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Reviewer: mary Signed [Report This]
Date: 03/11/09 10:20 pm Title: Chapter 40: Blurry

oh wow. poor nick. he just went through a whole bunch right there and right when shes ready to move forward a bit. cant wait for more!

Author's Response: Oh yeah, he is going through a lot, glad you picked up on that...we have a few things going on here; Nick is dealing with his own anxiety about his relationship with Quinn for the first time, a lot of his issues has fallen by the wayside since he has been so focused on Quinn, but Nick is a mess to with a whole suitcase full of baggage.  Then, we have him called out by fans and he admits Quinn is his girlfriend for the first time, which is huge.  Then, we know he hates Jake...and Jake is about to be in his face and because of the fact that Quinn simply went someplace with him in a group with other friends, there is potential to destroy everything he has worked so hard to create...and that is only what is going on with Nick in this chapter!  Oy!  Thanks for reading and reviewing, more to come!

Reviewer: Sakabelle Signed [Report This]
Date: 03/11/09 07:22 pm Title: Chapter 37: Bye, Bye Baby

I fell way behind again... but here I am! I always like Quinn's conversations with the girls, girl talk is very important. I also love the relationship she and Courtney have, I'm not sure if I mentioned that before. Every girl needs a friend like her. Also I loved the ending of this chapter! Very passionate and sweet.. you did a really good job of conveying how they are both feeling. I get the feeling this is the beginning of the end though... but we'll see! Great chapter Darby! I will be back later tonight to read the rest :D

Author's Response:

Hi friend, glad to have you back...funny you should choose today to read, I just updated again :o)  I had been missing the girl time when I wrote this chapter too...Courtney is an amazing friend to Quinn, we had some bumps a while back because she as trying to find the line between protecting Quinn and sharing something painful with her (ie: Dianne).  Courtney is Quinn's person in many ways...she will definitely play an important role in the coming chapters, Quinn is going to need her.  We do have so much coming up, and you know what some of that is coming out much differently than I thought it would, so you might be surprised! 

I have missed you lately, I hope all is well with you, Steph!  Hugs!

Reviewer: Bshorty13 Signed [Report This]
Date: 03/08/09 10:05 pm Title: Chapter 39: I Second That Emotion

this is such a good story. i can't wait to see what happens next...update soon plz!!!!

Author's Response: Hi!  So glad you are enjoying it!  More to come, I am working on it! Thanks for reading and reviewing!

Reviewer: Cartersbitch Signed [Report This]
Date: 03/06/09 09:05 pm Title: Chapter 35: Whatever You Like

I loved that, I really did :) um yeah my birthday is coming up and i'm gonna be 25....shouldn't I get something like that? Think Nick would help me in that department ;) haha i loved it, honestly....Blah Jake seems like he's gonnna be baaddd news - God Nick get your act together take the girl home and fuck her brains out! lmao

Author's Response: Every girl deserves to be spoiled a bit, and if you aren't, you don't have the right guy...spoiling is about making someone feel special, and Nick obviously did!  Nick has a bit of a jealous we have seen a bit here and there, and a short fuse.  And the ex boyfriend thing is cliched, but I can promise you there is a reason for Jake's being here!!!  Thanks for reading and reviewing!

Reviewer: Julilly Signed [Report This]
Date: 03/05/09 02:30 pm Title: Chapter 39: I Second That Emotion

Ok! I'm finally caught up! Holy! Well I heard the hype, and had to find out what it was all about... and now I know. Wow, I don't even know how I can express how great this is. Brilliantly written! I'll definitely keep up with it! :)

Author's Response:

I didn't even know you were reading, Julilly!  I am so glad you are enjoying it...and thank you so much for the amazing compliment, it means a lot to me.  Thanks for reading and reviewing!!! 

Reviewer: Cartersbitch Signed [Report This]
Date: 03/04/09 06:21 am Title: Chapter 34: The Trouble With Love Is...

awwww i'm glad Quinn isn't running off on Nick...damn Brian is like Kevin in this one...the protective brother :) When Jake called i'm like oh nooo hahah. Wow, i loved the column too :)

Author's Response: I think it surprised Quinn when she didn't have the urge to run, and Nick for that matter.  Brian hasn't played much of a role in this story yet, so I had to give him something to do, and since Kevin is out and not around all the time, I thought it fit.  I know, Jake is not a fan-fave that is for sure, but he will be hanging around for a bit.  Thanks for reading and reviewing!

Reviewer: PaulaKTBPA Signed [Report This]
Date: 03/03/09 05:12 pm Title: Chapter 39: I Second That Emotion

Loved this chapter!
This is the first time i'm reviewing your story but i've been following it from the's great! You're a really good writer, keep up the good work!

X Holland.

Author's Response: Hi Paula!  I am so glad you left a review, I always love it when I new reader "steps forward".  I hope you continue to enjoy the story.  There is much more to come!  Thanks for reading and reviewing!

Reviewer: Tantilisinteaser Signed [Report This]
Date: 03/03/09 01:43 pm Title: Chapter 39: I Second That Emotion

I loved it! Even thought she only sort of told him through her collumn it is definetly progress!

Now withthe whole Jake thing - Nick needs to chill out a bit! Because if he goes accusing or acting pissed off everytime he is mentioned he might push Quinn to do something, even if she isn't the one to instigate it because like Jake saidhe stil has feelings for her! It's going to be messy isn't it.

Good job Lady and I have just updated so the ball bounces back to you! Chop Chop!!! LOL!

Author's Response:

YA!  Yes, we are making progress...absence is making Quinn's heart grow fonder, or at least making her think about things she hasn't allowed herself to think about before.  The whole situation is so emotionally charged between them right now.  Even though Nick thinks he left things in a lurch, he probably couldn't have left them in a better way, really. 

I am so glad you said that about Nick needing to chill with Jake...I was wondering if anyone was picking up on how irrational he was being.  Sure, we have only seen his thoughts, but we know that he has major jealousy issues when it comes to Jake that stem from his own insecurities and relationship baggage.  We also know that Nick has a firey temper...this could be a potentially bad combination, don't you think?

I am off to read your update!  Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!  I am actually feeling a bit inspired, I usually wait a couple of days after I update to start a new chapter but I might get on it today!!! 

Reviewer: brian_fan_4eva Signed [Report This]
Date: 03/03/09 05:52 am Title: Chapter 39: I Second That Emotion

AWE!!!!!  That is so awesome!!!  more soon!!!!

Author's Response:

So glad you liked it, more to come I promise!  Thanks for reading and reviewing!

Reviewer: Lynzer4 Signed [Report This]
Date: 03/03/09 03:58 am Title: Chapter 39: I Second That Emotion

Excellent as usually..... I cannot wait to Nick to get back from tour.

Author's Response:

He will, soon enough!  Thanks for reading and reviewing!

Reviewer: blueleeryan Signed [Report This]
Date: 03/03/09 03:55 am Title: Chapter 39: I Second That Emotion

Amazing job loved it so can't wait for more.

Author's Response: Thank you!  Much more to come, thanks for always reading and reviewing, I appreciate it so much and it really keeps me motivated to write!

Reviewer: Southern_Sweetheart Signed [Report This]
Date: 03/02/09 10:52 pm Title: Chapter 39: I Second That Emotion

I loved it!!

This was a well written chapter. I liked how Quinn finally wrote another column, and I'm so happy it was about her love she has for Nick. I also liked the way you gave us her view of what life is like while Nick is gone. I hope to see more of it and I hope to see some of Nick's life on the road.

I DO NOT like Jake. There is something fishy about that character that I don't like. I really don't want him ruining or interfering with what Nick & Quinn have. I hope he's not in too many more chapters.

I liked the phone conversation they had. I won't lie, I was hoping that she would say yes to Nick and fly out to see him. I think the rules & reservations she is setting against herself is ridiculous. I know she is scared but seriously take the leap already! I know she will show Nick how she cares eventually, I just don't know if I can take it much longer,lol.

Good update and I hope you have another one out soon!


Author's Response:

You do mean a column about the love she thinks she might have for Nick, right?  :o)  Ah, technicalities.

I have to say you are definitely not the first person to dislike Jake and I can pretty much guarantee that you won't be the last.  Jake will hang around for a bit hang tight.  Jake does still care for Quinn, which Nick knows, which is the reason he doesn't like him.  

This is a huge leap for Quinn, even contemplating that she loves Nick is HUGE...she is thinking about the the fact that she might love him, which is progress, especially for her.  She is taking his being gone very had, maybe it is a good thing that she doesn't go meet him.  Afterall, if she was right there at Nick's disposal, would she be as appealing to him?  Not only that, but if she suddenly returned his feelings, what would happen next?  Is Nick ready for all of that?  Just a couple of things to think about...

Thanks for reading and reviewing, Brittany!  I always love how detailed your reviews are and I appreciate the honesty of your feedback.  More to come soon!  Hugs!

Reviewer: FrickFrackGirl Signed [Report This]
Date: 03/02/09 10:50 pm Title: Chapter 39: I Second That Emotion

Finally!!!  We are getting somewhere with Quinn..the dumbass.  I got the same butterflies as Nick gets opening each new chapter of this  Another great one..and can't wait for the next!!

Author's Response: Sorry to leave you waiting!  And I am also sorry Quinn is still being a know that is how she rolls, she is a master at the art of self-deprication and sabotage!  I am so glad that you never know what to expect when you open a chapter, I hope I can keep you guessing and that you continue to enjoy this story!  Thanks for reading and reviewing, more to come!!!

Reviewer: mary Signed [Report This]
Date: 03/02/09 09:53 pm Title: Chapter 39: I Second That Emotion

probably scares him because if she realizes that and confesses it she might run. great great update. the column was great. cant wait for more!

Author's Response:

Maybe that is what he is worried about...or maybe our Nick has some issues of his own.  Hmmm...only time will tell, right?  So glad you enjoyed it, this column came out quite differently than I had originally planned, she wasn't supposed to mention the L word in this way yet, but she needed to do something, to get it out, to throw Nick a bone...

Much more to come, thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

Reviewer: Cartersbitch Signed [Report This]
Date: 03/02/09 09:13 am Title: Chapter 33: The Sweetest Thing

mmmm the sex was yummy omgg he said the L word!!!!!!!! dum dum dummm - sorry it took so long to read - i love your story so much!

Author's Response:

Yep...finally, she knows how he feels, big stuff!  Much more to come, keep reading!  Thanks for R/R!