Reviews For Casual
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Reviewer: mandalovesnick Signed [Report This]
Date: 02/08/09 04:46 am Title: Chapter 37: Bye, Bye Baby

I Loved this chapteits was well worth the wait. Cant wait for thenext capter!! :)

Author's Response: So glad you enjoyed it!  Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

Reviewer: Tantilisinteaser Signed [Report This]
Date: 02/06/09 11:04 pm Title: Chapter 37: Bye, Bye Baby

Yay you made the deadline! Have to say ut was well worth the wait!

I loved how emotional Nick got because I think it showed Quinn that he does mean what he says, that he is in love with her. The whole "when you realise, I'm going to be here" line was so good too!

I can't wait for more! Great update. Guess it's my turn again now huh?


P.S did you mean Amy instead of Ahsley? LOL!

Author's Response:

Awww, thanks hun!  The end of this chapter came out ay differently than I planned but when I started writing it, there it was and I am happy with it.  I am going to have to change a few things up, but I think this will play perfectly into what is coming up! 

It is so your turn...and I did mean Ashley - I had a firm deadline of Thursday for an update imposed on me and she was slave driving me through AIM.  But, I do appreciate your motivation, Amy!  You can be part of the Thursday girl club too!  Hugs!

Reviewer: brian_fan_4eva Signed [Report This]
Date: 02/06/09 06:59 pm Title: Chapter 37: Bye, Bye Baby

ah!!! more soon!!! 

Author's Response: Ah?  Ha!  Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

Reviewer: Southern_Sweetheart Signed [Report This]
Date: 02/06/09 05:57 pm Title: Chapter 37: Bye, Bye Baby

Okay this is my favorite chapter now!I loved it!

This chapter was amazing. I didn't think you could out do yourself but you did. I love the story line between Nick & Quinn. What I love most about them is the simplicity between them. When I am reading this story I feel as if I am actually invovled with the story; Its like I'm a reading a novel. It would be nice if guys really did things like that. Unfortunately chivarly is dead.

My absolute favorite part of this chapter was the last scene you wrote of them. The way he just simply irrupts her and says 'I love you' was beautiful. I do however wish she would just open up and let her feelings go. She needs to realize that she isn't the only one who is scared. Nick is scared too, he was just the one who was willing to take the risk first and say I love you. One thing she does need to remember is that sex is not always the answer to everything, and sex is not always going to be there for her to hide her emotions.

One thing that I was really happy you finally wrote about was when he started to push her to say 'I love you'. I was waiting for that. I am so happy that he did that, but then he stopped which I wish he wouldn't of. But who knows what you have up your sleeve for the next chapters. She may just surpise us all and say the magic words to him when she goes to visit him on tour.

One more thing, In regards to saying you were my favorite author on the previous comment on chapter 36; I meant it. You are an astounding writer. You cease amaze me. I know you are afraid of letting someone down, but keep in mind, not everyone is perfect and everyone is bound to have an off day and thats okay. I'm the kind of person that will tell you how it is, besides having good constructive criticism is what every great writer needs. I wish you good luck with the story line and your writings.

I hope that you update soon and maybe just maybe you could do a sequel to Casual when the time comes. Hurry back with the next update!


Author's Response:

Brittany, you are so sweet, thank you again for the compliments.  I appreciate your detailed feedback and constructive critiscism.  I think that as a reader you should feel the ups and downs with the characters, and if you have and feel like you are there with them, then I have done my job!  I had planned for Nick to do that whole "say it" thing for a long time now, but I had intended for it to come out much softer than it did - I didn't plan on him getting so emotional about it, or aggressive.  I think with the sex thing, they both use it to avoid things.  Quinn tries to deflect attention off of her by initiating sex and Nick uses it for power, he knows she is vulnerable to him when he has her in a position like she was at the end, and he can get away with things and do things he wouldn't normally do.  The same thing happened in Vegas (which you guys don't know what that is...yet). 

I'm glad you mentioned the simplicity...the fact that things COULD be so simple is the crux of the conflict in the story.  People have baggage that prevents them from seeing what is right in front of them and just allowing themselves to be happy.  I know that I have experienced that in my own life, more recently than I would care to admit.  Both Nick and Quinn capture and contradict that idea - Quinn wants it to be simple, and she thinks by not defining things or overcomplicating them it can be simple; however, she seems any admission of feeling to Nick or herself as a complication.  Where Nick on the other hand thinks that if they could just let go and be transparent with each other things could be good - but he still hasn't shown his whole self, he has done better than her though.  Nick has A LOT of demons...I have alluded to some of them throughout the story but we haven't really seen them in action.  I think the end of this chapter shows a very different side of Nick that we haven't seen yet.

As far as a sequel goes, I have toyed with the idea, and I think it is safe to say that those of you who are dedicated readers might demand one after Casual is over...but we still have a bit to go.  I have been having tons of ideas for it lately, actually.  I have some other ideas floating around in my head that I may do something with after I finish this one.  Nick and Quinn can be pretty draining so I will definitely take a little vacation from them.

Sorry for the novel, but your reviews always make me think and have something to say!  Again, Brittany, thank you for reading and reviewing! 


Reviewer: FrickFrackGirl Signed [Report This]
Date: 02/06/09 07:55 am Title: Chapter 37: Bye, Bye Baby

The raw emotion you capture in these chapters is amazing.  Again, this is one of my favorite stories and am always glad to see that there's an update.  Great job again!!!  Keep em rollin!!  Can't wait for the next one!

Author's Response:

They are definitely dealing with a lot of stuff...Quinn definitely has some issues and we are going to start seeing more of Nick's issues during the rest of the story.  Thanks for the compliments and for reading and reviewing, more to come!

Reviewer: blueleeryan Signed [Report This]
Date: 02/06/09 07:52 am Title: Chapter 37: Bye, Bye Baby

Amazing I so loved it. They so love each other hope she can say it soon to him. Can't wait for more.

Author's Response:

Emotions are definitely running high, I think they both have some things to sort out after this chapter.  More to come, thanks for reading and reviewing!

Reviewer: mary Signed [Report This]
Date: 02/06/09 07:18 am Title: Chapter 37: Bye, Bye Baby

deadlines with friends are always good. its how we get our huge case study papers done. haha. great update!

Author's Response: I was really surprised I actually made the deadline because I have been such a slacker lately!  I am going to try to be better, I am feeling very inspired right now.  Thank you for reading and reviewing!

Reviewer: nicksohiogirl Signed [Report This]
Date: 02/06/09 06:21 am Title: Chapter 37: Bye, Bye Baby

Great update!!I really like this story.I hope you update soon.

Author's Response: So glad you are enjoying it!  Thanks for reading and reviewing!  There is much more to come!

Reviewer: angelhunalex Signed [Report This]
Date: 01/26/09 09:39 pm Title: 5: Let's Get Physical

whow, this was a HOT one again.
i liked that i started up with nick, cause it was the first time that it was a little bit more from nick's point of view.
the scene in the shower was damn hot.
and well... kinda seems like they went a little bit further than the last time, talking and eating in bed together.

Author's Response: Whoops...I somehow missed this review and I always try to respond, so I apologize for that!  Keep reading...things stay steamy and change a lot...thanks for reading and reviewing!

Reviewer: angelhunalex Signed [Report This]
Date: 01/26/09 05:25 pm Title: 4: Rules of Engagement

i love her rules of engagement. i guess some of them are really true.
and i love your idea how you include the columns in your chapters.
can't wait to read more and to see how the whole thing is going.

Author's Response: The columns are fun to write...and I think they add a little something to the story because they are Quinn's inner dialouge.  There isn't a column every chapter, but they do appear quite often!  Thanks for reading and reviewing!

Reviewer: angelhunalex Signed [Report This]
Date: 01/26/09 05:07 pm Title: 3: Taking Care of Business

i get to read another chapter :)
and i like it ;) it was fun to read. and well, i guess she is already breaking the rules haha.
so now they get to know a little bit more about each other. and probably it was not that easy to resist his offer.
but i'm pretty sure that this wasn't their last meeting :)

Author's Response:

There are many more chapters, so I would imagine you are correct in assuming this isn't their last meeting :o)  So glad you are enjoying it!  I am excited to see your reaction to the rest of it!!!

Reviewer: angelhunalex Signed [Report This]
Date: 01/23/09 04:26 pm Title: 2: Welcome to the Jungle

well... mel was telling about this story last night and that i should read it. so i started reading with the first 2 chapters now. and... i like it.
i like the stuff with the columns and it reminds a little bit of sex and the city too.
the sex was really HOT. great to read.
i'll definately go on reading, should be great. i'll let ya know what i think when i read more!

Author's Response: YAY...a new reader!  I will have to thank Mel for suggesting Casual to you!  That said, like most writers...I HATE THE BEGINNING, so please, keep reading, don't judge the whole story on the first couple of chapters.  I hope you enjoy it!  Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

Reviewer: brandy_d Signed [Report This]
Date: 01/23/09 04:43 am Title: Chapter 36: Underneath It All

YAY!!! Way to go Darbs! Great Job as always! i would have melted if I would have been Courtney witnessing that super sweet moment between Quinn and Nick.

I am proud of Quinn, she seems to be really growing (at the moment). I can only imagine what she and Nick must be feeling knowing that they are about to be apart for a while...It has got to be hard.




Much Love!!! B

Author's Response:

Still hating Jake, huh?  LOL, he wasn't even in this chapter!!!  I think he must be the elephant in the living room, a few of you readers have mentioned Jake!!!

The being apart is going to be very hard...Quinn is freaked about it, she has made reference to the fact that she feels like it is going to be months apart basically.  Nick has tried to squash that, reassure her that they can see each other whenever they want.  I think she is going to have to let go on that and trust him...this is the modern day - we have planes, trains and automobiles.  She has flexibility in her job.  I think what may be telling is how long she can wait to go to him...we shall see!

I've missed you lately!  I hope all is well with you, I know school started back this week so you are probably BUSY!  Hugs!!!

Reviewer: mandalovesnick Signed [Report This]
Date: 01/23/09 01:59 am Title: Chapter 36: Underneath It All

Loved it. Cant wait for more. :)

Author's Response: Thank you so much for reading reviewing!  More to come!

Reviewer: brian_fan_4eva Signed [Report This]
Date: 01/23/09 12:33 am Title: Chapter 36: Underneath It All

Awe!  Poor Mazi!  more soon!!

Author's Response: More coming! Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!