is updated, I know the feeling you are talkign about, I love to read and I get that same feeling when one of my favorites is updated.  Nick is insecure and he has issues with commitment, I have alluded to it throughout the story but they haven't really surfaced until now because Quinn has kept him at arm's length in many ways, indulging him in only certain things about herself.  Now that things are more transparent for both of them, these things are surfacing and they are going to create problems for them.  Thanks for reading and reviewing, more to come!!!

Reviewer: Lynzer4 Signed [Report This]
Date: 03/12/09 01:19 am Title: Chapter 40: Blurry

you have me at the edge of my seat wanted to know what is going to happen. Cannot wait for more.

Author's Response: I am sorry for the evil little cliffhanger here...I had to add a few things to this chapter that made it so what comes next got bumped to the next chapter!  This one is setting up quite a few different things...there is a lot more to come!  Thanks for reading and reviewing, Lynz!

Reviewer: Teri Signed [Report This]
Date: 03/12/09 12:20 am Title: Chapter 40: Blurry

Heheh! I take full responsiblity for being such a slave driver hehe. This is crucial stuff so the depth at which you're covering it is paramount. And you're doing so well! I'm excited for all the dramz to come no matter what it is hehe! Yay for long chapters!

Author's Response: At least you are holding yourself accountable for my lack of sleep, bugged out eyes and sore fingertips from typing the nearly 7000 words in this chapter lol.  You are so right, we are at a critical point in the story, lots of stuff is getting set up...and as you know, there is LOTS of drama.  Thanks for staying on me and not letting me slack and take the easy way out!  I'm glad you liked the changes I made today, last night it was missing something!  And I even got a review out of it...Hugs!

Reviewer: Bshorty13 Signed [Report This]
Date: 03/11/09 11:03 pm Title: Chapter 40: Blurry

good chapter...can't wait to see what happens next!!

Author's Response: Lots of stuff is coming up, we are in the home stretch!  Thanks for reading and reviewing!