Reviews For Casual
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Reviewer: Carter-Orange Signed [Report This]
Date: 02/27/09 04:49 pm Title: 8: In This Club

Loved the texting between them in the club.

Love the columns too :)

Author's Response:

I thought the texting would be form, foreplay in a way...a bit of a tease...keep reading, I think you will like what is next!  Thanks for reading and reviewing!

Reviewer: Carter-Orange Signed [Report This]
Date: 02/27/09 04:37 pm Title: 7: Miss Independent

Wow, I knew they wouldn't be able to resist each other.  Oh god, that was so damn hot!

Author's Response:

I knew immediately when I decided they would bump into eachother at the party that this would happen...and I couldn't resist having Nick quote Quinn...and of course that was going to happen after he said something like that to her!!!  Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

Reviewer: Cartersbitch Signed [Report This]
Date: 02/27/09 08:46 am Title: Chapter 32: The Past in the Present Tense

ohhhh jealous Nick...i love it....haha i loved the last part awesomeeeeee

Author's Response:

He does have a bit of a jealous streak, huh?  Hmm...

If you like the last part, you will probably LOVE the next chapter...:o)  Thanks for reading and reviewing!

Reviewer: Cartersbitch Signed [Report This]
Date: 02/25/09 04:34 am Title: Chapter 31: Burning Up

hahah i dont blame quinn i'd be going crazyyyyyyyy if that were me lol. OMG JAKE??????? thats omg wow omgggg damnn haha

Author's Response: Surprise...and the plot thickens :o)  Thanks for R/R!

Reviewer: Cartersbitch Signed [Report This]
Date: 02/24/09 07:52 am Title: Chapter 30: The Game of Love

haha okay wow, love advice from aj damn. ahahahh i loved the whole dinner thing and how nick left her hanging...loved it! Great work :)

Author's Response: In many ways, AJ is Nick's conscious/voice of reason, I love his character in this story, he is one fo the few that doesn't get on my nerves!!!

Reviewer: Cartersbitch Signed [Report This]
Date: 02/24/09 06:57 am Title: Chapter 29: Come Undone

so the truth comes out....dum dum dummmmm

Author's Response: I really enjoyed writing the beginning of this chapter for some reason, as odd as that sounds...thanks for R/R...they have much to talk about still, that is for sure!

Reviewer: Cartersbitch Signed [Report This]
Date: 02/24/09 06:36 am Title: Chapter 28: 40 Ozs. to Freedom

ewwwww i did not like her in this chapter blah. Poor Nick :( I'd treat him good, he can love me hahah

Author's Response: In the beginning or all the way through?  I don't like insecure, weird Quinn, which is why she is not my favorite in this series of chapters...thanks for R/R...

Reviewer: Cartersbitch Signed [Report This]
Date: 02/24/09 06:12 am Title: Chapter 27: No Air

okay i lovedddd the email she sent him that was awesomeeee. aww nick he's adorable can i be the fair maiden? hahah

Author's Response: That fairy tale was so hard to write!!!  I had to think of a way she could do something to let him know how she felt without really saying it..and the email worked, so glad you liked it!  Thanks for R/R!

Reviewer: Cartersbitch Signed [Report This]
Date: 02/24/09 05:43 am Title: Chapter 26: Stop Falling

awwwwwwwww that was sad i wanted to cry for nick :( wow that was intense veryyyyyy good!!!!

Author's Response: This was a very hard chapter to write, it was really hard for me to get in the right frame of mind to write Quinn at the beginning...the beginning of my dislike of her for a few chapters started here.  Thanks for reading and reviewing!

Reviewer: Cartersbitch Signed [Report This]
Date: 02/24/09 05:24 am Title: Chapter 25: The Morning After The Night Before

i loved that honestly. wow...the pool table damnnnnn. Hot hot....mmmm it's like the tell-tale heart. The guilt of being all flirty and kissy with Nate is eating at her and she just wants to explode....great chapter!

Author's Response:

Glad you loved for the not so fun stuff...the aftermath...dum dum dum :o)

Reviewer: Cartersbitch Signed [Report This]
Date: 02/24/09 04:58 am Title: Chapter 24: Possession is 9/10ths

ohhh wow that was hotttttttttttttt. I loved how Nick grabbed nate awesome awesomeee. I guess this is his jealous streak huh? ;) I like it :-p I think I'd be turned on by it too haha

Author's Response: Little possessive, eh?  Buckle up, this is when things start to get a little bumpy...keep going...thanks!

Reviewer: Cartersbitch Signed [Report This]
Date: 02/24/09 04:41 am Title: Chapter 23: Luck Be A Lady

ohhhhhh i liked thatt. It kinda reminds me of "mouline rouge" she has to hurt him in order to save him lol. If you saw the movie you'd know what i meant hahaha. but yes loved it....its gonna be crazy when he sees the pictures...

Author's Response: Oh hell...just wait til you read the next chapter...thanks for R/R...

Reviewer: Cartersbitch Signed [Report This]
Date: 02/22/09 10:59 am Title: Chapter 22: Happy Christmas

awwwwwwww i totally loved how quinn surprised him that was soo sweettt. Wow, i almost had a tear in my eye when her dad gave her her mothers ring...i'm loving it...i'm loving that shes finally admitting to liking Nick!!!!!!! wooooo

Author's Response: Liking...yes...:o)  Thanks for reading and reviewing...

Reviewer: Cartersbitch Signed [Report This]
Date: 02/22/09 06:33 am Title: Chapter 21: Real World

awwwwww that totally blows about James grrrrrrrr. Very creative though...I'm def looking forward to see what else is gonna happen ;)

Author's Response: Stuff is coming...this conversation with James is the are about to get into the drama...enjoy!

Reviewer: Cartersbitch Signed [Report This]
Date: 02/21/09 09:22 am Title: Chapter 20: You Surround Me

i totally loved that sex just wans't fuck me bamm...i liked how i felt kinda a love thing going on :) and the wedding awwwwwwwww i loved his toast :)

Author's Response: This is a very important chapter, Quinn let down her walls and showed Nick herself, and she gave him what he wanted for the first time in a lot of ways...big stuff...thanks for the review!